Some More Basic Editing

Deleting Clips from the Timeline

  • Start Premiere
  • Open your catmovie project
  • Delete your third clip:
  • Select it
  • Right-click it
  • Choose Clear
  • Leaves a gap
  • Right-click in the gap
  • Choose Ripple Delete
  • OR select theTrack Select tool and drag remaining timeline to the left

Or (Best way)

  • Select the clip
  • Right-click and choose Ripple Delete

Adding clips other than at the end

Method # 1:Control-Drag to desired location. Be careful where you drop the clip, it CAN get inserted right in the middle of an existing clip, instead of at the end of one

Practice: Add a clip between clips 2 and 3

  • Select a clip
  • Ctrl-drag it
  • Notice shape of the cursor

Method # 2: Drag the clip to Video 2 to where you want the clip to appear:

  • Click the Track Select tool
  • Drag right on the timeline to carve out a blank area:
  • Drag the clip from Video 2 to Video 1

Editing summary. We saw how to:

  • Change the duration of the last clip on the timeline
  • Change the duration of a clip NOT at the end
  • Insert a clip in the middle of the timeline
  • Delete clips and fill the resulting gap

Video Special Effects and Transitions

  • Video Transitions (between clips)…can also apply between stills
  • Video Effects (Apply to the clips themselves)

Click the Effects tab

  • Notice it’s used to create transitions and special effects

Video Transitions

  • We apply thembetween clips (video or photos)

Video Effects

  • Apply to the clips themselves

Video Transitions:Details

  • Procedure:
  • Select the transition you want from the Video Transitionsmenu
  • Decide on the two clips that will be transitioned
  • Drag the desired transition over the place where the two clips meet
  • Example:
  • Choose Video Transitions>Page Peel>Page Peel
  • Drag the Page Peel Video Transition icon between any two clips
  • The shape of the symbol…the vertical line is to the left of the frame symbol: It says the entire effect will be applied to the clip on the right (in my case, there isn’t any clip to the left)
  • Sometimes we want part of the effect to be on one clip, rest of effect on clip that follows…a dissolve, for example
  • Here is what you should see:
  • Duration defaults to 1 second
  • To change: Method # 1
  • Double click the transition on the time line
  • Change the Durationvalue in the window that opens;
  • Make it two seconds
  • Method # 2: Can also adjust the length of the effect by clicking the end point of the effect (watch for red cursor) and drag to the right (or left to shorten)

Example 2

  • Apply a page turntransition between any two clips…change duration to 2 seconds
  • Play the movie in the Program window to see the effect (drag play head)
  • Will go from one still image to the next as a page peel

To delete a transition:

  • Select it
  • Right click on it, choose Clear:


  1. Cross dissolve (used frequently)
  2. Be sure to “Share” the dissolve
  • Drop it in between two images:
  1. Dip to Black (often used in videos)
  2. 3D Motion>Cube Spin
  • Use the Programwindow and move the playback head to play the movie
  • Save

Rendering and Playing movies

  • Use Space Bar or
  • Use Enter key
  • Enter does a real render (creation) of the movie,
  • Space bar kind of fakes it
  • Look for a green line at the top of the timeline: That indicates the movie is “rendered” (created)
  • Render your movie (Enter key)

Video Effects…skip rest

  • They affect the entire clip, not what’s in between two
  • Select a clip (video or still)
  • Choose Effects>Video Effects
  • Try Stylize>Emboss
  • Experiment with settings:

  • Look at the result:
  • Pick another clip
  • Try Effects>Perspective>Basic 3D
  • Drag ontop of a clip
  • Click Effects Control tab:lets you fine tune your effect

  • Try varying the properties (All are set to zero to start) to the above

Save and Close the project