Panthorn Park
Tuesday May 13, 2014 @ 8:00 PM
Members Present / Members Absent / GuestsArduini, Bob / Steve Wright
Biedler, John
Nicole St. Amand (President) / Cowen, Pete
Janet Zesut (V. President) / D'Andrea, Mike
Ron Picard (Secretary) / Daniels, Rich
Dave Oldham (Treasurer) / Ken Decker
Kevin Rogers (Field Maintenance) / Falk, Paul
Vinny Greco (Scheduler) / Ferrante, Jim
Ed Beaupre / Kelly, Dave
Peter Farr / Macala, Paul
Mark Rocha / Marotto, Donna
Sarantides, Amy / Mason, Glenn
Sarantides, Jim / Mirando, Rick
St. Amand, Eric / Olsen, Dean
Dave Valentukonis / Parks, Ralph
John Zazzaro / Paterson, John
Przybylski, Bruno
Ricciardi, TJ
Rizzuto, Doug
St. John, Jim
White, Bruce
White, Michelle
Zaczynsky, Ron
Zesut, Bill
Vice President Janet Zesut called the meeting to order at 8:11 PM and welcomed all Board members and guests.
Secretary Ron Picard conducted a silent roll call.
Motion to approve the April minutes: Jim Sarantides, 2nd by John Zazzaro.
Minutes approved unanimously.
Treasurer Dave Oldham presented Statement of Income/Expenses to date
He announced that Ron Picard is our new corporate agent.
He also noted that the main expenditures have been uniforms, scholarships, and property insurance.
In addition, while the league lost money on the Hartford Hawks, it was less of a loss than with the Rock Cats.
We are having service problems with HQ regarding trash pickup. Research shows the following alternatives:
AllWaste $590 per month vs $550 for HQ
WMTC $350 with shut down in off season
Motion to switch to WMTC: Jim Sarantides, 2nd by Pete Farr.
Motion approved unanimously
Motion to accept Financial Report: Jim Sarantides,2nd by Dave Valentukonis.
Equipment Manager
Vice President Janet Zesut
We will make do with the balls we currently have, but will need to order new ones for next year. Fall Ball and Lightning Tournament balls will be bought at same time.
We still need an equipment manager. We also need someone to do an inventory and create a 2 year purchase plan.
Ed Beaupre and Steve Wright volunteered to do inventory.
Field Maintenance Manager Kevin Rogers
- Need to purchase liners.
- Need to replace the lock on Field 7 Restrooms.
- Need Septic pumped.
- Need Bathroom fans.
Player Agent
Jim St. John
Nothing to report at this time.
Vice President Janet Zesut
The Hartford Hawks event resulted in a small turnout, but those who went enjoyed it.
Mother’s Day game: Participation was down, but we had enough players for two teams. Those who played enjoyed it. Scholarship participants were recognized: one winner was available for presentation. All girls were very active in SGSL. Scholarship money will be awarded this Thursday night at SHS.
Janet will put together a list of people interested in examining scholarship criteria.
Only 21 people have signed up for the banquet. It will be cancelled if we do not get more interest.
By-Law Update
Janet presented on revisions to by-laws.
Need to define “good standing” to determine voting rights.
Good standing will be based on attendance.
Motion to accept change: Jim Sarantides, 2ndEd Beaupre
Motion Approved unanimously
Currently, we have a minimum number of 30 board members. We would like to switch the bylaw language to 5 as a minimum and 50 as a maximum.
Motion to accept change: Mark Rocha, 2nd Ron Picard
Motion Approved unanimously
We would also like to eliminate the current requirement that the Secretary has responsibility for rescheduling postponed gamesto provide more flexibility for assigning this duty.
Motion to accept change: Jim Sarantides, 2nd Dave Valentukonis
Motion Approved unanimously
Under Section 3, the current by laws call for an impractical bid process. Janet presented
alternative language to address this problem.
Motion to accept change: Jim Sarantides
Motion Approved unanimously
Section 9 calls for a Petty Cash fund. Janet pointed out that this section is not needed and
should be removed. The Board decided to leave this as is to give us flexibility around registration and concession stand seed money, all of which would fit the "petty cash" definition.
Vice President Janet Zesut
Jewel Classic: We will have 4 Farm Teams, 4 Minors, 2 Majors, 2 Seniors, 2 High School
Janet will provide coaches information on the number of players. The league will
provide participants t shirts instead of trophies.
Playoffs: All participants will receive medals. Players on teams finishing 1st and 2nd will
receive trophies.
High School and Senior Divisions: High School can barely get 6 players per game. We may want to collapse the Seniors, placing 8th graders in the High School league and 7th graders in Majors. Janet will speak to coaches to determine their views on these possible changes.
BoyScout volunteer has finished the picnic area. Ed Beaupre will get him a plaque to thank him.
George Baroni needs to be removed from the board.
Motion to adjourn accepted at 9:13.
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