• Are you an MFL teacher, eager to use more the ICT resources in your school?
  • Do you want to learn how to create your own material for your interactive white board?
  • Would you like to spread your circle of friends in the Languages World and share some good ideas with other teachers?



Saturday, 20th November 2010, 9:30 am – 3:00 pm

to be held at


North Block, Language Laboratory (Room 31)

Dulwich Common, London SE21 7LD

(see website for map)

(Nearest station:West Dulwich, trains from Victoria Station every 15 mins)

(Turn right out of the station, 5 mins walk. The MFL block entrance is signposted but entrance is on the left hand side of the car park immediately as you enter.)

Please bring your own memory stick so you can take your work home.

Programme (tbc):

9.30 / Registration & tea/coffee and biscuits – members of the ALL Londoncommittee will be there to welcome you!
10.00-11.10 / NEW WAYS OF USING YOUR INTERACTIVE WHITE BOARD IN THE MFL CLASSROOM: Carol Hughes shares some inspiring practice using this popular software in language teaching. Lots of examples and step-by-step process to enable you to create your own resources.
11.10-11.30 / Comfort break. Coffee, tea, biscuits and time to chat!
11.30 -12.40 / BLOGGING 101:Leanne Simmondsshares with us some of the ideas she has tried out with her pupils.
12.40-13.40 / Pause for lunch and chat, and time to share ideas
Demonstration of the Televic Language Laboratory
14.50 / Workshop: tbc Using the VLE, or
Practise making your own materials with the help of experts – session led by Joe Dale

14.50- Summing up and sharing good practice



Afterwards … visit the beautiful Dulwich Picture Gallery andDulwichVillage and Park!

As refreshments and lunch are provided and there is a limit on places available, we need to know IN ADVANCE how many people are intending to attend. There are 35 places, and pre-paid booking will guarantee you a place. You must email our secretary if you have not pre-paid and you are planning to come. Please send in the application form below to Kathleen Merino, along with payment by Friday 12th November; otherwise send an email with the information to her, but be aware that you will only get a place after those who have paid in advance.

PLEASE NOTE: To cut down costs and administration time, we won’t send confirmation unless you particularly ask for it... assume you have a place if you have paid unless you hear otherwise!

If you need any more information please ask. Thanks.

Application Form
To: Mrs Kathleen Merino, 11 Tavistock Road, Edgware, HA8 6DF
OR, if no time to send form, email info to her:
London ALL Spanish Event ; Saturday 20th November, 9.30 – 3.00 pm Dulwich College
Work Telephone Number
Home Address
Home Telephone Number
  • £25 – PGCE students
  • £35 – members and Associate members (or people who join on the day will have money refunded if they have paid the non-member rate in advance)
  • £40 – group members
  • £60 – non-members

*Please delete as appropriate.

I enclose cheque (payable to ALL-LRB) to the value of £______as payment for (No.)______persons as listed below (BLOCK CAPITALS please):

Name ______PGCE Student/ Member/Group member / Associate Member / Non-Member *

Name ______PGCE Student/ Member/Group member / Associate Member / Non-Member *

Name ______PGCE Student/ Member/Group member / Associate Member / Non-Member *