FCS 324/Psych 370

Chapter 14 Review Items

Social and Emotional Development in Early Adulthood

  1. What is meant by Emerging Adulthood?
  1. According to Erikson, what is the psychological conflict of early adulthood?
  1. Explain how a secure identity fosters attainment of intimacy.
  1. True or False: Like Erikson, Levinson conceived of development as a sequence of qualitatively distinct eras (stages or seasons).
  1. According to Levinson, what is a life structure?
  1. According to Levinson, what are the transitions in early adulthood?
  1. Using Vaillant’s theory, explain how men alter themselves and their social world to adapt to life at each of the following ages:




Fifties and Sixties:


  1. What is the social clock, and how does it influence adult development?
  1. True or False: In selecting a mate, research suggests that “opposites attract.”

10.List the three components of Sternberg’s triangular theory of love. Tie each component to the applicable domain of development.




11.What is companionate love?

  1. Cite some benefits of adult friendships.
  1. What features characterize adult friendships? How do these compare to earlier friendships?
  1. What is the family life cycle? What are some characteristics of individuals in the early adulthood phase?
  1. The average age of leaving the family home has (increased/decreased) since the 1960s. The reasons for coresidence have (changed/continued).
  1. Nearly ______of young adults return home for a brief time after initially leaving home. Those who departed for marriage are (most/least) likely to return. Those who left because of family conflict (usually/rarely) return.
  1. The average age of first marriage has (increased/decreased) since the 1960s.
  1. The number of first and second marriages in the United States and Canada has (increased/decreased) over the last few decades.
  1. What are the differences between traditional and egalitarian marriages.



  1. List at least three factors related to marital satisfaction.




  1. Family size in industrial nations has (increased/decreased).

22.List three factors which affect the decision to have children.




  1. True or False: Women with high-status, demanding careers less often choose parenthood and, when they do, more often delay it than women with less time-consuming jobs.
  1. After the arrival of a new baby, the roles of husbands and wives become (more/less) traditional.
  1. True or False: In today’s complex world, men and women are more certain about how to rear children than they were in previous generations.
  1. What are some advantages and disadvantages of staying single?
  1. What is meant by cohabitation?
  1. American and Canadian couples who cohabitate before they are engaged to be married are (more/less) prone to divorce than couples who did not cohabitate.
  1. List reasons why some couples choose to remain childless.
  1. Approximately ______percent of marriages in the U.S. end in divorce.
  1. What is a dual-earner marriage? What is the main challenge for these families?
  1. Role overload is greater for (men/women).