Funded Request For Proposals


Fairview Developmental Center

CPP Fiscal Year 2011-2012

Project #2


Bidder’s Conference: January 13, 2012at 10:00 p.m.

SCLARC’s 4th Floor Multi-purpose Room (Subject to Change)

Written Proposals Due: 4:30 p.m., January 23, 2012



South Central Los Angeles Regional Center (SCLARC) is working collaboratively with the Department of Developmental Services (DDS), and the State Developmental Centers (SDC) to develop community living options for elderlyconsumers who currently reside in developmental centers.

SCLARC is requesting proposals from interested parties to lease, furnish and operate one four-bed, non-ambulatory, specialized residential carefacility for the elderly. The home will accommodateserve four non-ambulatory elderly females consumers. The elderly females will have severe to profound mental retardation, minor medical conditions and severe behavioral challenges. This includes tactile defensiveness, screaming, property destruction and self-abusive behaviors.A minimum of 2 direct care staff persons must be on duty at all times. This includes two awake staff during the nocturnal shift.

The ongoing reimbursement will be negotiated, but can not exceed$14,800 ($14,171 with the 4.25% reduction). The rate is to accommodate the additional costs of providing an individual bedroom for each elderly consumer, enhanced staff qualifications,the required staffing ratio, and consultant hours that exceed typical 4I requirements. The applicant chosen must agree to sign a special service contract. Also, during the term of the contract, placements will be limited to those approved by SCLARC.

SCLARC will award start-up funds an amount that will not exceed $100,000 ($95,750 with the 4.25% reduction). This is contingent upon funding from the Department of Developmental Services.


Applicants must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Applicants must be in good standing with Community Care Licensing and any placement agency the applicant may be currently vendored/contracted with. Applicants with a history of deficiencies issued by a licensing agency, corrective actions issued by the regional center or similar actions taken by a placement or oversight agency may not be considered for this development.
  • Applicant must have a sound financial status (a financial statement is required).
  • Applicants must have an identified administrator with a minimum of two years experience as an administrator of alevel 4I or specialized RCFE or adult residential facility. The administrator must also have experience working with consumers who exhibit severe behaviors. This individual must have a current administrator’s certificate from Community Care Licensing and has completed the Direct Support Professional Training year one and two course work (challenge tests can not be accepted). The individual must also be CPI or PRO-ACT certified. If the individual has not completed SCLARC’s residential services orientation, they must enroll in the July 2012 class.
  • The administrator is required to be present at the facility a minimum of 20 hours per week.
  • Applicants must have an identified behavior consultant. The behavior consultant must have a minimum of two years experience working with persons with developmental disabilities and experienced working with those with severe to profound mental retardation and severe behaviors.
  • Applicant’s behavior consultant must provide services no less than 24 hours per consumer for each consecutive six-month period.
  • Direct care staff must have a minimum of one year experience providing services to persons with developmental disabilities and severe behavior deficits. These individuals must also have a high school diploma or equivalent.
  • Applicants must have staffing in place on the date the facility becomes operational.
  • Direct care staff must meet the Direct Support Professional Training year one and two requirement at the time of employment.
  • Direct care staff must be paid a minimum of 150% of minimum wage (approximately $12.00 - $12.50 per hour).
  • The applicant’s administrator, key direct care staff and consultant must visit the SDC to observe the consumer and developmental center staff’s interaction with the consumer prior to community placement as per the transition plan.
  • Each consumer will have his/her own bedroom, with a full or queen size bed. The individuals will be involved in choosing her own décor.
  • The applicant must agree to a team approach to development and consumer transition. The transition team may include physicians, dental providers, service coordinators, SDC liaisons, resource developers, etc. The applicant will be required to ensure that services and needs are in place to address areas of concern.
  • SCLARC quality assurance staff will conduct facility monitoring visits on a semi-annual basis.
  • A vehicle that can accommodate the transportation needs of the consumers with wheel chairs must be assigned to the facility. Start-up funds are not available to purchase or lease the vehicle.
  • Applicants are required to accept consumers SCLARC identifies for placement. The applicant must commit to modifying services and supports to address any challenges encountered. Issuing a 30-termination notice is not acceptable unless a full ID team meeting is held and the team agrees that the placement is not appropriate.
  • Applicants must agree to secure a minimum 5 year lease.
  • Applicants must be prepared to begin providing direct services to consumers moving from the State Developmental Center by December 31, 2012.


Submission Deadline: The Proposal will not be considered for review if it is received after the deadline.

Bidder’s Conference: A bidder’s conference is scheduled for January 13, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. and will be held at South Central Los Angeles Regional Center, 650 West Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA.

Eight (8) copies of the proposal are due by 4:30 p.m. on January 23, 2012and should be submitted to the second floor receptionist. Do not mail the proposals.

Contact: The contact person for this project is:

South Central L.A. Regional Center 650 West Adams Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90007 / Contact: Evelyn Galindo,
Resource Developer
(213) 744-8443

Rejection of Proposals: SCLARC reserves the right to reject any or all proposals received as a result of this Request for Proposals or to negotiate separately with any contractor when it is determined to be in the best interest of SCLARC.

Finalists: SCLARC reserves the right to select any one of the finalists regardless of the proposal score.

Misunderstandings: SCLARC’s decision will be final in any manner of interpretation of the RFP (Request for Proposals).

Insurance: If selected to develop the aforementioned program, the applicant must have the appropriate business license, and must take out and maintain liability, worker’s compensation and vehicle insurance policies.

Hold Harmless and Indemnification: The applicant will hold harmless and indemnify SCLARC, its officers, agents and employees from and against any and all actions, suits or other proceedings as may arise as a result of the negligence of willful misconduct of SCLARC, its officers, agents and employees.


Release of Request for Proposal PacketsDecember 21, 2011

Bidders' Conference10:00 a.m. –January 13, 2012

Proposals Due4:30 p.m.–January 23, 2012

Interview of the Top CandidatesFebruary 13, 2012

Notice of SelectionFebruary 2012

Facility licensed, vendored and ready to serve consumersDecember 31, 2012




Applicant/Organization Submitting Proposal: / ______
Contact Person for the Start-up Contract: / ______
Telephone Number: / ______
Fax Number: / ______
Email Address: / ______
Name of Parent Corporation (if applicable): / ______
Address: / ______
Proposal Author: / ______
Date: / ______




A.The following format must be used when completing Proposal. Failure to follow this format will result in an automatic rejection of the Proposal by the SCLARC review committee.

1.Do not use special bindings, covers, notebooks or folders on the proposals.

2.Fasten the Proposal using a double-hold punch or staples at the top (middle) of the page.

B. The Proposal will include all of the following in the order listed below:

  1. Proposal Cover Page (enclosed)
  2. Table of Contents- Please number each page
  3. Multi-program vendor development questionnaire (enclosed)
  4. Signed agreement to adhere to the Guidelines for Use of Start-up Funds (enclosed)
  5. Resume for the Administrator. The resume must demonstrate compliance with the applicant minimum requirements and experience working with the identified population.
  6. Resume for the Behavior Consultant providing the direct services and the resume for his/her supervisor (if any) is required. The resume must demonstrate compliance with the applicant minimum requirements and experience working with the identified population.
  7. Copies of the current administrator’s certificate from Community Care Licensing and Direct Support Professional Training or challenge test certificates indicating compliance with year one and two requirements. Copies ofCPI or PRO-ACT certifications must also be included.
  8. A copy of the behavior consultant’s license and service agreement/contract.
  9. The proposal must include at least three (3) references with addresses and telephone numbers. Applicants should be aware that the selection committee will contact references and or other sources to corroborate any information provided in the proposal.
  10. Start-up Budget (applicant will attach)
  11. Ongoing Budget (applicant will attach)
  12. Program Design (outline is enclosed)


(Attach Here)


(Attach Here)


(Attach Here)

Program Design Content Outline

  1. Statement of purpose.
  2. Statement that facility’s physical plan will be modified/adapted to elderly female consumers with aggressive behavioral deficits.
  3. Facility entrance criteria/Description of consumers served.
  4. Description of consumers not appropriate for placement.
  5. Exit criteria.
  6. Description of basic consumer services provided.Include a statement indicating who plans conducts and assists consumers in participating in the services and activities described in this section.
  7. Description of measurable anticipated service outcomes.
  8. Description of procedure used to develop consumer individual service plans.
  9. Statement of commitment that a vehicle that can accommodate the transportation needs of the consumers will be assigned to the facility.
  10. Description of instructional curricula, skills training strategies and other techniques will be utilized to assist consumers with gaining greater independence in activities of normal living.
  11. Data methodology used to measure consumer progress. Include how measurement and reporting of progress on skill training goals will differ from measurement and reporting on the reduction of targeted behavior problems. Include how and for what time period data will be summarized for reporting.
  12. A statement that the applicant’s administrator, direct care staff and consultant will visit and observe the consumer and developmental center staff at the State Developmental Center prior to community placement as per the transition plan.
  13. Statement that a behavioral assessment will be completed and direct support staff trained to implement the plan by the admission date.
  14. Statement that a treatment plan will be in place by the admission date. The plan will be modified as needed.
  15. Include a sample of a consumer specific treatment plan prepared in conjunction with the designated consultant. This must include: a comprehensive and descriptive information that reflects the skills, deficits or behaviors that the consumer displays; measurable and time limited objectives; antecedents, consequences and function of the behavior; and specific methods to accomplish the identified goals and objectives.
  16. Description of the facility’s intervention plan. Include techniques initiated to prevent acting out behavior, verbal de-escalation techniques, and the intervention strategies and techniques used in therapeutic physical intervention and any other techniques which will be used to address acting out behavior. State clearly the facility’s policy for when and only when CPI or PRO-ACT physical intervention procedures should be used.
  17. Statement of commitment to preparing and maintaining daily on-going written consumer notes.
  18. Statement of commitment regarding the preparation and maintenance of quarterly reports of consumer progress. Agreement to submit the report within 30 days of the end of the quarter. The date and signature of the behavior consultant and administrator must be included.
  19. Sample monthly activity schedule (consumers are expected to participate in community integrated activities at least one time per week). Also include information regarding the job title of the individuals who will plan, conduct, and assist consumers in participating in outings and other recreational activities.
  20. Consumer rights.
  21. House values (rules).
  22. Consumer theft and loss policy. This must include a commitment to take inventory of the consumer’s personal property at the time of admission. There must be a plan for modifying the inventory when the consumer’s personal property changes and a description of the practices used to safeguard personal property upon the death of the resident.
  23. Description of medication preparation and dispensing procedures.
  24. Statement indicating that medication logs will be maintained.
  25. Generic Restrictive Health Care Plan
  26. Add a statement confirming that the facility will maintain a Client Treatment Profile (CTP) that will list current medical and psychiatric diagnoses and maladaptive behaviors. Each medication prescribed will be related to one or more conditions on the CTP. The CTP must be reviewed at the time of each clinical appointment for accuracy and updates.

