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Phil Tighe 2 Piece Competition
15th / 16thJuly 2017
Dear Coach/Club
You are invited to enter gymnasts in this year's Phil Tighe 2 piece competition for girls.
The event will take place at Birchwood Leisure and Tennis Centre,Benson Road, Birchwood, Warrington,WA3 7PQ. 01925458130.
1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Directions are available on our club website see link above.
Competition 1:Novice and Advanced - Sprung FloorCompetition 2: Beginners - Matted Floor
All ages are taken as age in the year of competition e.g. age 10 gymnasts are gymnasts born in 2007
Please note due to a very mixed level of entry in previous years we have two different levels of competition for beginners aged 6 and 7, both levels are without music.
There will be an entry fee of £20 per gymnast.Closing date for entries is FRIDAY 2ndJune 2017
All entry forms should be emailedto
No paper entries will be accepted. NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED
Full payment must be received by the closing date and paid by BACS to G MACHAN
Sort Code 40-64-05 Account Number 14628187 reference Phil Tighe + ‘Club Name’
In order to ensure smooth running of the competition judges must be provided for each day gymnasts are entered. If a club is unable to provide a judge the fee is £50.00. This fee should be paid with your entry. Judges lunches will be provided.Details on entry form of the number of judges you will need to provide based on the size of your entry. Judges can be from the 2013-2016 cycle will be counted as qualified judges. We are often short of regional leveljudges; please provide these if you have them available. If you have a club judge who is experienced enough to work out a D score at this level please make a note on the form so I can consider using them to head up a panel if we are short.
Spectators are more than welcome and admission will be £3.00 for adult’s £1.00 children & OAP’s.
There will be a professional photographer at the competition and photographs can be viewed and purchased at the competition. By entering this event you are agreeing for all gymnasts to be photographed by the professional sports photographer.
We will be running ‘decorate a number competition’ again this year; this requires gymnasts to decorate their competition number on a piece of A4 card and bring it with them on the day of the competition. Coaches will hold up these numbers instead of the usual competition numbers. Due to the increase in entry fee for the event, there will be no charge to enter and the winning number from each round will win a prize.
Kind regards
Geoff Machan
DirectorTameside School of Gymnastics Ltd
Novice Level – Routines to Music and on Sprung Floor
Girls 2 piece Individual Floor and Vault
Gymnasts must not have competed in any Regional/County 4 piece competitions, any Regional/County 2 piece at any level above Noviceor any grades above regional 6 and 5
Minimum age 8 in the year of the competition (born 2009 or earlier)
Rules All Age Groups
Music on CD, 1 CD per gymnast 60 – 90 seconds (Do not put multiple tracks on one CD)
Floor (Max D Score 3.8)
6 elements from FIG Code or from NW Code
NW Code = 0.1 FIG A = 0.3(No salto’s/aerial’s allowed at this level)
Penalty 0.5 forany saltoor aerial and any B (or higher move) performed.
CR’s @ 0.5 each
Dance Passage 2 Elementsmin of 1 element must be an FIG A
360° turn on one foot
Acro elements Forward/Sideward and Backwards
Acro series two elements with or without flight
All ages under 11 gymnasts born 2007-2009
Handspring flat back to platform height 90 cm’s and 1 board onlyD Score 1.5
All ages 11+
Table Vault and 1 board only
Age 11/12 gymnasts born 2005-2006 Height 1.10m
Age 13+ gymnasts born 2004 or earlier Height 1.20m
Squat on and Stretch Jump off – D score 1.0
Handspring – D score 2.0
Half on – D score 2.0
Please note no other vaults will score
AdvancedLevel – Routines to Music and on Sprung Floor
Girls 2 piece Individual Floor and Vault
Gymnasts must not have competed in any Regional/County 4 piece competitions above NW Level 6(Pre Novice) or any grades above regional grade 4
Minimum age 9 in the year of the competition (2008or earlier)
Rules All Age Groups
Music on CD, 1 CD per gymnast 60 – 90 seconds (Do not put multiple tracks on one CD)
Floor (Max D score 4.8)
8 elements from FIG Code or from NW Code
NW Code = 0.1 FIG A = 0.3 FIG B = 0.5 max 2x B elements to count
Penalty -0.5 for any higher valued move performed.
