Social welfare committee/Child welfare committee
Case worker: name and tel. no. / FOLLOW-UP REPORT
concerning a child born abroad

Particulars concerning the child

Original name of child / Date of birth / Sex Boy Girl
Present name of child
Child arrived from / Date of arrival in Sweden
Names of adoptive parents/ prospective adoption parents
Previous address (where relevant)
Date of home visit / No. of months child has been with family


The report should provide a description of the relationship between the child and parents and detail successes and setbacks.The basis of the report must be the child'ssituation.

In some countries of origin, additional information is required in the follow-up report.In these cases the adoption organisations provide instructions.

1Reflections on the adoption (answered during the first feedback)

The parents’ description of the child’s reactions to the new life situation. The parent’s thoughts concerning their experiences upon receiving the child and the initial period with the child.

2Description of the child’s psychosocial development

Describe how the child has developed emotionally and cognitively since arrival to the adoptive family/since the last feedback. Describe the child’s linguistic development, personality and what the child likes to do.

3Description of the child’s physical development

Describe the child’s eating and sleeping habits, the child’s motor development, the child’s height, weight, health and any treatments.

4Important events

Describe important events in the family since the child’s arrival/last feedback, for example, starting kindergarten, relocation, new siblings and how these events have affected the child.

5The child’s relationship to the surroundings

Which people are important to the child? Describe the child’s relationship to these people. Describe the child’s relationship to any siblings.


Describe the parents’ relationship to the child and how they have adapted to the child. Describe the parents’ plans for parental leave, childcare and the start of school/ and how the child has reacted to the start of kindergarten or school.

7Child’s background

Describe any questions and thoughts the child may have concerning his/her background. How do the parents intend to tackle questions about the child’s background?

8Investigator’s assessment

The investigator's perception of the child’s situation in the family.

If the response does not fit on the next page, please enclose an attachment.

Ex officio

(Signature of Social Welfare Officer)

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