North East PEACE III Progress Report
Name of Project:Database Reference Number:
Start Date of project:
End Date of project:
Progress Report date:
Section 1: Progress
Progress against Outputs
Indicators / Target / Achieved this period / Achieved to date (cumulative)Will be populated for project
Progress against Outcomes and Impacts
IndicatorsWill be populated for project
Section 2: Summary Update and Looking Forward
Please provide an overall summary update on the project progress against the planned schedule, highlighting key achievements in (Insert Month/Year)Progress
Key Achievements
Please provide a list of all the planned activities and the expected progress of the project in (Insert Month/Year)
Planned Activities
Expected Progress
Section 3: Letter of Offer/Contract Conditions
Conditions as Per Letter of Offer/ContractPre payment & Post Payment / Completed?
Yes/No / Supporting
Doc Attached?
Will be populated for project
Please provide an update on how the Letter of Offer Conditions outlined above are being met or how you are working towards meeting these?
(Please attach relevant supporting documentation)
Section 4: Expenditure Update
Claim No / Period / Value of Claim / Date Paid / Amount PaidCross Border Activity
Cross Border activity / Date of activity / Total Cost in Euro’sBudget Analysis
Please Note: Any budget changes should be requested in writing to the Finance & Monitoring Officer
Budget Heading / Allocation per Budget Heading / Amount claimed to date / Amount paid to Date / BalanceWill be populated / Will be populated
Section 5: Communications/Publicity
Activities that contribute to the Communications Plan. Please attach any press cuttings, recruitment adverts, leaflets, presentation materials, training materials etc. produced in this periodPlease Note: Any expenditure relating to these items will not be paid until the original cutting is received
Is the project progressing satisfactorily?
Are there any significant changes/issues which need to be addressed?
Are you content to authorise release of payment (subject to verification if required)?
Signed: ______Dated: ______
(Finance & Monitoring Officer)
Signed: ______Dated: ______
(Project Officer)