BERKS & BUCKS FA Affiliation: HYD00565

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

held at the Bell & Bottle Inn, Shinfield, Monday 9th May 2011

PRESENT: Mike Perrett, Cathy Blundy, Jan Matthews, Nigel Rixon, Tamsin Cox, Shaun Tuggey, Ash Clarke, Sarah Tuckwell, James Roth, Sue Gowen, Tim Booth


Minutes of the 2010 AGM were agreed and approved.

An agenda was distributed to the meeting and these minutes follow that order.


Mike Perrett, the out-going club Chairman, opened the AGM by welcoming parents and committee members to the meeting. Mike thanked all the parents for their support of their children in playing for the club, and to all the players for representing us in a sporting but competitive manner. He extended special thanks to: Shaun Tuggey for his extraordinary efforts and time and commitment to the club in maintaining the facilities, to Ash Clarke for maintaining the pitches, to Cathy Blundy in her second year as club secretary and for maintaining the club website, to Jan Matthews in his second year as club treasurer and keeping an accurate account of all our transactions and ensuring we broke even this year, to Tamsin Cox and Sarah Tuckwell for overseeing all child welfare related administration and finally to all the team administrators for ensuring that parents are kept informed of matches and training schedules and for their support of the team’s managers.

Mike thanked the committee members and volunteers for their continued support in organising and supporting fund raising activities such as the first girls tournament, organising the first official club registration nights last May, the 2011 Fun Run and running the Tuck Shop and barbecue at training nights and matches.

During the season the club were approached by Reading FC about a partnership for the forthcoming season. This will involve a scout dedicated to the club to support player development and recruitment opportunities, coach development and club and team initiatives at the Madejski stadium throughout the 2011/12 season

Mike also made special mention to the following managers and teams for their success this season:-

·  Abbie Mulcahy ( U7’s ) for winning a trophy for the most improved team in their age group in the BYDL

·  Ash Clarke ( U10 Royals ) for winning Division 6 of the EBYFL

·  Pete Graham ( U10 Rangers ) for coming second in Division 4 of the EBYFL

·  Tamsin Cox ( U11 Girls ) for winning the SCML Cup

·  Will Prowse ( U11 Boys ) for winning Division 4 of the NEHYL

·  Shaun Tuggey and Steve Freemantle ( U17’s ) for winning Division 1 of the NEHYL

Over the last 12 months various projects were completed which included the procurement of a shipping container for storing training equipment and the repair of the hydraulic ram on the generator and getting it serviced. Last summer CH Grounds drill seeded the pitches which saw a marked improvement in the durability of the pitches over the winter months and ensuring a good playing surface was maintained for football to be played on.

Mike thanked Jan Matthews for managing to secure a grant from the Berkshire Community Foundation for the upgrade of the current single phase electrical supply to a 3 phase supply to facilitate the necessary supply of power required to run the floodlights to their full potential thus improving the lighting for winter training

Finally, Mike also thanked everyone who helped the club last summer to find local businesses who generously sponsored new kits for the U8’s, U9’s, U10’s and U17 age groups



1)  Accounting period income was £18,157.30, with outgoings of £ 15,787.51

2)  Opening balance of £3,581.08 on 1st May 2010, Closing balance 5,725.86 on 30th April 2011.

3)  Cash income includes: £12,330 from players’ subs. Fund raising made £1,398.28 from U10G tournament, 2010 Fun Run, Tuck Shop and Soccer Schools. Sponsors income for kits came to £1,580 from Roth Audio (U9s), Grosvenor Motors (U10A), Bell & Bottle and John Crane (U17). There was also a grant from the Berkshire Foundation of £2500 to upgrade the electricity supply to 3 phase and additional ground wiring.

4)  At the closing of the accounts there was £750 outstanding from players’ subs with £270 written off as paid but not included as banking credits.

5)  Major expenses during period included £1,104.03 for last season’s trophies, £3,312.50 for all league affiliations and team entries and match fees, £1,155 for rent to Shinfield Association, £3,997.15 for equipment, kits, kit replenishments and footballs and £4,792.62 on ground maintenance and pavilion cleaning.

6)  Overall cash flow of £2,369.79 from the opening balance position.

7)  Out of season outgoings will include £1,000 rent, £1200 trophies, £1500 league affiliations and initial match fees for the BYDL and £900 to A.W Sports for the U10s kit, a total of £4600 leaving a season start before subs of £1125.86 plus fun run monies.

Full audited accounts will be available upon request to club members, league and FA officials.


1)  2 issues with player registrations through the year, both having part refunds. We have seen a decrease of registered players from 132 in 2009 -10 to approx 120 this season.

Not all paying the full £100 as some age groups were just paying £50 training fees.

We have lost a complete team this year (U16’s) in SCML.

1 team South Chiltern Minor League (U11 girls)

2 teams East Berkshire Youth Football League for the 1st time

3 teams North East Hants Youth League

5 teams in Berkshire Development League

We currently have 4 teams doing the summer league

There were 7 players disciplined and fined by the FA, All were in the U18 team.

2)  There were no injuries during training, this season

3)  We incurred one fine from EBYFL for late registration of players.

4)  Ash Clarke obtained his level 2 coaching certificate and is working on his Level 3 at the moment. Will Prowse and Tim Booth both achieved their Level 1 coaching certificate and 9 CRB checks were submitted during the season for club volunteers.

