340 E. Beach Street
Watsonville, CA 95076 / T: 831-724-6078
F: 831-724-3245
Web: www.ywcawatsonville.org
January 4, 2006
Dear Friends:
I am pleased to announce that the Board of Directors of YWCA Watsonville will continue our traditional Perky Hyde Women of Achievement Awards Ceremony for 2006. This marks the 31st year of nominating and recognizing local women for their leadership and for the inspiration they bring to our lives. Please take a few moments to let the exceptional women leaders in your life know that you respect and admire them and then join us for our annual celebration on behalf of our honorees.
The Perky Hyde Women of Achievement program serves two important goals:
· To recognize women whose lives embody the mission of the YWCA, to “…create opportunities for women’s growth, leadership and power in order to attain a common vision: peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all people”.
· To provide a forum for women in business and the professions, the arts and education, government and science to meet and advance their mutual interests.
Perky Hyde was a vital citizen of Watsonville and the YWCA
Persis (Perky) Hyde’s dedication to the YWCA and the Watsonville community laid the foundation for our annual celebration. Perky Hyde was born in San Francisco, graduating from Hamilin School at 16 and from UC Berkeley in 1945. She met and married Harold (Hal) Hyde in 1948. They moved to Watsonville in 1951 where Perky embarked on family and community work. Perky joined the boards of many local non-profit service, arts and music groups including YWCA Watsonville where she focused on the needs of women and children in Pajaro Valley and Santa Cruz County. Over decades of service, Perky won many awards and honors such as the 1977 Chamber of Commerce tribute. Along with her community service work, Perky Hyde and her family traveled extensively, drawing together interesting and inspirational people. The practical Perky was highly skilled in problem solving and motivating others to take up community work.
With this in mind we urge you to submit a nomination for a woman in your circle who shows the exceptional leadership and dedication that Perky Hyde modeled for Watsonville and for the YWCA. Our selection committee will review all of the nominees, name the Women of Achievement for 2006, and hold a celebration for all the honorees and their families, friends and colleagues at our beautiful facility on Beach Street.
On behalf of the YWCA of Watsonville,
Vietta Helmle
Executive Director
YWCA of Watsonville
31st Annual 2006 Perky Hyde Women of Achievement Program
Nomination Guidelines and Requirements
What is the Perky Hyde Women of Achievement Program?
For 31 years the YWCA of Watsonville Perky Hyde Women of Achievement Program has honored women who exemplify excellence in leadership and the companies who employ these women. The women will be honored along with their employers, at an award celebration on Date to be Announced Soon, at YWCA Watsonville.
The YWCA provides critical preschool and latchkey childcare programs for 130 families each year. For 76 years the YW-Teens program has worked to support wise choices among young women. Funds generated through the Perky Hyde Women of Achievement event allow the YWCA to further its mission to eliminate racism and empower women and their families to become strong, productive, healthy members of our community.
Nomination Criteria
Nominee must meet the following criteria in her profession, in her volunteer activity, in her school or university, or in her business:
1. Please explain how she has worked toward the elimination of racism
2. Show how she has furthered the empowerment of women and girls
AND the nominee has a minimum of two of the following criteria:
1. A leadership role within her organization including sales, innovation, budget and finance, human resources or other key function.
2. Outstanding leadership qualities and successful role model for people of color and women
3. Nominee has initiated programs that provide opportunities to develop leadership
4. Nominee has initiated programs that reduce racism and the conditions leading to discrimination
5. Nominee has demonstrated responsiveness to the needs and advancement of women and people of color
6. Nominee has encouraged people of color and women to advance into leadership roles in the organization or in the community
Application Guidelines
Please submit information about the nominee that describes her achievements:
1. How has she contributed to the goals of eliminating racism and/or empowering women and/or girls?
2. What are her outstanding leadership qualities in her work or community activities?
3. List any personal achievements, community service activities or awards (provide dates, if possible).
NOTE: Please limit your nomination letter to 3 pages or less.
The Selection Process
Companies or individuals may submit nomination forms on behalf of a woman. A committee of YWCA members will review nominations and select the Honorees. At the awards dinner, each Honoree will be recognized individually and her company or organization will be recognized for their support for the advancement of women and the elimination of racism.
Sponsorship Requirement
This is to recognize the company's Honoree and to support the fundraising activities and mission of the YWCA of Watsonville. Companies may extend their level of participation by becoming major event sponsors. Information regarding sponsorship opportunities will be sent to companies following notification of an Honoree selection. This event provides companies with a unique opportunity to publicly recognize an outstanding woman, while also supporting the Watsonville community.
The 31st Annual PERKY HYDE WOMEN OF ACHIEVEMENT celebration will be held:
Wednesday, September 20, 2006 at 6:00 PM
YWCA Watsonville
340 East Beach Street, Watsonville
Honoree Responsibilities
All Honorees are expected to do the following:
· Submit a digital photo for the event program.
· Attend Awards Dinner at the YWCA Watsonville. (Date to be announced soon!)
· Attend a luncheon for Honorees held later in the year.
Nomination submission
There are three ways to submit a PERKY HYDE WOMEN OF ACHIEVEMENT nomination:
Fax: (831) 724-3245
YWCA Watsonville
340 East Beach Street,
Watsonville, CA 95076
Remember: Nomination deadline is July 14, 2006
Funded in part by: