University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
Winter 2010
Course Objectives
This course is an intensive investigation into software quality, development process, metrics, coding standard, testing, defect detection/prevention, and maintenance issues. The course also covers software quality management, estimation models and reuse, with relevant examples from major software companies in the industry operating at high development maturity.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, students are expected to be proficient in software quality and be sensitive to production of high quality artifacts during software development in preparation to entering the industry or in pursuit of graduate studies.
ENGR 2490, ENGR 3650.
Completion of first semester of third year software engineering with proficient programming skills.
Course Organization
Three lecture hours and two tutorial hours per week for one semester.
Course Text
§ Kan, S., Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering, Addison Wesley, 2003.
Reference Books and Information Sources
§ To be handed out during lectures.
§ 10% written assignments (2)
§ 15% programming assignment (1)
§ 15% paper and presentation on selected topics (1)
§ 20% mid-term (1) – Feb 24, 2010
§ 35% final examination (1)
§ 5% class participation (throughout the course)
Detailed Course Content
§ Unit 1 Quality Standards (1 lecture)
§ Unit 2 Software Development Process Models (0.5 lecture)
§ Unit 3 Product and Software Metrics (0.5 lecture)
§ Unit 4 Complexity Analysis (1 lecture)
§ Unit 5 Coding Standards (0.5 lecture)
§ Unit 6 Object Oriented Software Testing (1 lecture)
§ Unit 7 Project Quality Management (1.5 lectures)
§ Unit 8 Estimation and Defect Models (1.5 lectures)
§ Unit 9 Reuse (0.5 lecture)
§ Unit 10 Maintenance and Defect Removal (0.5 lecture)
§ Unit 11 Case Studies (1 lecture)
Tutorials will be used by students to ask questions and discuss topics covered in class with the TA. Students should also make use of the tutorials to seek guidance from the TA on the programming assignment and selection of topics for report writing and presentation.
Computer Experience
Students are expected to be fluent in at least one programming language and be able to write a program to analyze the complexity of his/her own program written in that language.
Course Content Breakdown
§ Mathematics: 10%
§ Engineering Science: 35%
§ Engineering Design: 35%
§ Complementary Studies: 20%
Accreditation Units
§ ? units
- Mr. Danny Ho, M.Sc., P.Eng., PMP
Teaching Assistant
- Mr. Snahungshu Sikder
Each student is required to have passing grade in the weighted average of his/her mid-term and final exam grades. A combined grade of less than 50% in these will result in at most a D for the course final mark (depending on the student's other grades). A combined grade of less than 40% in the mid-term and final exam will automatically result in a final grade of F for the course.
In case you cannot write the mid-term or final exam due to medical reasons, certificates MUST be sent DIRECTLY from the Doctor's Office or Hospital within 5 days by mail or preferably by fax to the Academic Advisor of FEAS (fax number 905-721-3370, attn: Academic Advisor). A fee for the deferral must be paid by the student if the medical certificate is valid and arrives on time. Failure to comply with the above will result in an F for the mid-term and/or the final exam. The deferred exam will be either written or oral at the discretion of the instructor.
Academic Integrity and Conduct
UOIT is committed to the fundamental values of preserving academic integrity as defined in UOIT policies and contained in the UOIT calendar. Students should familiarize themselves with UOIT’s policies and statements in this area. Acts of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, cheating, aiding others in cheating, and examination impersonation, will be dealt with severely as they threaten the integrity of the academic system and are not acceptable.
UOIT and faculty members reserve the right to use electronic means to detect and help prevent plagiarism. Students agree that by taking this course all assignments are subject to submission for textual similarity review to Assignments submitted to will be included as source documents in's restricted access database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism in such documents for five academic years. The faculty member may require students to submit their assignments electronically to or the faculty member may submit questionable text on behalf of a student. The terms that apply to UOIT's use of the service are described on the website. (To read the entire policy, please go to:
To insure that disability-related concerns are properly addressed during this course, students with documented disabilities and who may require assistance to participate in this class are encouraged to speak with their instructor as soon as possible.Students who suspect they may have a disability that may affect their participation in this course are advised to go to the Centre for Students with Disabilities (room B297) as soon as possible.
Approved by (indicating approval of Faculty’s Curriculum Committee):
Mike Eklund, Program Director for Electrical and Software Engineering
Date: December, 2009