St Roch’s Secondary
S1 Curriculum for Excellence Course
Software Applications
Krusty Burger SalesName / Saturday / Sunday / TOTAL
Barney / 3 / 2
Bart / 4 / 3
Homer / 10 / 8
Moe / 2 / 1
You are now going to create some spreadsheets using the skills you have already learned.
Before you start, create a new folder in you’re my Documents. Name the folder ‘Spreadsheets’.
Each spreadsheet should be saved into your
‘Spreadsheet’ folder and have your name and task number as a footer.
Each spreadsheet should be printed:
- Showing figures
- Showing formulae
- With gridlines and row and column headings
Each chart should:
Have an appropriate title
Have appropriate x and y axis
Be printed on a separate sheet
Task 1
Clothing Sales - First Quarter
Men's Wear / Jan / Feb / March / Totals
Casual / 12000 / 23000 / 22722 / ?
Evening Dress / 16830 / 12500 / 26500 / ?
Business / 20900 / 19567 / 24590 / ?
Sports / 34567 / 42000 / 17890 / ?
Swimwear / 34567 / 18734 / 12560 / ?
Totals / ? / ? / ? / ?
Task 1a
Make the main heading – Clothing Sales – First Quarter a larger font size.
Underline the sub-heading Men’s Wear.
Sales of Sports in March was actually £27,890. Change this figure.
We no longer sell swimwear. Please delete this row.
Insert a row below ‘Totals’. Label this row Average and embolden this label.
Insert formulae to calculate the Average sales for each month and the Total Average.
Task 1b
Create a column chart showing the sales of each type of clothing from Jan to March.
The title of the chart should be ‘Men’s Wear Sales – January to March’
Task 2
Clothing Sales – First Quarter
Ladies Wear
Jan / Feb / March / Totals
Casual / 30679 / 25890 / 29237 / ?
Evening Dress / 56000 / 47209 / 26500 / ?
Business / 14000 / 12345 / 14556 / ?
Sports / 20670 / 13450 / 17890 / ?
Swimwear / 12000 / 18734 / 14579 / ?
Totals / ? / ? / ? / ?
Task 2a
Make the main heading – Clothing Sales – First Quarter a larger size and a different font.
Underline the sub-heading Ladies Wear.
Centre all column headings.
Insert a new row under Swimwear entitled Footwear.
Insert the following details:
Jan / Feb / March / TotalsShoes / 25678 / 32478 / 33000 / ?
Insert a new column next to Totals. Label this Average and embolden this label.
Insert formulae to calculate the Average sales for each type of clothing and the Total Average.
Task 2b
Create a Pie Chart showing the sales of each type of clothing for January.
The title of the chart should be ‘Ladies Wear - January Sales’.
Task 3
Pupil Marks
Maths / English / Science / Computing / Total / Average
Karen Smith / 56 / 72 / 33 / 77 / ? / ?
Paula Terrance / 34 / 36 / 43 / 56 / ? / ?
Steven Elderfield / 43 / 89 / 90 / 67 / ? / ?
Paul Stevenson / 23 / 56 / 64 / 67 / ? / ?
Total / ? / ? / ? / ? / ? / ?
Average / ? / ? / ? / ? / ? / ?
Task 3a
Insert a sub-heading below Pupil Marks entitled S3 Results. This should be bold and underlined.
Right align all column headings.
Insert a new row above Total with the following information:
Maths / English / Science / Computing / Total / AverageSteven Martin / 76 / 90 / 83 / 77 / ? / ?
Delete the column for Computing.
Insert a new row below Average. Label this row Max and embolden this label.
Insert formulae to calculate the Maximum grade for each subject.
Insert a new row below Average. Label this row Min and embolden this label.
Insert formulae to calculate the Minimum grade for each subject.
Task 3b
Create a column chart comparing Steven’s grades to the Total grades for each subject.
Task 4
Tuck Shop Sales
Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 5 / Total
Crisps - Ready Salted / 21 / 22 / 18.5 / 21 / 22 / ?
Crisps - Salt and Vinegar / 28 / 32 / 28 / 23 / 23 / ?
Bottle of juice - orange / 13 / 12 / 15 / 13.5 / 14 / ?
Bottle of juice - apple / 15 / 11 / 12 / 11 / 17 / ?
Chocolate bar / 8.5 / 10 / 10 / 14 / 12 / ?
Cereal bar / 5.6 / 6.5 / 10 / 8 / 11 / ?
Total / ? / ? / ? / ? / ? / ?
Task 4a
Make the main heading – Tuck Shop Sales – a bigger size and Italics.
Right align all column headings.
Insert a new column to the right of Week 5 and name it Week 6. Embolden this heading and right align.
Delete the row for Cereal bar.
