The Road & Newspaper Blackout:

A deconstruction of language and a poetic presentation of concepts in The Road

One of the fascinating facets of The Roadconcerns Cormac McCarthy’s ability to communicate his vision with sparse, minimal, yet very rich language. His motif of language breaking down (the gypsy “language” graffiti -page94PDF-, the ruined library -page97PDF-, the lost “alphabet lessons”-page127PDF-) is one that we’ve investigated as the novel unfolded; today, you will be able to consider the nature of language and how—even in its simplicity—it relates powerful messages.

So how can we do this? How about a little poetry exercise!

Austin Kleon—“a writer who draws” created “Newspaper Blackout Poetry,” which is a poem that he creates by “blacking out” the bulk of a newspaper article to highlight specific language. The language that remains is his poetry. You are going to follow his models and video tutorial to create a “Newspaper Blackout” poem that conveys meaning and a conceptual connection to The Road.

The purpose of this exercise is to allow you the opportunity to engage creatively with language, as well as communicate your understanding of The Road through an innovative presentation.

What do I have to do?

  1. Look at the models and video tutorial & ask whatever questions you have.
  2. Use the newspaper and begin composing your own poem.
  3. Keep in mind that the poem you are creating must have some conceptual connection to The Road.
  4. Follow the models and don’t deviate from the “Newspaper Blackout” style.
  5. Submit your completed, properly formatted “Newspaper Blackout” poem.
  6. Prepare to read your poem out loud.
  7. Compose a typed reflection (one page, double-spaced) that features:
  8. your poem, typed and formatted to resemble the hard copy;
  9. the concept(s) from The Road that you feel your poem addresses;
  10. your feedback concerning the creative process
  11. how did you approach writing this “poem”
  12. what was the most challenging aspect? the most rewarding?
  13. how did this assignment provide you a new way to consider the role of language AND the concept your poem addresses?

Due: Monday, 5.19.14

Late work=not accepted.

Newspaper Blackout Rubric

“newspaper + sharpie marker = poems”

Hard Copy Poem:

Adheres to the “Newspaper Blackout” format: ______(2)

Clearly communicates an idea present in The Road______(10)

Text is readable and the selected words/ phrases are clearly outlined______(5)

Effectively displays the student’s creative, engaged process ______(5)

Poetry Reading:

The student read the poem clearly and audibly______(3)

The student read the poem at an effective pace______(3)


Composed a typed reflection--one page, double-spaced______(5)

Features student’spoem, typed and formatted to resemble the hard copy______(2)

Clearly discusses the concept(s) from The Road that the poem addresses______(5)

Explains how the poem is related to the concept featured in The Road______(5)

Features your feedback concerning the creative process:

  • how did you approach writing this “poem”______(3)
  • what was the most challenging aspect? the most rewarding?______(5)
  • how did this assignment provide you a new way to consider the role of language AND the concept your poem addresses? ______(5)

TOTAL: ______/ 60



---the tutorial