Early Americas Civilizations
Instead of doing a chapter test for Chapter 16, I have decided to assess you in a different way. Your chapter assignment will be a project. It will be a group project; your group can be no more than four people. You will be researching and presenting an early Americas civilization of your choice from Chapter 16 in the OLD 7th grade textbook. You will have time to work on this in class as well as in the computer lab, but most of your work will need to be done outside of school. All projects are due on TuesdayMarch18th. If your project is not turned in on this date, it will be considered late and you will only receive half credit. We will begin presentations on Tuesday, March 18th.
Materials Needed:
Tri-fold presentation poster board
Coloring utensils
Research findings
Flash drive
Topics that Need to be Researched:
1.) Your civilization’s history
- How did they begin? (20)
2.) Culture
- Government (20)
- Capital city (20)
- Economy (include trade) (20)
- Language (20)
- Transportation (20)
- Religion (include any mythology) (20)
- Social structure (20)
- Education (20)
- Recreation (20)
- Agriculture (20)
- Daily life (20)
- Also include any interesting facts you come across during your research (20)
3.) Geography of their empire
- Did they change it? How? (20)
4.) Relationship to other cultures (20)
5.) What happened to your civilization? (20)
*** You will be creating a PowerPoint presentation to go along with your tri-fold poster board. This is where you will be giving your researched information to the class*** (50)
*** You will need to have slide handouts to give to your classmates so they can follow along with your presentation. I will help you with these*** (10)
*** On your poster board, you will need a map of your civilizations territory. You will need to label all major cities and features (20)
*** You need pictures to represent everything you see above*** (10)
*** Everything needs to be in color on boards*** (10)
*** Everyone will be given a grade on their presentation*** (15)
*** Need an outline for your presentation*** (10)
Total Points: 445
b.7.1- I can analyze the relationships among cultural practices, products, and perspectives of early civilizations
b.7.3- I can give examples of contacts among different cultures that led to the changes in belief systems, art, science, technology, language, or systems of government
c.7.1- I can identify the location of significant physical and human characteristics on a map of the relevant region
c.7.3- I can describe changes in the physical and human characteristics of regions that occur over time and identify the consequences of such changes
g.7.3- I can establish guidelines, rules, and timelines for group work
g.7.4- I can reflect on the performance of a classroom group in which one has participated including the contributions of each member in reaching group goals