Sociology in our Times

Major Points of Chapter 18-20

November 16, 2015

CHAPTER 18 Health, Health Care and Disability

1)Know the definitions of Health, Health Care and Medicine

2)What is the typical life expectancy in the world and in the US for men and women?

3)Know about infant mortality rates

4)What is Social Epidemiology?

5)What factors does it study?

6)Know what the four Demographic Factors are listed in the power points? Hint: age, sex, race & ethnicity, and occupation

7)What are the health effects for alcoholics?

8)What is the definition of a drug?

9)Know about STDs both from the power points and the handouts

10)Know what the risks are for those who use illegal drugs as noted in the power points & handouts and what are the more commonly used drugs.

11)How do we typically pay for medical care? Hint: Private and public health insurances

12)What is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care act?

13)What does the Functionalist Perspective say about the “sick role”?

14)Know what the Conflict Perspective says about medical care

15)What does the Symbolic Interactionist perspective say about illness?

16)Define Mental Illness

17)What is the difference between Neurotic disorders and Psychotic Disorders?

18)Know some examples of Neurotic and Psychotic disorders

19)Know what is meant by Deinstitutionalization of the Mentally Ill

20)How are factors like race, class, and gender related to mental illness?

21)How many people in the US are estimated to have a disability?

22)What accounts for most of the disabilities in the US?

CHAPTER 19 Population and Urbanization:

1)Define demography

2)Define Population and what is population related to?

3)Define Fertility. What is the age range for a woman in child bearing group?

4)Define Mortality. What is the main cause of population growth in recent years? How has mortality been decreased?

5)What is Migration? What are the push and pull reasons listed in the power points for Migration of people?

6)What factors are included in the Population Composition? Age, Sex, Race etc.

7)Define the Malthusian Perspective, Marxist Perspective and Neo Malthusian Perspectives?

8)Define Urban sociology

9)What are the preconditions for a city to develop?

10)Preindustrial cities were limited due to what factors?

11)What are some factors about Industrial Cities?

12)What are some factors of Postindustrial Cities?

13)What are urban problems/factors in the US?

14)Define Rural Communities

15)Know the factors about rural communities

Chapter 20 Social Movement

1)Know the definition of Social Change

2)What is collective behavior?

3)Know the conditions and dynamics of Collective behavior

4)What are the different types of crowds? 5 Types> Causal Conventional Expressive Action and Protest

5)What are the differences in a Mass, a Mob and a Riot?

6)What does the Contagion theory says about crowd behavior?

7)What does the Convergence theory about crowd behavior?

8)What is the Emergent Norm Theory?

9)Define Mass Behavior

10)What are the differences in Rumors and Gossip?

11)What are the differences in Mass hysteria and panic, and Fads and fashion?

12)What role does Public Opinion have in our culture?

13)Define Social Movement

14)Know the various types of social movements listed in the power points> Reform, Revolutionary, Religious, Alternative and Resistance?

15)What are the Social Movement theories?

16)What are the social changes in the future?