Kyiv «__»………….20__

…………………………(hereinafter referred to as the Beneficiary) represented by……………………, acting under the Statute and current legislation of Ukraine on the one hand, andOrganization “The Good Deeds International Charity Foundation” (hereinafter referred to as the Benefactor), represented by Kolisnyk Nataliia Pavlivna, President,acting under the Statute and current legislation of Ukraine on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the Parties, have concluded this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) as follows.


1.1. In the manner and conditions of this Contract, the Benefactor transfersnon-repayable funds in the property of the beneficiary in the amount specified in Section 2.1 of this Contract.

1.2. Funds provided under this Contract for the purpose of ...... under the Grant program that is an integral part of the Contract.


2.1 The Benefactor transfers non-repayable funds in the property of the beneficiary in the amount of ...... (....) hryvnas, ..... kopeecks.

2.2. The Beneficiary shall use the received donations for the purposes specified in the paragraph 1.2.of the Contract.


3.1. Donations are to be madein cashless form by payment order by transferring the corresponding funds to the settlementaccount of the Party.

3.2. The Benefactor transfers funds in the amount specified by paragraph 2.1. of this Contractto the Beneficiary’s account within 5 business days after this is Contract signed by the Parties’:

Beneficiary: ....

Beneficiary's Bank: ....

MFI ....

Code ....

settlement account .....

3.3. The charitable donation shall be deemed to begranted to the Beneficiary at the time of transfer of funds to the Beneficiary’s account.

3.4. The Beneficiary shall use the funds received under this Contract solely for the contractual purposes and objectives. In the case of using the charitable donation for other purposes, the Beneficiaryshall bear responsibility as provided by the current legislation of Ukraine.

3.5. The Beneficiary shall place information about the Benefactor of the charitable donation in open information sources and put logo and information about the Benefactor on the official web pages ......

3.6. As a result of the use of the charitable donation the Beneficiary shall send aBenefactor the financial report in electronic and paper form within 10 working days.


4.1. This Contractis deemed to be concluded and enter into force upon the time the charitable donation is credited to the account of the Beneficiary and is valid until the Parties perform their contractual obligations.

4.3. Unless otherwise is expressly provided by the Contract or in the applicable legislation of Ukraine, amendments to this Contractcan be made only by consent of the Parties as a supplementary agreement to this Contract.

4.4. Changes in this Contract shall become effective upon proper execution of the supplementary agreement to this Contract, unless otherwise provided in the supplementary agreement, this Contract or the applicable laws of Ukraine.


5.1. This Contract shall be signed and ensealed by the Parties.

5.2. All legal relations arising out of this Contract or related to it, including those related to validity, concluding, fulfilling and termination of this Contract, the interpretation of its terms, the definition of the consequences of invalidity or infringement hereof shall be governed by this Contract and the relevant standards of legislation of Ukraine, as well as applicable to such legal business practices on the basis of honesty, reasonability and fairness.

5.3. The Parties are solely responsible for the accuracy of the specified details herein and shall timely notify in writing the other Party of any changes thereof, and in case of failure to bear the risk of the associated adverse effects.

5.4. Additional and supplementary agreements constitute an integral part of this Contract and shall be valid if they are made ​​in writing signed by the Parties and ensealed.

5.5. All amendments to this Contractare valid and can be considered only if they are in each individual case dated, signed bythe Parties and ensealed.

5.6. All disputes between the Parties which may arise concerning the implementation of this Contract shall be resolved through negotiations. In case of disagreement, the Parties shall convey the dispute to the competent court in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.

5.7. This Contract is made with full understanding of its terms and conditions of the Ukrainian language in 2 (two) copies, bearing the same legal force - one copy for each Party.

5.8. Representatives of the Parties arenaturalentities who personally signed this Contract give the Parties termless consent to the processing (including collection, storage, possession, use or transfer to third parties or abroad) of their personal data that have become known to the Parties at the time of the conclusion and fulfilment of this Contract and confirm that there was a written notification of the inclusion of their personal data to personal databases of the Parties to ensure the realization of civil and economic and legal relations, administrative law, tax, relationships in accounting and other relationships that require the processing of personal data accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.


Benefactor: / Beneficiary:
Charitable Organization “The Good Deeds International Charity Foundation” / ……………………………………………………..
Registered address:
03150, Kiev region, Kiev, 72, Krasnoarmeyskaya Str.,10 floor, office 6, Olympiysky Business Center
Is a charitable organizations and included into the register of non-profit institutions and organizations / Registered address: …………………………………
______/N.P.Kolisnyk/ / …………..