Songtsen Gampo Buddhist Center of Cleveland

PO Box 181132

Cleveland Hts., OH 44118

Tel: (216) 320-9589


Tulku Pema Wangyal Rinpoche


Ani Palmo Rybicki


Resident Teacher

Mark Kindt

Vice President

Dawn Ulle



Frances Baker, PhD

Bon Foundation

Ellen Marie Lauricella

Gar Drolma

Buddhist Center


Please send this form

and check or money

order payable to

Songtsen Gampo

Buddhist Center to:

Songtsen Gampo Buddhist Center of Cleveland

PO Box 181132

Cleveland Hts., OH


Songtsen Gampo Buddhist Center of Cleveland

May 2009

Dear Friend of Songtsen Gampo Buddhist Center,

Our newly formed Center got off to a great start with the visit of Jigme Khyentse Rinpoche in January of this year. We already have another visit from Taklung Matrul Rinpoche for a full week next month. Songtsen Gampo Buddhist Center is well on the way to becoming a place of peace, learning, community, and refuge not only for Buddhists, but also for the Greater Cleveland community as a whole.

In order to fulfill our vision we first need to obtain a physical space. We are looking to rent

a home in N. Olmsted so our community can begin to fulfill its purpose and grow into a very strong and stable Sangha (spiritual community), which will benefit the larger community in turn.

You can help us achieve this goal through your generous contribution. We understand that in this economy things are tight for many people and are very grateful for any contribution you can make, however large or small. We also recognize that one of the things that is most helpful in times of stress is a strong spiritual community where everyone, Buddhist or not, can come to learn from

the wisdom of the Buddha on how to remain calm and connect with a larger vision when life is challenging.

Your donation will not only support our physical home, but will allow us to bring in visiting Lamas, provide children's programs, hold regular meditation programs and retreats, and support our Resident Teacher and Director so she can devote a hundred percent of her time to the center through teaching, creating programs, and caring for the Lamas and for our community.

We ask that you consider a sustaining membership so that we have a steady resource, but

one-time donations are also much appreciated. All donations are tax deductible.

Thank you for being part of Songtsen Gampo!


YES, I want to support Songtsen Gampo Buddhist Center!

 I would like to make a monthly donation:

 $250/mo $100/mo $75/mo $50/mo $25/mo $10/mo

 I would like to make a one-time donation of $______


