TEXT – MARK 12:41-44
- Some of the greatest lessons Jesus taught us were not in sermons delivered or even in stories he told, but in something he did in connection with other people.
- Much of what is revealed to us in the gospel accounts about Jesus centers around his dealings with people. Often they are seeking him out to ask a question that relates to their daily life and he seems always to be ready to talk with them about whatever was on their minds.
- On this occasion Jesus was inside the temple, most likely in the court of the Gentiles or the court of the women. Our mental image of the temple is probably more like a church building that is supersized. It more likely would be more similar to a huge outdoor mall, especially the outer courts of it. Instead of it being a place where they would sit in pews to sing and worship it would have people wondering about, often selling products, exchanging money and leading about sheep to use in making an offering to God.
- Scattered about in the outer courts were large containers for collecting contributions from the people for particular causes, such as for the poor.
- For us it seems odd that Jesus was sit down to watch people as they were making their contributions. What would we think if different ones of the elders walked down the different aisles along with the men passing the contribution baskets to observe how much we each gave?
- When I was a very young preacher I went to a place to preach down in Mississippi where we were trying to get the church started back after it had died out. I would go there on Sunday afternoons and preach for them after preaching that morning at my regular place. One Sunday as the men were passing the collection baskets, one of the leaders in the church stopped the whole process when a man put a dollar in the basket. He said to the man, “What do you mean putting a dollar in the basket? Man put some real money in there. We can’t support the Lord’s work on a dollar.”
- Jesus evidently regarded what was being done in people giving as such importance that he wanted to watch as it happened.
- Under Old Testament law there were several different contributions that were given from the people, including the poor, the priest and Levite support, the offerings, what we would regard as taxes. When the temple was built there were containers set up in different areas for different gifts for different causes.
- When the New Testament Covenant was given several things changed.
- The church and state were separated so that there was no longer a Theocracy and it was no longer the case that taxes and giving were together.
- The church was charged with supporting matters like preaching the gospel to the world, building up Christians and helping the poor and needy and people are just charged to give to the Lord through the church.
- The rich came by and threw in large amounts of money.
- A poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents.
- One of the lessons Jesus teaches us is that all people are to be givers, not just the ones who have lots.
- In our society we tend to divide people into “Givers” and “Takers” or “Receivers”.
- If one doesn’t make over a certain amount they aren’t asked to pay any taxes and under some conditions are even given money back as tax credits when they haven’t paid any in.
- But in the church all people, without regard to income or ability are asked to give.
- I Corinthians 16:1-2; 2 Corinthians 9:6-9
- God wants everyone to be a giver according to his or her ability. It changes how we see ourselves. We aren’t just receivers waiting to see what we get. We are all priest of God, ministers of his word and workers in his kingdom.
- When a child becomes a Christian they should be encouraged to do something to make money from which they will give at least ten percent.
- Imagine what it would have done to the poor widow if Jesus had stopped her from giving and given her money back to her to say she wasn’t expected to give since she had so little.
- Every person needs to feel valued, needed and important to the whole work.
- Jesus called the twelve to him. He may even have asked them, “As you have watched people give today, who gave the most of anyone?”
- Peter might have spoken up, “Did you see that wealthy guy who had his servants all with him? Man he put a whole wad of money into the pot.”
- James might have joined in, “Yes but that wealthy lady passed by and dropped her money in discreetly gave a lot.”
- Others would have mentioned others that impressed them.
- But Jesus then said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others.”
- They all gave out of their wealth.
- But she, out of her poverty, put in everything – all she had to live on.
- In Jesus’ analysis we learn that he didn’t judge our giving on the size of the check but on the size of the sacrifice that we make to give. If one has much, gives much and still has much, that’s not much.
- It isn’t always the fact one has little to makes the difference. Barnabas wasn’t a poor man at all but when the need became great he had land and sold it to be able to give to help those who were in need and God had Luke to tell of how willing he was as a giver.
- If the Lord stood and watched as people gave today, how do you think he would react?
- He might point to a child to say, “Did you see what that child gave?”
- Our giving is a vital part of our worship to God. Does God have first place in your giving?