E-Safety Newsletter for Parents/Carers

February 2017

Welcome to our February 2017 e-Safety Newsletter. Please continue to check out our dedicated e-Safety page under the Parent/Carer tab on our website – for the very latest news and up to date technology.

Social Media Bullying Has Become a Serious Problem

Bullying isn’t something new, but it has certainly changed over the years. One of the reasons you hear about it so much today is because it is happening in more places than ever before. In the past, children were often bullied at school or in their neighbourhood. Today, with the increased use of the Internet, children are now being bullied in all locations and at all times. This has created an epidemic that must be stopped. Learn whysocial media bullying is such a problem these days andwhat is the deal withbullying and social media?

Bullying and social Media

It wasn’t long ago that most of us didn’t have a computer in our home. Just a generation ago, computers were virtually unheard of and the Internet didn’t exist. Today, computers are in just about every home, as well as most schools, giving children and young people access to technology they’ve never had before. While this is a useful tool to help them grow and learn, it also brings dangers that can lead to bullying and other issues. For this reason, it is essential for parents and carers to understand how children and young people use the Internet. This way you can educate your child(ren) about safe Internet use.

What Constitutes Bullying on Social Media?

Social media and connecting with other people can be a great thing, but it also brings many issues. Educating your child(ren) or yourself about which behaviours are considered to be cyber bullying is advisable.Bullying through this platformcan include:

  • Posting negative comments on pictures.
  • Posting abusive posts on a user’s wall.
  • Using pictures or videos to make fun of another user.
  • Using social media to stalk.
  • Hacking an account or fraudulently making posts as though another wrote them.

Many of the acts of bullying on social media are similar to what they would be in a real-life situation, only in digital form. The impact of the problem is also similar.

Social Media Sites andSocial Media Bullying

  • Facebook has a significant amount of bullying that is mainly due to its widespread popularity and its capacity to share photos and other media.
  • Twitter is a hotbed of bullying content, with up to 15,000 bullying tweets shared daily
  • Ask.FM has caused serious problems among teenagers, resulting in bullying behaviour that has been difficult to stop. The suicide of a 14-year-old girl in 2013 was linked to bullying on ask.fm. The new owners pledged to end the bullying or shut down the site altogether.
  • SnapChathas faced similar controversy, having been implicated in contributing to the suicide of a bullied teenager.

Why is it Easier to Bully on Social Media?

No matter how careful you or your children are with privacy settings, it can be hard to completely remove the risk of cyber bullying. When children, and many adults for that matter, aren’t talking to someone face-to-face, they are less likely to feel the implications of what they are really saying. It is too easy to say something you wouldn’t say to someone if they were standing right in front of you. In addition, it can be difficult to portray tone and intent in written words. This means something can easily be taken the wrong way.

Constant Bullying

Another challenge with social media bullying is that it can be impossible for children to escape from. This constant connection to the world through electronic media creates the platform for constant bullying. Children have no place to go to get away from the harassment. Children do not want to be left out of social networking, so it’s not always as simple as saying “just turn it off”.

What Can Children Do?

Because bullying on social media has become such a serious problem, it is important to teach your child(ren) what they can do to protect themselves. One of the most useful things to do is to ensure your child has the appropriate privacy settings. This prevents random people accessing their profiles. However, this doesn’t mean your child(ren) is fully protected from the problem.

Many children are bullied by people they consider to be friends. In addition toprivacy settings, you child should also:

  • Unfriend anyone who posts negative posts and is harassing them.
  • Block anyone who continues to send messages.
  • Report the individual to the social media site.
  • Avoid responding to messages from a bully.
  • Let an adult know what is happening.
  • Keep records of the behaviour for proof, if needed.

Understanding the Negative Effects of Social Media Bullying

The effects of social media bullying can be more subtlethan physical bullying, especially at the beginning. However, if allowed to continue, the end results can be tragic. This is because many children and young people don’t have the emotional capacity to deal with severe bullying.

While suicide is the most serious consequence of these actions, it isn’t the only one. Online bullying can cause self-esteem issues, depression, self-harm, feelings of isolation that can damage performance in school, social skills, and general well-being.

Identifying the Signs ofSocial Media Bullying

The best things you as parent/carers can do, besides teaching your child(ren) what they can do to fight back, is towatch for signs that your child(ren) may be a victim. Most cyber bullying victims exhibit clear signs that they have been victimized. These signs can include:

  • Withdrawing from family and friends.
  • Losing interest in activities they were once passionate about.
  • Dramatic change in sleeping habits, either more or less.
  • Dramatic change in apatite, either more or less.
  • Self-harm.

If your child(ren) shows any signs that are different from their normal behaviour, it may be time for a serious talk before problems get worse.

So what can you do aboutyour child(ren) and social media bullying?Do whatever it takes to build your child’s self-esteem. Why not try a sports club, or another activity they are good at and enjoy doing. Give them responsibilities and then praise them when do their best to handle them. Never punish your children by berating or calling them names. Be kind, but firm, and show that you trust them to do well. Your child(ren) self-esteem can be there to protect them when you’re not around. Someday your child(ren)’s inner strength may have to be there for someone who doesn’t have any. And that could save a life.

Social media bullying may be one of the newer forms of bullying, but it could prove to be one of the most serious. The fact that children and teens have a difficult time getting away from it can lead to dire consequences that can have lasting effects. For this reason, it is important for parent/carers, educators and other adults to find ways to help children learn how to interact in a friendly manner and what they can do to fight against bullies. With the right guidance, cyber bullying in all its forms can be reduced and potentially even stopped, giving children a safer childhood.

As always Stay Safe


TCES e-Safety Officer& CEOP Ambassador