14 JANUARY 2009
- To update the position following the Social Care & Adult Services Scrutiny Panel’s decision to consider the blue badge parking scheme in Middlesbrough.
- That the scrutiny panel considers the submitted information and determines whether it wishes to receive any further evidence prior to formulating its draft final report on the Blue Badge Parking Scheme.
- At the Panel’s last meeting on 10 December 2009 the Panel received evidence from the Executive Director for Social Care and Parking Solutions Manager in respect of the Panel’s current review of the Blue Badge Parking Scheme in Middlesbrough. Following the evidence received at that meeting the Panel agreed that further information was required before the Panel’s draft final report on the Blue Badge Parking Scheme could be formulated.
- Two areas were highlighted as being worthy of further consideration, firstly the arrangements in place for issuing blue badges under the discretionary criteria i.e. whether the current practice of obtaining a GP’s opinion offers consistency for applicants and value for money. Secondly, whether any good practice in respect of enforcement could be learnt from the local authorities awarded Blue Badge Centre of Excellence status by the Department of Transport.
- In terms of the current arrangements for issuing blue badges under the discretionary criteria the Panel heard that in Middlesbrough the applicant’s GP is written to as part of the assessment process and asked for a medical opinion for which a charge is made. However, in other areas of the UK an independent occupational therapist / physiotherapist, employed specifically to undertake such assessments, is used to help determine an individual’s eligibility.
- The Panel is therefore keen to hear Middlesbrough Primary Care Trust’s (PCT) view on how medical assessments for blue badges are commissioned in Middlesbrough and whether the current model provides the most consistent and cost effective option. Accordingly, a representative from the PCT has been invited to attend the meeting to provide this information.
- It is worthy of note that the Department of Transport highlighted in its comprehensive Blue Badge (Disabled Parking) Reform Strategy that the current average cost of medical assessments is £29 when using the applicant’s GP and £20 when an independent Health Assessor is used (based on research by Faber Maunsell). The report also noted that there is a much more consistent allocation of Badges where independent medical assessors (rather than the applicants’ personal GPs) advise on whether an applicant should receive a Badge.
- With regard to best practice in terms of enforcement contact has been made with three of the nine local authorities awarded Centre of Excellence status by the Department of Transport. Birmingham (awarded jointly with Coventry), Manchester and Rotherham Council have provided information in respect of their current practices and procedures, as attached at Appendix1. Additional information will also be provided at the meeting.
- The Parking Solutions Manager advised the Panel at the last meeting that a ‘mini blitz’ enforcement exercise with a focus on identifying the level of abuse / misuse of blue badges within the town would be undertaken early in New Year and an update will therefore be provided at the meeting.
- Members are invited to consider at the end of today’s meeting whether they feel that they have received sufficient information to prepare a report or whether further information is required.
- Please see following documentation:-
Department for Transport – Comprehensive Blue Badge (Disabled Parking) Reform Strategy (England) and Annex: Impact Assessment, October 2008
Contact Officer:
Caroline Breheny - Scrutiny Support Officer
Telephone: (01642) 729711 (Direct Line)