SOURCE:GSC#11 GRSC meetingGRSC Drafting Group
TITLE: Resolution GSC-11/xx: (GRSC) Terminology for Software Defined Radio
Decision / xDiscussion
Approval of Following Resolution
gsc11_grsc4_13 ETSI SDRs and terminology.ppt
gsc11_grsc4_19 IEEE Activities Involving Software Defined Radio and Cognitive Radio.ppt
gsc11_grsc4_29 PPSO (GRSC) Update on SDR and Cognitive Radio Efforts 5-2006.ppt gsc10_grsc3_20 TIA US SDR Update4.ppt
gsc10_grsc3_20a1 TIA US SDR Update2.doc
gsc10_grsc3_25 ETSI_SDR.ppt
GSC9_GRSC_022_Cognitive Radio Summary.ppt
GSC9_GRSC_022a_Cognitive Radio FCC NPRM.doc
GSC9_GRSC_022b_Cognitive Radio NPRM 05-03-2004.doc
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HLTF5(95)1The 11th Global Standards Collaboration meeting (Chicago, 2006)
a)that Software Defined Radios (SDRs) may offer design and operational versatility and flexibility in mobile radio systems;
b)that for in-vehicle use, SDRs may help in reducing the mismatch between the lifecycles of vehicles and communications technology;
c)that SDRs have been addressed in a variety of organisations often by people interested in different aspects and for different purposes;
d)that the terms used in association with SDRs currently vary significantly;
e)that some of the features that many would currently associate with SDRs do not, in fact, require SDR technology to be implemented or achieved (e.g. some kind of flexibility may be obtained by multimode equipment);
f)that the use of SDR may have implications on the radio parameters, security, and/or reliability of operation;
g)that it would be useful if SDOs and regulatory bodies adopted a common set of terms covering the various aspects relating to SDRs (e.g. focusing on various layers, physical, logical, etc.);
h)that the ITU-R Study Group 8 has approved the Draft New ITU-R Report M.[IMT.SDR]: “The impact of Software Defined Radio onIMT-2000, the future development of IMT-2000, and systems beyond IMT-2000”;
i)that the ITU-R Study Group 8 has approved theDraft New ITU-R Report M.[LMS.SDR]: “Software Defined Radios in the Land Mobile Service”;
j)that ITU-R Study Group 8 has asked WP8A to produce a consolidated SDR report based on the above and with further input from Working Parties 8B (radars), 8D (mobile satellite systems) and 8F (IMT-2000 and systems beyond IMT-2000);
to encourage PSOs, other standards bodies, and regulatory bodies to cooperate in order to adopt common terminology definitions covering the various aspects relating to SDRs.
Contact: R. Shields at
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