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Socrates and Hegel on the Internet
Professor Milos Rastovic a site dedicated to the philosophy and interested students for this subject
What was Thomas Jefferson, Bruce Lee and Dzordz Soros? For those who visited the site, dedicated to the philosophy, professor Milos RASTOVIC from Sombor answer will be simple - all three of them have studied philosophy. Wondering how to trade in the SecondaryTechnicalSchool do interesting, approachable and popular to students, and those who are interested in philosophy, Rastovic decided to make the web site with information about courses that holds, lessons, but jokes and quiz in this area.
- Working for two years on this site and it is constantly expanding with new things. I will create the forum where fans will be able to philosophical thought to discuss, share
Milos Rastovic experiences, receive useful information and tests from the
history of philosophy for students - says Rastović.
Constantly expanding and art gallery, as well as base students' seminar, and one of the most visited page is one that deals with the films with philosophical issues, especially like Rastović colleagues from the American Universities. Here you can find that philosophical ideas are woven through learning or in certain films, such as, for example, Nietzsche's will to power, which the author recognizes the site in "Citizen Kane" and "Triumph of the will” or existential learning that had a huge impact on the realization of IngmarBergman. .
Presentation, according to Professor’s knowledge, only these types of us, for everyone - students, professors, fans, those who would like to learn something new or just to have fun and sweet laugh philosophical jokes, strips, attempt your knowledge in the interactive quiz.
- Students from September constantly use the site in teaching, the preparation for classes, additional learning, and I started on the Internet "put” and my lectures, literature, which I used and defined exactly what is expected of students. Internet is closer to students than the traditional ways of learning in the school - explains Rastović.
Next project, which plans this professor of philosophy is to introduce his school similar presentation for each subject, and the possibility of distance learning, but stressed that for now only ideas.
- At the Conference of philosophers in the United States, where I was the only participant from Eastern Europe, I learned that 65 percent of students in secondary schools use the Internet in teaching, while learning to look at us only in starting - Rastović said.
In our defense should be pointed out that, as we told Rastović, American professors were pleasantly surprised when they heard that in our philosophy studies in secondary school, because in them the subject only of the university.
One of the joke you've found on this site reads as follows: The final test of the university, topic of "How to think to live by the philosophy degrees?" Although the rhetorical question, we cannot stand to provide a response - so you'll like what you are doing.
Ј. Beokovic
[proclaimed: 07/12/2008]