So You Are Going to Be an Acolyte

So You Are Going to Be an Acolyte


You are joining the ranks of those who have helped with the worship service since the year 250 A.D. When acolytes first helped with the worship service, they carried candles in religious processions, lighted candles on the altar, and assisted with Holy Communion.

The word acolyte means a “companion” or “one who helps.” In accepting this position you will be serving as a companion or helper to the pastor, performing a number of important functions before, during, and at the close of the worship service. The acolyte is an important person in the worship service and is of great help to the congregation.

Follow the acolyte schedule closely. If you cannot serve when scheduled, switch with someone and notify the Acolyte Coordinator and the church office.

On your scheduled day:

  1. Arrive at least 15 minutes before the service begins.
  1. Check the closet in the office with the robes for the candle lighter. If not there, go to the sacristy and get a candle lighter.
  1. Follow the instructions in this booklet for your scheduled acolyte service-Traditional Service with communion, Traditional Service without communion, or Contemporary Worship.
  1. When serving at the Traditional Service with communion, put on your robe and the rope belt; make sure neither is dragging on the floor.

Thank you for assisting with our worship, you perform an important role!

Other Services and Special Roles:

Traditional Service without communion

•There is no need to wear a robe.

•When the prelude begins have an adult light your candle lighter.

•Walk reverently and slowly towards the altar and pause for a few moments in front of the altar before going up the steps to light the candles.

•Light the Christ candle first, on the RIGHT. Then light the Candle of God’s People on the left.

•Go to the sacristy, extinguish the flame and hang up the candle lighter.

•Sit with your family for the service.

•When the service is done, get the candle lighter from the sacristy.

•Extinguish the Candle of God’s People on the left of the altar.

•Light the candle lighter with the flame from the Christ candle on the right.

•Extinguish the Christ candle.

•Go to the center front of the altar, turn around and bow while facing the altar.

•Slowly walk to the back of the church with the candle lighter lit, be careful to keep the flame from going out.

•Blow out the candle lighter at the back of the church.

Contemporary Worship Service

•There is no need to wear a robe.

•Before Pastor Jen walks down the nave, have an adult light your candle lighter.

•Walk reverently and slowly towards the altar and pause for a few moments in front of the altar before going up the steps to light the candles.

•Light the Christ candle first, on the RIGHT. Then light the Candle of God’s People on the left.

•Go to the sacristy, extinguish the flame and hang up the candle lighter.

•Sit with your family for the service before Sunday School.

Other Duties

Pascal candle

This candle is used during Baptisms and other special services. When being used, the Pascal candle will be moved to the area by the Baptismal font or carried in. When used, the Pascal candle is lit first, then the Christ candle, then the others as always. The Christ candle is the last to be extinguished and you light the candle lighter with the flame from the Pascal candle.

Processional Cross

Sometimes an acolyte leads the way through the nave carrying the processional cross. This acolyte is followed by the acolytes lighting the candles. The processional cross is used during special services.

Chancel area



1Asacristyis a room for keepingvestments



4ThePaschal candleis a large, whitecandleused on special occasions

5Communion rail

6The nave of a church, extends from the entry — which may have a separate vestibule (the narthex) — to the chancel (space around the altar)


Traditional Service with communion

The titles below are listed in your bulletin / This is what you do during the matching part of the service. Follow the service in your bulletin and be prepared.
Prelude (Organ music before the service begins.) /
  • When the prelude begins have an adult light your candle lighter.
  • Walk reverently and slowly towards the altar and pause for a few moments in front of the altar before going up the steps to light the candles.
  • Light the Christ candle first, on the RIGHT. Then light the Candle of God’s People on the left.
  • Go to the back table and light the candles on the back…first on the left, then the right.
  • If there are no candelabras, go to the sacristy and blow out the flame on the candle lighter.
  • Hang the candle lighter up.
  • Go to the acolyte chair and participate in the service.

Brief Order for Confession & Forgiveness
Gathering Hymn
Apostolic Greeting & Kyrie
Prayer of the Day
First Reading:
Second Reading:
Gospel Acclamation Gospel: Celebrate Insert
Hymnof the Day
The Apostles’ Creed
The Prayers /
  • After the prayers, get 2 offering plates from the shelf on the back wall.
  • Take the plates to the center in front of the altar and give one plate to each usher.
  • Return to the acolyte chair.

Choral Offering
Offertory /
  • After the offering music (choir, organ, instrument, etc.), go with Pastor Jen to the center in front of the altar.
  • Take the offering plates from the ushers, place one plate on top of the other.
  • Set the plates on the large shelf on the back wall.
Return to the acolyte chair.
and Prayer
The Great Thanksgiving
The Eucharistic Prayer
The Lord's Prayer
Lamb of God /
  • After the Lamb of God is sung, go to the back of the altar and get an empty communion tray from the Assisting Minister.
  • Follow the Assisting Minister as the wine is distributed.
  • Hold out the tray so people can put their wine cup in the tray.
  • When you are done receiving cups, stand on the side next to the Assisting Minister, while Pastor Jen offers the blessing.
  • Continue receiving the cups until everyone has received communion; remember to turn the tray so the empty area is in front of the people receiving communion.
  • When communion is done, give the tray to the Assisting Minister.
  • Receive communion behind the altar with the AssistingMinister and Pastor Jen.
  • Return to the acolyte chair.

Communion Blessing
Prayer & Benediction
Sending Hymn /
  • When Pastor begins to walk down the aisle, go to the sacristy and get the candle lighter. Extinguish candles in reverse order.
  • Extinguish (put out) the candles on the back table first, from right to left.
  • Extinguish the Candle of God’s People on the left of the altar.
  • Light the candle lighter with the flame from the Christ candle on the right.
  • Extinguish the Christ candle.
  • Go to the center front of the altar, turn around and bow while facing the altar.
  • Slowly walk to the back of the church with the candle lighter lit, be careful to keep the flame from going out.
  • Blow out the candle lighter at the back of the church.

Go in peace. Serve the Lord
Sharing of the Peace
Postlude / Thanks be to God.
Hang up the candle lighter, your robe and belt in the office closet.

When there are two acolytes: One lights the candles on the left of the altar, the other lights the candles on the right. Make sure to keep pace with the each other so that you light your respective candles at the same time. The Christ candle on the right of the altar is lit first…….and put out last.


Light the candelabra (if in use) starting with the left outside bottom candle, continue lighting each candle, going up and over, until you reach the bottom candle on the right side.

To put out the candelabra, start with the bottom candle on the right side and go up and over until you reach the bottom candle on the left side.

Candle Lighter

Place your left hand near the bottom of the candle lighter's handle and your right hand near the knob. Hold the candle lighter centered in front of you and angled forward slightly so that the flame points ahead of you. The candle lighter has oil in it, so do not tip it as the oil will spill.

As you light each candle, hold the candle lighter so that it is parallel to the floor and the taper touches the wick. Keep holding the lit taper to the candle's wick until you are sure it is well lit. Then move on to the next candle.