P.O. Box 430Hospitals:West Lincoln Memorial

4279 Hixon Street

Beamsville, ON L0R 1B0



Personal Information:

Dr. William PetersMedical School:McMaster University

Year of Graduation:1980

Postgraduate Training:CCFP

Dr. Karl StobbeMedical School:University of Western Ontario Year of Graduation: 1982

Postgraduate Training:CCFP

Dr. Steve TaylorMedical School:McGill University

Year of Graduation:1981

Postgraduate Training:CCFP


* Resident is required to return to FPU for half day back and behavioural science sessions


Practice Population:2000 patients in each practice

Dr. Peters20% pediatrics, 20% adult medicine, 20% geriatrics

Dr. Stobbe50% pediatrics, 25% adult medicine, 25% geriatrics

Dr. Taylor30% pediatrics, 40% adult medicine, 30% geriatrics

Practice Type:Group

Method of Payment:Fee for service


On Call:1 in 7 week nights (backup for ER and hospital patients)

1 in 4 weekends (backup for ER and hospital patients)

1 12-hour ER shift per 2 weeks

Emergency:Most emergencies managed by primary care giver during office hours either at the clinic or hospital. One 12-hour shift in emergency every 2 weeks. This can be increased if desired by resident, but must be arranged several months in advance.

Obstetrics:Full care obstetrics

Dr. Peters<15 deliveries per year

Dr. Stobbeapprox. 20-30 deliveries per year

Dr. Taylor<15 deliveries per year

Office Procedures:Minor surgery, lacerations, excision of cysts and skin cancers, breast cyst aspirations, joint injections and aspirations, warts - actinic keratosis and use of liquid nitrogen, fracture management, x-ray interpretation and cast application, eye enucleation (post mortem) at hospital


RESOURCES:CML bleeding station/centrifuge done in clinic lab, office spirometry. Computer interpretation of ECGs, microscopy, spirometry-pulmonary function testing. Pharmacy attached to the medical centre. Sports therapy clinic with one athletic therapist and required equipment and modalities. Therapy includes assessment, treatment for trauma, and post cast rehabilitation. Foot clinic located on site.

CONSULTANTS:Athletic therapist. Dentist in building. Other consultants available at West Lincoln Memorial Hospital (subspecialists - St. Catharines, Burlington, Hamilton)

SETTING:Traditional family practice that spans all ages in a small, friendly community in the fruit belt. A large rural setting with increasing middle class that commute. Close enough to large centres to be accessible for emergencies and consultations. Newly built and modern clinic. Particular interest in Emergency Medicine, ICU, and obstetrics. Good opportunity to see everything and anything and manage as much of it as you are capable of.

BRODIE, Dennis

Personal Information:

203-3155 Harvester RoadHospitals:Joseph Brant Memorial

Burlington, ON L7N 3V2

Tel:(905)637-0891Medical School:Ottawa

Year of Graduation:1973

Postgraduate Training:Practice Eligible CCFP


* Resident is required to return to FPU for half day back and behavioural science sessions


Practice Population:2600 patients

40% pediatrics, 50% adult medicine, 10% geriatrics

Practice Type:Solo

Method of Payment:Fee for service (computerized billing procedures)


On Call:Part of On Call group. On call every 7th week for half the weekend. Also 1 Monday in 4

Emergency:Minimal emergency room experience available

Obstetrics:Full care obstetrics

Approx 35 deliveries per year

Office Procedures:Joint aspiration, injections, manipulations, neck and back manipulations, orthopaedics with no reduction, IUD insertion, lipomas wart removals and liquid nitrogen clinics

CONSULTANTS:Variety of consultants in Burlington, Community Agencies, Public Health

RESOURCES:MDS laboratory, X-ray and pharmacy located in building, physiotherapy clinic on site

SETTING:Dr. Brodie is bilingual and approximately 5% of his patient population are French speaking. He has an interest in Continuing Medical Education and is presently involved in a patient cumulative program. The office now involves electronic charting since May 1998. Charting may involve a combination of keyboarding, mouse, and “handwriter”


Personal Information:

MILNE, WilliamHospital:Grey Bruce Regional Health Ctr.

350 14th Street West

Owen Sound, ON N4K 3X8Medical School:Queen=s University

Tel:(519)376-8510Year of Graduation:1971

Postgraduate Training:CCFP (McMaster)



Practice Population:1500 - 2000 patients in each practice

18% pediatrics, 62% adult medicine, 20% geriatrics

Practice Type:Group (4 Family Physicians and 1 General Surgeon

Method of Payment:Fee for service


On Call:1 in 4 weekends hospital/OBS cover

Emergency:Not involved in ER work but arrangements with casualty physicians can be arranged

Obstetrics:Full care obstetrics

14-18 deliveries per year

Office Procedures:IUD, minor lacerations, uterine biopsy, excisions, pulmonary function, ECG, flexible sigmoid (hosp) bleeding station on site

CONSULTANTS:Full complement of speciality services, community agencies and public health facilities available in Owen Sound

RESOURCES:Ultrasound, nuclear medicine, angiography and CT available at hospital. 2 labs and 3 X-ray facilities are located in Owen Sound. Owen Sound has a modern 315-bed hospital with approximately 30 beds designated to long term care, 30 beds designated to rehabilitation, and 15 beds designated for psycho-geriatric assessment. Excellent opportunity to assist at surgery informal rapport/teaching with consultants. Weekly clinical teaching rounds (except summer)


INTERESTS:Geriatric medicine

SETTING:Typical Family Practice setting in a small city of 25,000. Interest in Palliative Care and Dermatology.

Owen Sound is located on Georgian Bay, on the Bruce Trail, servicing a regional role to 150,000 people. Both summer and winter vacationers contribute to the hospital emergency experience. Family physicians remain as most responsible physician except in CCU/ICU/Surgery. There is a good specialty support for our role in general.


Most significant procedures are done through ambulatory care at the hospital (excisions, cast applications, flexible sigmoid). Three full time emergency physicians, two of who are former community family physicians and a declining number of community family physicians run an extremely busy emergency department. They have, to date, expressed an interest in allowing our residents an opportunity to work with them as time permits.

Excellent home care services and an active public health unit facilitate the family physician=s community role.

Most physicians have made a life style decision to avoid big city life and are active sailors, outdoor lovers and hobby farmers. Owen Sound offers many cultural activities such as community orchestra, renowned Little theatre, and summer folk festival.

We do not have established accommodation arrangements but will assist in obtaining rental facilities, although cottage property near town tends to be less available and more expensive in the summer months.

CAIRNS, Bonnie

Personal Information:

Bronte Health CentreHospitals:Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial

78 Jones Street

Oakville, ON L6L 6C5Medical School:McMaster University

Tel:(905)827-9865Year of Graduation:1989

Fax:(905)827-3583Postgraduate Training:CCFP (McMaster)


* Resident is required to return to FPU for half day back and behavioural science sessions


Practice Population:1000 patients

40% pediatrics, 40% adult medicine, 20% geriatrics

Practice Type:Group (4)

Method of Payment:Fee for service


On Call:1 in 30 weeknights and weekends

Walk-in Clinic - 2 1/2 hours weeknights

1 in 4 weekends

Emergency:Minimal opportunity

Obstetrics:Full care obstetrics

Approx. 50 deliveries per year

Office Procedures:Liquid nitrogen, mole removal

RESOURCES:X-ray, ultrasound, lab, pharmacy

CONSULTANTS:Full consultants available locally

SETTING:Upper middle class population. Large population of young families


2250 Fairview StreetHospitals:Joseph Brant Memorial

Burlington, ON L7R 4C7



Personal Information:

Dr. Barbara BellMedical School:McMaster University

Year of Graduation:1987

Postgraduate Training:CCFP

Dr. Lori ChalklinMedical School:McMaster University

Year of Graduation:1985

Postgraduate Training:CCFP

Dr. G. Stephen DuncanMedical School:McMaster University

Year of Graduation:1993

Postgraduate Training:CCFP

Dr. James KraemerMedical School:McMaster University

Year of Graduation:1973

Postgraduate Training:CCFP

Dr. Michael MillsMedical School:University of Western Ontario

Year of Graduation:1976

Postgraduate Training:CCFP

Dr. David WallikMedical School:University of Toronto

Year of Graduation:1984

Postgraduate Training:CCFP


* Resident is required to return to FPU for half day back and behavioural science sessions


Practice Population:12000 patients in total group practice

23% pediatrics, 64% adult medicine, 13% geriatrics

Practice Type:Group (6)

Method of Payment:Health Service Organization (HSO) including Capitation, Program Funding and Fee for Service


On Call:1 in 7

Emergency:No formal involvement with ER. Emergency situations involving practice patients seen in clinic

Obstetrics:Shared care obstetrics - Deliveries done by Dr. Duncan and OB Group


Office Procedures:Procedure Clinic once a week including circumcisions, excisions, minor orthopaedics, office and emergency room surgery, assist in minor surgery done at hospital, Dermatology Clinic once a week, cryotherapy, total responsibility for hospital patients

CONSULTANTS:Numerous consultants available

RESOURCES:2 Nurse Practitioners, 2 Social Workers, 1 Chiropodist, 1 Family Counselling Therapist, 1 Registered Dietician, Practice Administrator

