Unit7: the Birth of Modern America

Unit7: the Birth of Modern America

US History

Mr. Martin

Unit7: The Birth of Modern America

Chapters 13-16

This unit explores the transformation of the US from a rural nation into an industrial, urban nation during the period from 1865 to 1900.

3/26:Lesson: The Rise of Segregation


  • Discuss how African Americans in the South were disfranchised and how segregation became legalized after Reconstruction ended.
  • Describe three major African American leaders response to discrimination

Lesson: Settling the West


  • Describe the ways that new technology changed open range ranching
  • Explain how & why people began to settle the Plains.
  • Discuss the conflicts that arose between the Plains Indians & American settlers.

Identifications: The following terms must be highlighted in your notebook.

Jim CrowSegregation Literacy Test/Poll TaxGrandfather Clause

Plessy v. FergusonBooker T. Washington Tuskegee InstituteW.E.B. Dubois

Sharecropper Ida B. WellsLynchingNAACP

Barbed-wire Great Plains Homestead Act Plains Indian

Sitting BullColonel CusterDawes ActBattle of Little Big Horn

Chief JosephWounded KneeAssimilate

Class work: Read Ch. 15.2 (496) and Ch. 16.1 (520)

Homework: Answer questions 1-17 of this study guide.

3/27: Lesson: The Rise of Industry


  • Explain the factors that nurtured the growth of American industry
  • Identify the key inventions and inventors of this time
  • Quiz on study guide questions 1-20.

Laissez-faireSocial DarwinismEntrepreneurAlexander Graham Bell

Thomas EdisonWright Brothers

Class work: Read Ch. 13.1(p.436)

Homework: Answerstudy guide questions 18-25.

4/06: Lesson: The Industrial Age


  • Discuss the factors that stimulated the spread of railroads and how railroads spurred industrial growth
  • Describe the major philosophies that promoted the development of monopolies in the late 1800s
  • Identify the major industrialists & how they acquired power and wealth: is it right to call them “Robber Barons” or “Captains of Industry?”

Identifications: Highlight the following terms in your notebook

Transcontinental Railroad / Cornelius Vanderbilt / Land Grants
Robber Barons / Corporation / Pools
Vertical Integration / Horizontal Integration / Monopoly
Trust / Andrew Carnegie / Bessemer Process
“Gospel of Wealth” / John Rockefeller / Standard Oil
JP Morgan / Social Darwinism / Rugged Individualism

Class work: Highlight key terms in your notebook. Read Ch. 13.2 (p.443)

Homework:Study guide questions 26-37.

4/07: Lesson: The Development of Labor Unions


  • Describe the industrial working conditions in the US in the late 1800s.
  • Identify the major unions that developed in the late 1800s
  • Explain the purpose of unions and how employers, the government, and the public responded to them

Identifications: Highlight the following terms in your notebook

Union / Collective Bargaining / Railroad Strike of 1877
Knights of Labor / AFL / Samuel Gompers
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire / Strike / Blacklist

Class work: Highlight key terms in your notebook.Read Ch. 13.3 (p.450) Ch.14.1/14.2 (p.464-479)

Homework: Study guide questions 38-45.

4/08: Lesson: Immigration & Urbanization QUIZ TODAY


  • Identify the Old & New Immigrant groups in America in the late 1800s.
  • Analyze the reasons why immigrants came to America
  • Explain how nativism affected immigrants in America
  • Explain the technological developments that made the growth of cities possible
  • Evaluate the role that political machines played in urban politics in the late 1800s

Identifications: Highlight the following terms in your notebook

Ellis Island / AngelIsland / Melting Pot
Old Immigrant / New Immigrant / Ethnic Neighborhood
Chinese Exclusion Act / Social Gospel Movement / Nativism
Urbanization / Jacob Riis / Boss Tweed/Tammany Hall
Political Machine / Graft / Thomas Nast (p. 420-421)

Homework: Study guide questions 46-56. Highlight key terms in your notebook.

4/09: Lesson: Politics of the Gilded Age


  • Identify the characteristics of politics at the national & state levels in the late 1800s
  • Explain how each major party chose to handle the major issues of the period
  • Explain the economic problems faced by the farmers in the late 1800s
  • Describe who joined the Populist Party and what the party’s goals were

Identifications: The following terms must be highlighted in your notebook

Patronage / Pendleton Act / Sherman Anti-Trust Act
William JenningsBryan / William McKinley / Cross of Gold

Homework: Answer study guide questions 57-59. Highlight key terms in your notebook.

4/10: Lesson: Finish any remaining work and review for test, Jeopardy

Homework: Study for Unit 7 Test

4/13:Lesson: Unit 7Test

Study Guide

  1. Name two methods used to deny voting rights to African Americans?
  1. Supreme Court case that made segregation legal?
  1. Name given to the laws which officially segregated society?
  1. African American leader who stresses an industrial education?
  1. Place of higher learning designed to help African Americans learn a vocation?
  1. Harvard educated African American leader who wanted full civil rights?
  1. Woman who led a crusade against lynching?
  1. What is another name for the Great Plains?
  1. Name four Plains Indian tribes?
  1. What animal did the railroads nearly drive to extinction?
  1. What is a cross-country railroad called?
  1. What was the basic conflict between settlers and Indians?
  1. What Indian lands were invaded by miners looking for gold?
  1. Name the battle where Custer and his men were defeated?
  1. Who was Chief of the Nez Perce Indians?
  1. Name the last of the Indian battles?
  1. What law gave Indian families 160 acres of land?
  1. What name was given to the area where cattle were ranched?
  1. What invention of Joseph Glidden’s changed the frontier?
  1. What law created 160 acre farms for settlers?
  1. What policy has the government not interfering in economics?
  1. What laws protected American businesses from foreign competition?
  1. Who invented the telephone?
  1. Who perfected the incandescent light bulb?
  1. What was Horatio Alger known for?
  1. This is a type of business that controls the supply of a product?
  1. When a business controls all other companies of the same type?
  1. When a business controls other companies that contribute to that industry?
  1. Leader of the Standard Oil Company?
  1. Leader of the steel industry? Name of the book that he wrote?
  1. Major banking leader in the nation?
  1. Leading railroad owner?
  1. Theory that the best business will survive and prosper?
  1. Name given to the major owners of the big businesses?
  1. Describe working conditions in the late 1800’s?
  1. What is the job of a labor union?
  1. What method did unions use to try and achieve their goals?
  1. What were three ways employers used to limit the power of unions?
  1. Which Labor Union accepted all types of workers?
  1. What happened at Haymarket Square that hurt the goal of unions?
  1. What type of worker was allowed to join the AFL?
  1. Who led the AFL?
  1. What part of Europe were the first immigrants to the United States from?
  1. How did immigration change in the later 1800’s?
  1. What are ethnic neighborhoods?
  1. What group did the government ban from further immigration in 1882?
  1. What were the cramped, poorly built apartment buildings of the cities called?
  1. What book did Jacob Riis write?
  1. What was Riis’ book about?
  1. What was Hull House & who started it
  1. What is a political machine?
  1. What famous political machine controlled New York City?
  1. The process of giving government favors in return for votes?
  1. Created the civil service exam?
  1. Federal Law that attempted to regulate the activities of big businesses?