Preparing Children for ‘Life in Modern Britain’

St Thomas a Becket Catholic Infant and Junior Schools

At St Thomas a Becket Catholic Infant and Junior Schools we strive to ensure that all our pupils achieve their full potential and are prepared for ‘Life in Modern Britain’. We create a learning environment where Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural aspects are embedded in our curriculum. Catholic values, principles and spirituality are explored throughout the curriculum and in collective worship and RE lessons. The diversity and spirituality of other faiths will be explored and respected.

Our curriculum provides a wide range of opportunities for children to explore and develop:

·  their own values and beliefs

·  their spiritual awareness

·  high standards of behaviour

·  a positive caring attitude

·  an understanding of their social and cultural traditions

·  an appreciation of the diversity and richness of other cultures.

The learning experiences below are examples of the opportunities provided for all our pupils during their time at our school.


Social development involves pupils working effectively together and being an active member of the school community. Pupils will develop good interpersonal skills that allow them to form successful relationships.

At our school this is developed through:

·  PSHE weeks

·  Circle time

·  Celebrations during class assemblies

·  After school clubs

·  PE lessons

·  Team games during break times

·  Working with others across the community

·  Encourage pupils to work co-operatively during lessons

·  Pair Share to encourage children to praise achievements of others

·  Local games tournaments organised by Sports Partnership

·  Choir performances to local residents and rest homes

·  Visiting Bank presentations where children learn the value of money

·  Visiting Police Officers, Nurses, Firemen and Priests

·  Buying gifts for others at school fairs

·  Team building Maths Day

·  Music enrichment

·  Involvement in local business – Edventure

·  Participating in East Sussex Music Service Performance along with other local schools


Moral development involves pupils exploring and understanding shared values and considering the issues of right and wrong.

At our school this is developed through:

·  Agreed class rules displayed in all classrooms.

·  Clear and consistent rewards and sanctions

·  Remembrance day

·  SEAL/PSHE/Circle Time sessions where we encourage pupils to identify their feelings and express them using acceptable behaviour

·  Caring for our world – recycling

·  E-Safety day

·  Caring for animals, caring for chicks to Zoolab handling visits

·  Road safety

·  Supporting many charities including CAFOD

·  Donating our Harvest food to the Salvation Army

·  Pupil Voice


Spiritual development involves pupils focussing on their own personal beliefs and values. Pupils will develop the ability to understand their own feelings and emotions and learn from them.

At our school this is developed through:

·  Self assessments and targets

·  Consider views of others through the School Council

·  Through science investigations children will develop a sense of awe and wonder

·  Understanding other faiths through RE lessons

·  Assemblies

·  Year group Mass attended by families

·  Harvest Festival

·  Opportunities for reflection during class liturgies

·  Supporting charity

·  Holy Communion celebrations

·  Carol service at Our Lady of Ransom

·  Trips to local churches

·  Synagogue visit


Cultural development ensures pupils have an understanding of their own cultures and of other cultures. It also means being able to appreciate and value the diversity of the world in which we live.

At our school this is developed through:

·  Stories from other cultures

·  Stories read in different languages by parents and grandparents

·  African drumming workshops

·  Indian dancing assembly

·  Geography lessons develop an understanding of different lifestyles including food, dress and festivals

·  Visitors from Cherobyl

·  Visit to our local synagogue

·  Learning about another religion during RE

·  Polish community held a fancy dress party

·  Food tasting – cooked by families from the Philippines

·  Donating library books to Ghana