Mr. O’Hanlon
Brooklyn High School
Social Studies/Accelerated Social Studies
Class Syllabus
Welcome to social studies! Here is a brief list of expectations for you to be successful in my class this year.
Home Involvement
Involvement from my parents or guardians is extremely important. Please feel free to contact me in any of following ways that is most convenient for you.
· Class Website
§ Link to the site is available on Progressbook and the District website
o Contains this syllabus, class notes, project information, due dates, and homework
§ I will also update progress book with homework and test dates
§ My contact information is also listed on the website.
· Email:
· Phone: (216) 485-8100 ext. 8523
Class Expectations
Students are expected to come to class on time with all of their work and materials. In order to do well in social studies, it is very important to be organized. Students MUST keep a 3-ring binder containing all class work, class notes, and homework assignments. This binder will be graded periodically throughout the year.
Make-Up Work
Students are responsible for all work missed due to any excused absence. It is the students’ responsibility to check the drawer from the day before for any worksheets or note sheets for class. This information may also be available on my website.
Late Work Policy
Homework, papers, and projects will not be accepted for credit after the due date.
However, there are circumstances in which a student may receive extensions on due dates. One of the following procedures must be followed for a student to receive credit for work submitted past the due date:
1. The student must have met with the teacher for help on the assignment before or after school, prior to the due date. An extension can be granted at this meeting.
2. The student writes an email request to the teacher for an extension, prior to the day before the due date.
3. Students on IEP/504 plans will be given additional time, as appropriate. Extensions should also be requested in these situations.
· Students will use a classroom set of textbooks this year. This means textbooks will stay in the classroom. Textbooks may be checked out due to absence or for extra reinforcement at home.
· Online Textbooks will also be available. Access codes will be distributed during the first two weeks of the school year.
Behavioral Consequences
· First offense: verbal warning
· Second offense: teacher detention
· Third offense: phone call home
· Fourth Offense: office referral
Things Necessary for Class
· Hard Three Ring Binder w/ dividers
o Please label them as follows:
§ Bell work
§ Class Notes
§ Worksheets
§ Tests and Quizzes
o Black/Blue Pens and Notebook paper
· Flash Drive
This is not a comprehensive list, but all are required as soon as possible for class
· Class Wiki
o Students will be adding to a class wikipage via Wikispaces. A separate permission slip will be sent home explaining this process.
· Vodcasts
o Students will be required to view teacher created videos, called Vodcasts, which are available on my webpage. Students will be graded based on the completion of assignments related to these videos. It is the students’ responsibility to make the arrangements necessary to view the vodcasts. Students without computer access may come in before school to use my classroom computers.
· Students will be assessed in a variety of ways:
o In-class assignments, weekly homework, in class-projects, take home projects, quizzes, tests, and the semester and final exam.
· Grades will be weighted in the following way:
o 15% Homework
o 10% Binder
o 35% Tests and Quizzes
o 15% Class work
o 25% Projects