CR’s @ 0.5 each
Dance Passage 2 Elements min of 1 element must include min 135’ split
360° turn on one foot
A Salto (Can be performed on own or in an acro line)
Acro Line with min 2 Flight elements
All ages under 13 gymnasts born 2005-2008
Table Vault Height 1.10m
As per Code of Points Max D Score 3.0
All ages 13+
Table Vault Height 1.20m
As per Code of Points Max D Score 3.0
Girls Aged 6 & 7 Advanced Level (Born 2011/2010)
No Music Competition – Intended for girls who will be working towards grades when they are age eligible and working as part of a development squad towards a higher level of gymnastics. The alternative Beginners competition for age 6 and 7 is aimed at recreational and low level floor and vault squad gymnasts and follows the same rules as all of the competition 2 categories.
6x moves from the attached list (please make sure you select skills from list B (not list A)
D Score will be 3.0 providing 6 skills from list b are performed (0.5 deduction for missing element)
Club Grade 6 vault – D Score 1.5
Stretch Jump onto 60cm platform and step Handstand flat back to level mats
Competition 2 Girls Beginners
Minimum age 6 in year of competition (born 2011 or earlier) Maximum age 12 (born 2005)
This competition is for beginner gymnasts–routines performed on matted floor and to no music.
Gymnasts must not have entered in any Grades, any floor and vault competitions above NW pre-novice level or any 4 piece competitions.
Floor - All Ages
6 Moves from attached list all moves worth 0.5 (Max D Score 3.0)
Age 6 + 7
Squat/Straddle on to 60cm block and stretch jump off to land- D Score 1.5
(The block will be width ways across the vault run with a mat behind it – opposite way to club Grade 6 Vault)
Age 8 + 9
Club Grade 6 vault – D Score 1.5
Stretch Jump onto 60cm platform and step Handstand flat back to level mats
Age 10, 11 + 12
Handspring flat back to platform height 90 cm’s and 1 board only – D Score 1.5
Allowed List of Moves Competition 2 – all skills worth 0.5 each
List A (Girls Beginners)
Stretch jump, Tuck jump, Star jump, Jump ½ turnT - Balance on one foot held for 2 seconds
Arabesque held for 2 seconds
Y Balance held 2 seconds
Dish shape held for 2 seconds
Arch shape held for 2 seconds
Teddy Bear roll
Rock back and forward to stand
Forward roll to sit straddle or pike
Forward roll to stand
Backward roll to straddle, tuck or pike stand
Front Support held for 2 seconds
Back Support held for 2 seconds
Japana Fold held for 2 seconds / Cat leap
Scissor leap
Cartwheel, Side Cartwheel, 1 Hand Cartwheel
Backward walkover
Forward walkover
Round off
Bunny Hops x 3 in a row
Shoulder Stand
Headstand orHandstand
Half or full spin
Bridge hold for 2 seconds (Optional exit – kick over to stand)
Handstand forward roll
Splits held for min 2 seconds
List B (Girls Aged 6 & 7 Advanced Only)
Forward RollHandstand Forward Roll
Backward Roll to tuck, Pike or Straddle Stand
Side Cartwheel
Backwards Walkover
Forwards Walkover
Tick Tock
Headstand / Straight Jump with or without turn
Tuck Jump
Star Jump
Split Jump
Full Spin
Catleap and/or Scissor leap
Split Leap
Japanna Fold and slide through box splits
Bridge hold for 2 Seconds
Splits hold for 2 Seconds
Club Name______
Contact Name ______Tel______
This form must be emailed to no later than Friday 2nd June 2017
No Paper Copies will be accepted - payment should be paid by BACS and details are on the invite
No. / Name of Gymnast / Date / Year / Novice / Advanced / Beginner / 6&7 AdvDD/MM / YYYY / Comp 1 / Comp 1 / Comp 2 / Comp 2
Entry Fee @ £20.00 per gymnast: Total £…………
Judges– to be exempt from the £50 fee you need to provide adequate numbers of judges if you have entered more than 20 gymnasts you need to provide a minimum of 2 judges per day of the competition- if you have entered less than 20 gymnasts you need to provide a min of 1 judge per day of the competition.
Please put names of Judges- their qualification and day/days available
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