Medications used for the management of maladaptive behaviors will have a Gradual Dose Reduction (GDR) statement developed by the ID team and approved by the treating psychiatrist. A GDR may be contraindicated if used to treat a psychiatric disorder or if a prior attempt resulted in behavioral decompensation that is well documented. The format for the GDR is as follows:

The Gradual Dose Reduction (GDR) statement for each consumer will include in its plan… “When ___(behavior) is at ____(frequency) for _____(months), ____(medication name) will be reduced by ____(dose). Psychiatric and behavioral disorders must have a behavioral objective in the Behavior Intervention Plan if treated with a medication.

  1. Special incident reporting procedures.
  2. Emergency disaster plan.
  3. Consumer medical emergency procedures.
  4. Staffing emergency procedures.
  5. Consumer grievance procedure.
  6. Policy regarding the frequency of night time bed checks.
  7. Consumer hydration policy.
  8. Sample menu along with a statement indicating that a menu will be posted. Include a statement that the facility agrees to provide the foods necessary to comply with any physician prescribed special diet.
  9. Neighborhood complaint procedure.
  10. Organizational chart for the facility listing all positions.
  11. Sample staff schedule.
  12. Sample administrator schedule.
  13. Administrator qualifications and duty statement. This must include statements that the administrator will have a minimum of two years experience as an administrator of a RCFE and experience working with consumers who exhibit severe. This individual will have a current administrator’s certificate from Community Care Licensing and has completed the Direct Support Professional Training year one and two course work at the time of hire (challenge tests can not be accepted). The individual will be CPI or PRO-ACT certified at the time of hire. The individual must also complete SCLARC’s residential services orientation.
  1. Include a copy of the administrator’s resume confirming that the administrator meets Title 17, Title 22, and the administrator’s qualification outlined in the request for proposals.
  2. A statement that the administrator will manage no more than 10 beds total.
  3. A statement that the administrator will be present at the facility a minimum of 20 hours per week to provide direct support and supervision to the direct care staff and consultants.
  4. Staff qualifications and duty statement. This will include a statement that direct care staff will have a minimumof one year experience providing services to olderpersons with developmental disabilities with severe behaviors. These individuals will also have a high school diploma or equivalent. Direct care staff will also havecompleted the Direct Support Professional Training year one and two training course work at the time of employment.
  5. Applicants must have staffing in place on the date the facility becomes operational.
  6. A statement that the direct care staff base wage will be a minimum of 150% of minimum wage (approximately $12.00- $12.50 per hour).
  7. Statement that staff will take “in person” CPR and First Aid Courses.
  8. Statement that staff will maintain current CPR and First Aid Certifications.
  9. Statement that all staff providing direct care and supervision to consumers will be CPI or Pro-Act trained.
  10. Statement that staff will maintain current CPI Certifications.
  11. Consultant qualifications and duty statement. The behavior consultant must have a minimum of two years experience working with olderpersons with developmental disabilities and experienced working with those with severe to profound mental retardation and severe behaviors.
  12. A statement that the consultant will work with consumers for a minimum of 24 hours per consumers per six- month period (approximately 4 hours per month).
  13. Staff training plan.
  14. Copy of personnel policies.
  15. Description of the governing body. Specify if facility will be licensed and vendored as an individual/sole proprietor, partnership, limited liability company or corporation. Provide a list of the general partners or corporate officers and the percentage of shares owned by each.
  16. Statement that the vendor will maintain current general and professional liability and worker’s compensation insurance, and name SCLARC as additional insured.


To be completed by applicant

Note: Please complete the following questions regarding your involvement with other Regional Centers. List any projects that you (or any company or group of which you are a part) currently are operating, are developing, or are in the planning stages of developing with any Regional Center. If you should begin plans for development with any Regional Center after completing this questionnaire, you must notify each Regional Center with which you are associated. Failure to disclose information related to your association with other Regional Centers could result in