
Engineering Requirements

Test Plans

Table of Contents

Test Plan
Engineering Requirement / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18
Accuracy of Mass Flow / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
Repeatability of Controller / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
Leak Rate of Device / X
Operating Voltage / X / X / X / X / X / X
Usability with Gaseous Fuel / X
Dynamic Range / X / X
Cost of Production / X
Number of Assemblies / X
Temperature Limit / X / X
Size Envelope / X
Total Weight / X
Open/Close Response Time / X / X
Fuel Mixing Shape / X
Compatible Engine Size / X
3 / 4 / 5 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 12 / 13 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 15
Page Number

1)Rotation vs. Mass Flow Rate of Prototype

a)Equipment and Tools Needed

i)Hot wire anemometer/Mr.Gutterman’s DOD Device

ii)1" tubing (at least 1’ long to get turbulent flow) for output of GMFRC

iii)Fitting adapter been compressor hose and GMFRC input

iv)Fixture to hold GMFRC

v)Fixture to hold anemometer probe

vi)Thread seal tape

vii)Safety glasses

viii)Ear plugs

b)Safety Precautions

i)Dealing with supersonic flow

ii)Dealing with high pressures

c)Test Plan

i)Clamp GMFRC down so there is no room for movement

ii)Attach fittings to both inlet and exit of GMFRC

iii)Attach compressed air to inlet of the GMFRC

iv)Attach PVC tube to the exit of the GMFRC and secure down, ensure no movement

v)Put on all desired safety equipment

vi)Place hot wire anemometer in fixture and place probe of the anemometer at the center of the PVC tube

vii)Turn on compressed air

viii)Rotate actuator through voltage control and determine speed of air exiting the PVC tube

ix)Calculate the mass flow rate based on velocity reading and testing conditions. If gas flows out of exit port, ER5 is fulfilled

x)Do multiple tests to test repeatability and insure fulfillment of ER2

xi)Compare values experimental data with theoretical data to determine accuracy of device. Make correction factors until fulfillment of ER1

xii)Determine the minimum flow rate and maximum flow rate that the GMFRC can produce. Ensure dynamic range fulfills ER6

xiii)Do fuel density calculations to determine the size engine the GMFRC could power. This will fulfill ER14

d)Other Resources

i)Space for testing

ii)EE to control actuator

2)Resolution of Rotary Position Sensor

a)Equipment and Tools Needed

i)Position sensor, connector

ii)Actuator shaft/machined shaft

iii)Long rod

iv)Protractor (Monster)

v)Fixture to hold sensor

vi)Fixture to hold protractor


b)Safety Precautions


c)Test Plan

i)Place Position sensor into fixture

ii)Attach actuator shaft and long rod into position sensor and to protractor fixture

iii)Ensure the CLOSED Position sensor is at 0 degree mark on the protractor

iv)Connect Position Sensor to 5V power and DAQ

v)Turn the Position Sensor 0.5 Degrees and make the measurement (DAQ)

vi)Repeat step v. from 0- 55 Degrees(110 Measurements)

vii)Measured resolution will improve accuracy of GMFRC, make sure uncertainty of position sensor fulfills the allotted to ensure fulfillment of ER1 and ER2

viii)Make sure voltage requirements satisfy ER4

d)Other Resources

i)Space for testing

3)Angular Travel of Rotary Actuator

a)Equipment and Tools Needed

i)Rotary actuator

ii)DC Power Supply (Actuator runs on 13V nominal)

iii)Fixture to hold actuator

iv)Protractor (probably don't need as much precision here)

(1)could also use position sensor if performed after test 2

b)Safety Precautions


c)Test Plan

i)Restrain actuator

ii)Connect actuator to power source

iii)Connect actuator to measurement device

iv)Change power source voltage

v)Determine voltage needed to power actuator and determine if fulfills ER4

d)Other Resources

i)EE to control actuator

ii)Space for testing

iii)high speed camera, method of recording time on ms time scale

4)Test Response Time of the Device

a)Equipment and Tools Needed

i)Power Supply

ii)Function Generator



b)Safety Precautions

i)Don’t overvolt the motor

c)Test Plan

i)Power on the microcontroller

ii)Wire the actuator and the position sensor

iii)Wire the power supply to the system

iv)Turn on the power supply to 13V

v)Wire a function generator on the throttle input

vi)Apply a step function on the throttle input and observe the response at the actuator with an oscilloscope.

d)Other Resources


5)Pressure Limitations of Temperature Sensor

a)Equipment and Tools Needed

i)Pressure/temperature sensors

ii)Compressed air

iii)PVC tubing

iv)Fittings for compressor/sensor

v)Safety glasses

vi)How to measure leak? (Probably shouldn't worry about leak testing until MSD II unless we just want to get an idea of how much the current prototype leaks)

b)Safety Precautions

i)High pressure could cause safety concerns

c)Test Plan

i)Connect tubing to air compressor with correct fitting

ii)Aim fixture towards a wall where nothing can be damaged

iii)Connect correct sensor to other end of tubing using correct fitting

iv)Turn on compressor to 2 bar and measure leak

v)Repeat step iii for pressures at 3,4,5,6,8,10 bar

vi)Determine if any leaks, if yes choose new sensors/method of sealing

vii)Make sure voltage requirements satisfy ER4

d)Other Resources


6)Microcontroller Evaluation

a)Equipment and Tools Needed

i)Both microcontrollers

ii)micro-USB and mini-USB cables to program controllers

iii)Computer with compiler software


b)Safety Precautions


c)Test Plan

i)Develop mock PID code to test each microcontroller (Arduino and C codes)

ii)Attach USB to board and load/compile code to be executed into the controller

iii)Run program and observe the output of the microcontroller (serial read)

iv)Each microcontroller will output a pulse at the end of each cycle of code execute, the time between each pulse will be compared between the two microcontrollers

v)Compare time difference on oscilloscope between the two microcontrollers

vi)Make sure voltage requirements satisfy ER4

d)Other Resources


7)Check Microprocessor Response to Simulated Inputs

a)Equipment and Tools Needed



iii)Power Supply



vi)Actuator with position sensor

b)Safety Precautions

i)Limit power supply current

ii)Don’t exceed potentiometers/microprocessor operating voltages

c)Test Plan

i)Connect the microprocessor to a computer and power it on.