5)  The club organised the Junior fun run again for the May Day Fete with over 100 children taking part. Unfortunately not so many children from our football club this year which we need to work on next year

6)  We organised our first Girls tournament at the end of May last year, which was a great success, we are hoping to run this every year.

7)  The club’s committee continues in participating in the local FA’s and Sport England development meetings with the aim of being in a position to take full advantage of any FA initiatives that benefit the club in terms of professional help, funding and access to project grants.

Mike Perrett thanked the committee for their help and assistance during the past season and advised the attending club members that the present committee must now stand down and a new committee elected.


The current committee stood down and applied in turn for re-election.

Mr. Mike Perrett asked the meeting to vote for each member starting with Chairman.

Mrs Tamsin Cox proposed that Mr Mike Perrett be elected as Chairman and this was seconded by Mr Nigel Rixon, voted.

Mrs Cathy Blundy proposed that Mrs Sue Gowen be elected as Treasurer and this was seconded by Mr Nigel Rixon, voted.

Mrs Tamsin Cox proposed that Mrs Cathy Blundy be elected as Club Secretary and this was seconded by Mrs Sarah Tuckwell, voted.

Mr Mike Perrett proposed that Mr James Roth be elected as Vice-Chairman and Meeting Facilitator and this was seconded by Mrs Cathy Blundy, voted.

Mr Nigel Rixon proposed that Mr Jan Matthews be elected as Bursar and this was seconded by Mrs Cathy Blundy, voted.

Mrs Tamsin Cox proposed that Mrs Sarah Tuckwell be elected for the Club’s Child Welfare Officer and this was seconded by Mrs Cathy Blundy, voted.

Mrs Sarah Tuckwell proposed that Mrs Tamsin Cox be elected as Volunteer Coordinator and this was seconded by Mr Nigel Rixon, voted.

Mrs Cathy Blundy proposed that Mr Ash Clarke be elected as Groundsman and this was seconded by Mrs Tamsin Cox, voted.

Mr Nigel Rixon proposed that Mr Shaun Tuggey be elected as Shinfield Rangers FC Rep for the Shinfield Association Meetings and this was seconded by Mrs Cathy Blundy, voted.

The following volunteered to be non voting committee members to help support the club for the forthcoming season:-

·  Nigel Rixon

·  Marie Fleetwood

·  Tim Booth

Mr Mike Perrett then requested elected parent members join the table.

Michael Perrett then took the floor and briefly updated the committee on changes and priorities for the Millworth lane facility, as well as for team and league formats for the coming season.

The rental charge we have to pay the Shinfield Association for using Millworth Lane during the 2011-12 season has remained the same at £2000. Shaun Tuggey is liaising with the Shinfield Association to ensure the pitches are drill seeded again this summer.

During the 2010/11 season there was an issue with the small sided goals being damaged throughout the course of the season. James Roth has volunteered to investigate the feasibility of procuring another storage container that the goals can be kept in during the winter months to help ensure they are not subjected to damage during the season. In the meantime work will be carried out to build more goals in time for the start of the 2011-12 season.

A new kit is required for the U12 boys and U12 girls (for which there is a sponsor in place)

For the forthcoming season the club will have an updated website which should be a lot faster and easier to use which James Roth is going to oversee

The club plan to hold their second girls tournament in August/beginning of September which will be overseen by Tamsin Cox and Sarah Tuckwell

The winters we have experienced in the last few years have been very severe in terms of rain and snow but all things considered the pitches have ‘stood up’ very well. With more junior teams playing home and away further consideration will be needed as to whether or not the club should use an alternative training venue for at least a couple of months during the winter months to protect the playing surfaces of the pitches in order to prolong the life of them during the season. Initial enquiries with using the astro turf pitches at Reading University could mean that the club would need to charge each player in the region of £15.00 to £20.00 to use the facilities over a 10 week period

Team updates:

1.  The team U6s will train through the winter and then play in 2012 Summer League to prepare for the following league season at U7.

2.  Team U7s, U8s, U9’s and two U10s teams will play in the Saturday fixed venue Berkshire Development League.

3.  The two U11s will play on a Saturday in the East Berks Youth Football League small sided junior league playing home and away fixtures.

4.  Team U12 girls will play on a Saturday in the Berkshire County Girls League playing home and away fixtures

5.  Team U12 boys will play on a Sunday in North East Hants Youth League playing home and away.

6.  Team U15s will play on a Sunday in North East Hants Youth League playing home and away.

7.  The club is still deciding at the present as to whether the club can form an U18s 11 a-side (NEHYL) team TBA

8.  The fixed venue sites include referees and it is the club’s intention to ensure the provision of home matches referees for the teams involved in home and away fixtures.

The committee needs helper volunteers as coaches, age group parent representatives, manager admin assistants, fund raising and grant application. All parents or relatives willing to help during training evenings are welcome. Interested individuals are asked to approach your age group manager or any committee member and offer help.

This summer/autumn the club have provisioned for 6 managers/coaches from the U8’s, U9’s and U10 age groups to do their level 1 FA coaching course.

Fundraising is an important activity and is essential in running the club. The more fundraising success the lower the fees and the more football provision can be given.

Lastly the FA respect campaign has now been rolled out to all clubs. This means everyone following codes of conduct and focussing on the fun side of grass roots football. During the beginning of the new season the team managers will hand out some publications from the FA to which all clubs’ members and players are requested to sign up to follow.

Michael Perrett thanks all those present, wished all teams a successful and fun new season and brought the AGM to a close at 22.30pm

Affiliated to the Shinfield Association, Reg. Charity: 300201 Page 1