Somewhere Out There

SONG:Somewhere Out There – Track 5 (3.55)

ALBUM:The Very Best of Linda Ronstadt

ARTIST:Linda Ronstadt& James Ingram

DESCRIPTION:32 count, 4 wall, Upper Intermediate Level

CHOREOGRAPHER:Jill Boxtel, SunshineCoast, August 2009, Ph: (07) 5437 7442

ORIGINAL POSITION:Feet together, weight on L

DANCE STARTS:32 count intro, vocals start on the first & count of the dance




¼ Turn R Step Fwd & Pivot, Replace, Cross, ¼ Turn L Step Fwd & Pivot, Replace, Cross,

Rock Fwd, Replace, 540’ Turn R stepping R,L,R, Step L Together

1,2&Making ¼ turn R step fwd on R toe & pivot turn ¼ L, replace L, cross R over L

3,4&Making ¼ turn L step fwd on L toe & pivot turn ¼ R, replace R, cross L over R

5,6Rock fwd on R, replace L

7&8&Make a 540’ turn R, (back over R shoulder), stepping R,L,R, (#) step L together (6:00)


Sway, Sway, Cross, Replace, Ball Step with ¼ Turn, Step Fwd into ¾ Pivot Turn R,

Step to Side, Cross Rock, Replace

1,2,3,4Step R to R side, swaying hips R, step L to L side, swaying hips L, cross R over L, replace L

&5,6Ball step R beside L, turning ¼ R, step fwd on L toe & make a ¾ pivot turn R (pivot on counts 5,6)

&7,8Step R to R side, cross rock L over R, replace R


Back, Lock, Back, 540’ Turn R stepping R,L,R, Cross Rock, Replace, Side,

Cross Rock, Replace, Side with ¼ Turn R

1&2Step L back, lock R in front of L, step L back (***)

3&4Make a 540’ turn R (back over R shoulder) stepping R,L,R (12:00)

5,6&Cross rock L over R, replace R, step L to L side

7,8&Cross rock R over L, replace L, step R to R side, making ¼ turn R


Step Fwd into ¾ Pivot Turn R dragging R Toe in an arc behind L, Behind, Side, Cross,

Ball Step, Sway, Sway, Step Together, Step Fwd, Pivot Turn ¼ R, Step Together

1,2Step fwd on L toe, making a ¾ pivot turn R dragging R toe in an arc behind L

3&4Step R behind L, step L to L side, cross R over L

&5,6Ball step L beside R, step R to R side, swaying hips R, step L to L side, swaying hips L

&7,8&Step R together, step L fwd & pivot turn ¼ R, replace R, step L together

Start the dance at the new wall. The dance moves clockwise.

After Walls 3 and 7 add the tag:

1,2Step R to R side, swaying hips R, replace L, swaying hips L

On Wall 5 (2nd time to front) dance up to count 18 (***), then restart the dance at the back wall.

Slow down with the music at the end of Wall 8. On Wall 9, dance to count 8 (#) and finish with:

&1Step L together, making ¼ turn R to face the front, step R fwd dragging L together

2,3Step L fwd dragging R together, step R fwd dragging L together

This song has a special place in my heart. I used to dance to it with my daughter, when she taught Aerobic Dance, just before she travelled overseas, only to become paralysed in a skiing accident . . . I dance this for you, Amanda.