PROFESSIONAL Dr. BellWomen=s Health Issues

INTERESTS:Dr. ChalklinPsychiatry, Diabetes, Women=s Health Issues

Dr. DuncanObstetrics

Dr. KraemerContinuing Medical Education

Dr. MillsComputers in Family Practice

Dr. WallikOffice-based surgical procedures, computer information systems

SETTING:Family Practice group setting representative of suburban middle-class population

RESEARCH:McMaster University System-Linked Research Unit Partners. Involved in a randomized clinical trial of Sertraline and Inter-personal Therapy in the treatment of Dysthymia


Personal Information:Hospitals:Chesley District Memorial

Dr. Margaret SanbornMedical School:McMaster University

P.O. Box 459Year of Graduation:1979

Chesley, ON N0G 1L0Postgraduate Training:CCFP


Dr. Ian ThompsonMedical School:Queen=s University

P.O. Box 160Year of Graduation:1979

Chesley, ON N0G 1L0Postgraduate Training:CCFP




Practice Population:8000 patients in the clinic

Dr. Sanborn25% pediatrics, 60% adult medicine, 15% geriatrics

Dr. Thompson20% pediatrics, 50% adult medicine, 30% geriatrics

Practice Type:Group (5)

Method of Payment:Fee for service and sessional fees for emergency work


On Call:1 weekend in 5 and every 5th weekday

Emergency:All physicians responsible for performing their own emergency procedures. High volume of ER experience. The 5 physicians in the practice staff the ER exclusively

Obstetrics:Full care obstetrics practised by all physicians in the clinic

Dr. Sanborn10-20 deliveries per year

Dr. Thompson10-20 deliveries per year

Office Procedures:Most are done at the hospital in Chesley. Procedures include minor office surgery, orthopaedics, cryotherapy, liquid nitrogen clinic every 3 weeks, casting, sigmoidoscopy, IUD insertion, flexible sigmoidoscopy. Major surgery assists are done at the hospital

CONSULTANTS:Available 35 minutes away in Owen Sound. An internist from Owen Sound does a clinic in Chesley once a month

RESOURCES:Radiological facilities are located at the hospital but the laboratory facilities are limited. There is a full laboratory located in Walkerton with a courier service

PROFESSIONALDr. SanbornMember of the Ontario College of Family Physicians Environ- INTERESTS: mental Health Committee; Past Hospital Dept Chief of Staff Dr. Thompson Past Hospital Depart Chief of Staff

SETTING:Chesley has an approximate population of 2000. It is located in Bruce County and is an easy drive to Georgian Bay and Lake Huron. A number of summer and winter recreation sports are available in the area.


Although in a separate building, the clinic is located on the hospital grounds, and therefore a convenient location for participation in in-hospital activities and emergency work. Patient population includes a few Old Order Mennonite families which offers the opportunity for experience in dealing with a patient population who choose not to have provincial health care coverage.

Doctors have an extensive involvement in patient work up and admissions plus ongoing hospital care.

There is a high volume of office patients of all age groups. Visits to the 2 Nursing Homes in Chesley are a regular part of practice activities. Excellent example of a group practice where physicians work well together.

Dr. Sanborn practices a large amount of internal medicine and is interested in women=s health issues and contraception. She is involved with the Sexual Health Clinics at the local health unit. Dr. Thompson can arrange for residents to spend time at the Sexual Health Clinic in Owen Sound.

While in Chesley, residents have the option to stay in the home of one of the clinic physicians.

COPPS, Brenda

Personal Information:

576 Main Street EastHospitals:St. Joseph=s

Hamilton, Ontario L8M 1J2Chedoke-McMaster

Tel:(905)528-5292Hamilton Civics


Email:Medical School:McMaster University

Year of Graduation:1981

Postgraduate Training:CCFP (McMaster)


* Resident is required to return to FPU for half day back and behavioural science sessions


Practice Population:1500 - 2000 patients

35% Pediatrics, 45% Adults, 20% Geriatrics

Practice Type:Group

Method of Payment:Fee for service (computerized billing)


On Call:1 week night in 4 and 1 weekend in 10

Emergency:Emergency experience limited but available if resident is interested

Obstetrics:Shared care obstetrics

High volume prenatal

Deliveries performed by St. Joseph=s OB group

Office Procedures:IUD insertion, dermatological procedures; mole removal

Circumcisions done at the hospital

RESOURCES:Laboratory facilities are located on site

Radiological facilities are within walking distance from the practice

PROFESSIONALExcellent role model for female residents who are anticipating combining INTERESTS: a career and a family. Dr. Copps is interested in developmentally handicapped adults and bereavement

CROMBIE, Fionnella

Personal Information:

206 James Street South, Suite 104Hospitals:St. Joseph=s

Hamilton, Ontario L8P 3A9

Tel:(905)526-1606Medical School:University of Toronto

Fax:(905)526-7692Year of Graduation:1980

Postgraduate Training:CCFP (Dalhousie)


*Resident is required to return to FPU for half day back and behavioural science sessions


Practice Population:1400 patients

28% Pediatrics, 58% Adults, 14% Geriatrics

Practice Type:Group (4)

Method of Payment:HSO


On Call:1 night/weeknight

1 weekend in 10

On call for own OBS unless sign out to small on call OBS F.P. group

Emergency:Minimal opportunity

Obstetrics:Full care obstetrics

Approximately 40 deliveries per year

Office Procedures:IUD, diaphragm fitting, excision of lumps and bumps

CONSULTANTS:2 social workers (one child family, one adult and couple)

2 consulting psychiatrists (1 adult, 1 child)

1 nutritionist

RESOURCES:MDS Lab in building

X-ray in hospital located across the road

Glucometer, hemoglobinometer in office

SETTING:Middle income families with a good mix of age and gender

Good mix of acute illness, chronic illness

Opportunity for disease prevention/health promotion

Special interest in women=s health

CROSS, Randolph

Personal Information:

95 Hamilton Street, Unit 1Hospitals:Joseph Brant Memorial

Waterdown, ON L0R 2H0

Tel:(905)689-6134Medical School:McMaster University

Fax:(905)689-5665Year of Graduation:1979

Email:Postgraduate Training:CCFP (McMaster)


*Resident is required to return to FPU for half day back and behavioural science sessions


Practice Population:5000 patients at the Waterdown Clinic

33% pediatrics, 33% adult medicine, 33% geriatrics

Practice Type:Group (4)

Method of Payment:Fee for Service


On Call:1 in 14 after hours clinic

1 in 14 weekends

Emergency:Good opportunity for emergency experience in busy community hospital

Obstetrics:Full care obstetrics

40-60 deliveries per year

Office Procedures:Minor surgical procedures, cryotherapy, casting simple fractures, joint injections, surgical assist for all major surgery

CONSULTANTS:Excellent network of consultants in community hospital covering all disciplines. Physiotherapy in building

RESOURCES:Lab in office, X-ray facility in town, nursing home experience


INTERESTS:Obstetrics, sports medicine, and geriatrics

SETTING:Traditional small town and rural practice in close proximity to a large community hospital as well as tertiary care centres. Family physician plays a major role in care of hospitalized patients

DEWAR, James

Personal Information:

97 Charlotte StreetHospitals:Port Colborne General

Port Colborne, ON L3K 3E2

Tel:(905)834-4546Medical School:University of Western Ontario

Year of Graduation:1963

Postgraduate Training:CCFP, GP Anaesthesia



Practice Population:10000 patients

20% Pediatrics, 40% Adults, 40% Geriatrics

Practice Type:Group (4)

Method of Payment:Fee for Service


On Call:The call system for all practices in Port Colborne is run through the Emergency Department of the Hospital which acts as a 24-hr. Walk-in Clinic-Emergency Department

Emergency:2 shifts covered by physicians - 1 from 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. and the other from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 a.m. the following day. Community physicians are invited to take as many or as few shifts in the Emergency Department as they are able. Remaining shifts are covered by the firm, Med-Emerg. Community physicians take ASecond-on-Call@ coverage for one week out of eight to cover exceptionally bust times in the Emergency Department and care for patients admitted to hospital and do not have a community family physician

Obstetrics:Dr. Charlene Wayda provides full obstetrical care in the office and deliveries are done at the nearby Welland County General Hospital

Geriatrics:There is a 30-bed geriatric wing at the Port Colborne General Hospital and a 90bed Regional Nursing Home in Port Colborne. There is also a 100-bed retirement home which deals with a fairly frail population

Office Procedures:Minor surgery done in the office along with cryotherapy, urinalysis, and hemoglobins

Surgical Assists:Surgical assisting is available in orthopedics, gynecology, general surgery and urology

Palliative Care:Home palliative care is supervised by each physician with good Home Care resources as well as a Community Palliative Care Program initiated by the Port Colborne General Hospital. Trained palliative care volunteers through this program are available for care in the patient=s home or in the hospital, local retirement home, or local nursing home. Palliative Care services are provided for in patients at the Port Colborne General Hospital.

DEWAR, James (continued)

CONSULTANTS:Readily available

RESOURCES:Medical consultants are readily available in the nearby city of Welland, approximately 12 miles from Port Colborne. These consultants work in the Port Colborne General Hospital and most of them have weekly day clinics with the hospital. The consultants provide services in OBGYN, Orthopedics, General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Urology, and Ophthalmology. Nearby tertiary centres include Hamilton, Toronto, London and Buffalo