Insert the information below:
Week 6Crisps - Ready Salted / 25
Crisps - Salt and Vinegar / 33
Bottle of juice - orange / 18
Bottle of juice - apple / 15
Cereal bar / 5.6
Centre all currency cells
Insert a new row below Total. Label this row Average and embolden this label.
Insert formulae to calculate the Average sales of each product for each week.
Task 4b
Create a pie chart showing the sales for each product for Week 1.
Task 5
Salary Sheet
Name / Monthly Salary / Annual Salary
Anne Gilchrist / 1400 / ?
Patsy Willis / 2350 / ?
Andy Gardener / 1750 / ?
Nicola Bell / 1800 / ?
Peter Westerly / 1400 / ?
Hugh Morris / 1975 / ?
TOTAL / ? / ?
AVERAGE / ? / ?
Task 5a
Make the main heading – Salary Sheet – a bigger size and Centred.
Delete the row for Nicola Bell – she has left the company.
Add a column next to ‘Annual Salary’. Name this Pension Scheme. Embolden this heading. Each employee has to pay £100 towards his or her pension each month. Enter this information into this column.
Add another column next to Pension Scheme. Name this Monthly Salary After Pension. Insert a formula to calculate each person’s monthly salary after their pension has been deducted.
Calculate the Total’s for these 2 new columns.
Delete the row for Average – this is no longer required.
Task 5b
Create a column chart comparing monthly and annual salary of Anne and Patsy only.
Task 6
Income - First Quarter
Jan / Feb / Mar / TOTAL
Sales Receipts / 50500 / 54500 / 150000 / ?
Grants Received / 102242 / 102242 / 750000 / ?
Other / 52000 / 52000 / 90064 / ?
TOTAL / ? / ? / ? / ?
AVERAGE / ? / ? / ? / ?
Task 6a
Make the whole spreadsheet a different font and Size 12.
Underline all column headings and make Italic.
Insert 2 news columns after TOTAL’, Name them Max and Min. Insert formulae to calculate the maximum and minimum figure for Sales, Grants and Other.
Insert a new row below Average. Label this row Max and embolden this label.
Insert formulae to calculate the maximum income from January to March. Embolden these figures.
Insert a new row below Max. Label this row Min and embolden this label.
Insert formulae to calculate the minimum income from January to March. Embolden these figures.
Task 6b
Create a column chart showing sales and grants from January to March.
Task 7
Concert SalesVenue / Total Sales / Tickets Sold / Cost per ticket
Glasgow / 230000 / 6000 / ?
Edinburgh / 470000 / 12000 / ?
Perth / 120000 / 6000 / ?
Dundee / 185000 / 8000 / ?
Ayr / 120000 / 7500 / ?
Manchester / 450000 / 12000 / ?
Liverpool / 340000 / 9000 / ?
Newcastle / 290000 / 8000 / ?
Birmingham / 324560 / 10000 / ?
MAX / ?
MIN / ?
Task 7a
Centre all cells in the ‘Cost per ticket’ column and embolden. Shade this column.
Right align all other column headings.
Delete the rows for Ayr and Dundee. These concerts have been cancelled.
Insert a new row after Birmingham. Label this Brighton. Brighton has ticket sales of £32,000 and 7000 tickets sold. Please you update your spreadsheet with this information.
Embolden the row that has the highest cost per ticket.
Italicise the row that has the lowest cost per ticket.
Task 7b
Create a column chart showing the total sales for each venue.
Task 8
Staff WagesHourly Rate / Hours Worked / Wage / Monthly Savings / Wage after Savings
Belinda Smith / 7.5 / 35 / ? / 50 / ?
Carly Simmons / 10 / 20 / ? / 20 / ?
Beth McIntyre / 12.5 / 46 / ? / 30 / ?
Derek McWhirter / 12.5 / 45 / ? / 80 / ?
Lesley Thomson / 10 / 25 / ? / 25 / ?
Finn Tate / 8.75 / 12 / ? / 20 / ?
TOTAL / ? / ? / ? / ? / ?
Task 8a
Make the main heading – Staff Wages – a bigger size and different font.
Centre all column headings.
Belinda Smith’s hourly rate is changed to £10.00 and her savings increased to £75.
Delete the row for Finn Tate – he has left the company.
Insert a new column before ‘Hourly Rate’. Name this Department. Embolden and Centre this heading.
Insert the information below for each employee:
DepartmentBelinda Smith / Administration
Carly Simmons / Human Resources
Beth McIntyre / Human Resources
Derek McWhirter / Finance
Lesley Thomson / Sales
Insert a new row after ‘Total’. Label this Average and embolden. Insert formulae to calculate the Average of each column.
Make the row that has the highest wage after savings bold and italics.
Task 8b
Create a column chart showing the Wage after savings for each member of staff.
Curriculum for Excellence S1 Course
St Roch’s Secondary