Evangelina Vásquez
Quarter 1:
UNIT 1 Life: Structure and FunctionScience Standards:
Classifying and Exploring Life – Ch 1S.1 Students understand the processes
Characteristics of Lifeof scientific investigation and design,
Classifying Organismsconduct, communicate about, and
Exploring Lifeevaluate such investigations.
Cell Structure and Function –Ch 2S.3 Students know and understand
Cells and Lifethe characteristics and structures of
The Cellliving things, the processes of life,
Moving Cellular Materialand how living things interact with
each other and their environment.
Cells and Energy
From Cell to Organism – Ch 3
The Cell Cycle and Cell Division
Levels of Organization
Reproduction of Organism – Ch 4
Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis
Asexual Reproduction
Quarter 2:Genetics – Ch 5S.1 Students understand the processes
Mendel and His Peasof scientific investigation and design,
Understanding Inheritanceconduct, communicate about, and
DNA and Geneticsevaluate such investigations.
S.3 Students know and understand
the characteristics and structures of
living things, the processes of life,
and how living things interact with
each other and their environment.
S.5 Students know and understand interrelationships among science, technology, and human activity and how they can affect the world.
S.6 Students understand that science involves a particular way of knowing and understanding common connections among scientific disciplines.
UNIT 2 From Bacteria to Plants
The Environment and Change over Time- Ch 6S.1 Students understand the processes
Fossil Evidence of Evolutionof scientific investigation and design,
conduct, communicate about, and
Theory of Evolution by Natural Selectionevaluate such investigations.
Biological Evidence
S.3 Students know and understand
Bacteria and Viruses – Ch 7the characteristics and structures of
What are bacteria?living things, the processes of life,
Bacteria in Natureeach other and their environment.
What are viruses?
Protists and Fungi –Ch 8S.4Students know and understand
What are protist?The processes and interactions of
What are fungi?Earth’s systems and the structure
and dynamics of Earth.
S.5 Students know and understand interrelationships among science, technology, and human activity and how they can affect the world.
S.6 Students understand that science involves a particular way of knowing and understanding common connections among scientific disciplines.
Quarter 3:Plant Diversity – Ch 9S.1 Students understand the processes
What is a plant?of scientific investigation and design,
Seedless Plantsconduct, communicate about, and
Seed Plantsevaluate such investigations.
Plant Processes and Reproduction – Ch 10S.3 Students know and understand
Energy Processing in Plantsthe characteristics and structures of
Plant Responsesliving things, the processes of life,
Plant Reproductioneach other and their environment.
S.5 Students know and understand interrelationships among science, technology, and human activity and how they can affect the world.
S.6 Students understand that science involves a particular way of knowing and understanding common connections among scientific disciplines.
UNIT 3 Animals
S.1 Students understand the processes
Animal diversity – Ch 11of scientific investigation and design, What defines an animal? conduct, communicate about, and
Invertebrate Phylaevaluate such investigations.
Phylum Chordata
S.3 Students know and understand
Animal structure and Function – Ch 12the characteristics and structures of
Support, Control, and Movementliving things, the processes of life,
Circulation and Gas Exchangeeach other and their environment.
Digestion and Secretion
S.6 Students understand that science involves a particular way of knowing and understanding common connections among scientific disciplines.
Quarter 4:
Animal Behavior and Reproduction- Ch 13
Types of Behavior
Interacting with Others
Animal Reproduction and Development
UNIT 4 Human Body SystemsS.1 Students understand the processes
of scientific investigation and design,
Structure and Movement- Ch 14conduct, communicate about, and
The Skeletal Systemevaluate such investigations.
The Muscular System
The SkinS.3 Students know and understand
the characteristics and structures of
Immunity and Disease – Ch 17living things, the processes of life,
Diseaseseach other and their environment.
The Immune System
Staying Healthy
S.5 Students know and understand
Control and Coordination – Ch 18interrelationships among science,
The Nervous Systemtechnology, and human activity and
The Senseshow they can affect the world.
The Endocrine System
S.6 Students understand that science involves a particular way of knowing and understanding common connections among scientific disciplines.