Minutes of the Executive Meeting of the Somerset Local Pharmaceutical Committee held at The Nags Head Thornfalcon on Tuesday 13th December 2016.

Present: A Downing (Chairman); Ms Y Lamb (Engagement Officer); M Lennox (Chief Officer);

Mrs F Norman (Treasurer); Mrs M Pennington (Administrative Officer); Ms E Waller (Vice Chairman) N. Woollcombe-Adams (Secretary)

1.  Apologies for Absence – None.

2.  Declarations of Interest – None.

3.  PSNC Levy to Fund Judicial Review –

PSNC had requested all LPCs to contribute £100 per pharmacy to fund the costs of the JR. PSNC suggested that this could be funded from reserves without the need for any additional levy. In the case of Somerset this would be £10,200. The Executive agreed that this would be appropriate use of resources, but that NWA should email members to confirm their agreement to this course of action. Meanwhile PSNC would put lobbying of MPs and the Health Select Committee on hold.

4.  Provider Company –

In view of 3 above the urgency of setting this up had reduced.

5.  NHS Urgent Supply Service –

ML agreed to explore the possibility of setting up a shell company with GPs covering an amalgamation of Devon, Cornwall and Somerset were the provider company not to go ahead, or be substantially delayed.

6.  CCA Member –

Neil Kyle is a possibility, but he will need to be nominated via Lloyds to the CCA. The next meeting of the CCA Committee had to be awaited.

7.  Digital Training –

ML was exploring the possibility of getting a training sum from the CCG.

8.  STP –

It was noted that Niall Dickson was to be appointed Chairman with effect from the end of January. There would be three Operations Directors, namely Nick Broughton (SOMPAR), Pat Flaherty (SCC) and Matthew Dolman. Six to eight priorities were being explored, with a view to saving £40,000,000. Focus was to be on presentation and health promotion, with the intentions that organisations should collaborate and not compete. Public consultation is expected in June.

9.  “Survive and Thrive” –

New Contract engagement was now the top priority for the L & D Group. This together with HLP will form the first quarter’s program. Minor Ailments moves to quarter two. It is hoped to use off the shelf training available from Avon and Devon, with a view to organising two engagements events, one in Taunton and one in Yeovil, on 24th and 25th January. It was the Executive’s view that these events should be booked as a matter of urgency.

10.  Agenda Items for LPC Meeting 18th January 2017 –

PSNC Regional Meeting

Clinical Senate South West – LPC Nomination

Provider Company

Update on Engagement Events

11.  Any Other Business – None.