Organisation name
Postal address
Web address
B. Contact for EOI
Your name / Position
Phone / Email
C. Project Details
Project Title
Project collaborators / Organisation name(s)who are collaborating with you on this project
Location of project / Total number of years of funding requested
Total Project Cost / $ / Have you requested funding from another source for this project? / Yes
Total Funding request / $
If yes, please outline the source of funding and amount applied for and/or secured
D. Project Area
Please indicate which area you are applying for funding
Education / Environment
E. Project Description
1. Please provide a short summary of your project including the aims and objectives
What is your project about? What does it aim to do? Who/What is your target audience/area? State the scale, sustainability and potential impact of your project. 250 word guide.
2. Please outline the background to your project, briefly describing the research or best/promising practices that inform your project.
Clearly establish why your project is needed. Is your project intended to overcome a specific problem, addresses a current need or creates a future opportunity? How does your project differ from, and/or add to existing knowledge, policy or initiatives in New Zealand? 150 word guide
3. Briefly outline your work programme.
Tell us how you plan to achieve your aims and objectives, including timeframes? 150 word guide
4. What are the proposed project management and governance structures for your project? Please attach a brief bio of the key management personnel
Who is managing the project and how will it be governed? Include brief bio of each of key personnel. 150 word guide
Please submit your application via our website along with the biographies of key personnel; and attached letter of endorsement from your CEO (if required).
NEXT Foundation – Expression of Interest Form 2