Love Sick You
Choreographed by Chris Watson (6/2011)
[Song] When Love Gets a Hold Of You [Artist] Reba McEntire
[Album] All the Woman I Am
Dance Description: 32 beat, 2 wall intermediate line dance, 2 restarts & a tag, start on vocals,
weight on L foot.
Beats Description
Walk, Walk, Shuffle, ¼ Pivot, Cross Shuffle
1,2,3&4 Walk forward R, L, Shuffle forward stepping R,L,R
5,6,7&8 Step L foot forward ¼ pivot R taking weight onto R, Cross, L foot over R, Step R to R Side and cross L foot over R
Side Behind, Side Shuffle, cross rock, replace1/4 step
1,2,3&4 Step R to R side, step L behind R, Step R to R bring L together and step R to R
5,6,7,8 Cross rock L over R, replace weight onto L, ¼ Turn stepping forward L,R (12 O Clock)
1/4 Twist ,twist, twist, twist ,side behind, ¼ step, ¼ pivot
1,2,3,4 doing a ¼ turn L twist Heels to R, twist heels L, Twist Heels R, Twists Heels L *
5,6,7,8 Step R to R side, Step L behind R, ¼ Turn R stepping forward onto R , step forward L,1/4 Pivot R
Take weight onto R , Cross In Front, ¼ Step Back, ½ Step Forward, Rocking Chair
1,2,3,4 Take Weight Onto R, Cross L in front of R, ¼ Turn L stepping back onto R, ½ turn via L stepping forward onto L
5,6,7,8 Rock forward onto R, Replace onto L, Rock back onto R, Replace onto L
32 Beats Re Start Dance New Direction.
Restart: On wall 2 & 6dance to Count 20 *, turn ¼ turn to your Right to re start dance walking forward onto R foot.
Tag: on Wall 10 dance to county 20, add 4 more counts of twists & Re start dance turning ¼ turn on count 1.
Chris Watson