ii)Open up the software program to record data from the microprocessor

iii)Wire the input potentiometers and the position sensor to the microcontroller.

iv)Wire the power supplies to the actuator circuitry, position sensor and potentiometer.

v)Turn on the power supplies and adjust them on to the appropriate voltages (5V for the sensor and potentiometer, 13V for the actuator control circuitry)

vi)Vary the temperature potentiometer and record the change in the position sensors output for various inputs using the software program

vii)Vary the throttle potentiometer and record the position sensors output.

viii)Vary all the inputs and record the changes in the position sensors output.

ix)Observe the data with theoretical calculated results and adjust the code where needed, then repeat the test.

d)Other Resources


8)Test Microcontroller with Actual Sensors

a)Equipment and Tools Needed



iii)Power Supply

iv)Temperature Sensor

v)Calibrated Temperature Bath



b)Safety Precautions

i)Limit power supply current

ii)Don’t exceed sensor/microprocessor operating voltages

iii)Don’t over pressurize the pressure sensor

iv)Don’t overheat the components

v)Make sure that all electronic components, excluding temperature sensor, do not come in contact with water

c)Test Plan

i)Connect the microcontroller to a computer and power it on.

ii)Open up the software program to record results from the microcontroller.

iii)Wire in the actuator, position sensor, pressure sensor and temperature sensor. (or wire the inputs to a potentiometer if necessary)

iv)Wire the power supplies to the actuator circuitry, position sensor, pressure sensor, temperature sensor and/or potentiometers.

v)Turn on the power supplies and adjust them on to the appropriate voltages (5V for the sensor and potentiometer, 13V for the actuator control circuitry)

vi)Change the pressure and record the output of the position sensor for various inputs using the software program and a volt meter.

vii)Vary the temperature and record the output of the position sensor.

viii)Vary both the temperature and the pressure and observe the output of the position sensor.

d)Other Resources


9)Calibration of Temperature Sensor

a)Equipment and Tools Needed

i)Temperature sensor

ii)Power source



v)Calibrated Temperature Bath

vi)Accurate Thermometer

b)Safety Precautions

i)Make sure that all electronic components, excluding temperature sensor, do not come in contact with water

c)Test Plan

i)Connect the microcontroller to a computer and power it on.

ii)Open up the software package used to record data from the microcontroller.

iii)Connect the temperature sensor to the microcontroller and a power supply

iv)Place the sensor in the oven.

v)Power on the power supply to 5V

vi)Vary the temperature of the water and record the results from the microcontroller and the recording software (be sure to wait an ample amount of time for the sensor to fully warm up to a new temperature before taking a measurement to reduce issues and errors in calibration)

d)Other Resources

i) Excel/MATLAB

10)Test Voltage Regulator Circuitry with Varying Supply Voltages

a)Equipment and Tools Needed

i)Voltage Meter

ii)Power Supply

b)Safety Precautions

i)Limit power supply current

ii)Don’t exceed IC’s operating voltage range

c)Test Plan

i)Connect the voltage regulator circuitry to a power supply

ii)Turn on the power supply to 13V and limit the current to 2mA.

iii)Vary the power supplies voltage for various values between 8 and 16V and record the value at the output of the regulator using a volt meter.

iv)Repeat the test by placing a 10k resistor at the output of the voltage regulator to ground

v)Make sure the ripple voltage is within (insert reasonable value here)

d)Other Resources


11)Test System for Noise

a)Equipment and Tools Needed

i)Power Supply


b)Safety Precautions

i)Don’t over volt the system

c)Test Plan

i)Wire the entire electrical system together.

ii)Connect a power supply to the system.

iii)Turn the power supply on to 13V

iv)Check the nets of the system using an oscilloscope and record any nets with significant noise. (insert what would define significant noise here)

v)Add filters to nets with noise and retest the system.

vi)If possible run the test with a motor spinning in the vicinity and/or other running electronic devices, in attempts to filter out noise that may come from other sources.

d)Other Resources


12)Leak Test

a)Equipment and Tools Needed

i)Compressed air

ii)Inlet and Outlet fittings

iii)Tank of water

iv)GMFRC with all of electrical components stripped off

b)Safety Precautions


c)Test Plan

i)Make sure the actuator is at the rest position and exit port is completely closed

ii)Hook up compressed air to the inlet of the GMFRC

iii)Fully seal off the outlet fitting to ensure no room for gas to flow (testing leaks within the whole system)

iv)Fill tank full of water and completely submerge GMFRC

v)Turn on compressed air to 4 bar.

vi)Observe in any bubbles appear, no bubbles will satisfy the requirement that the GMFRC has no leak into environment

vii)Take seal off of the outlet and repeat test(testing the leak at a fully closed position to the manifold)

viii)If observe any bubbles, if so measure amount….NEED TO DETERMINE HOW

ix)Make sure measurement satisfies ER3

d)Other Resources


13)Cost Analysis

a)Equipment and Tools Needed

i)Data/Spec sheets with prices

ii)Quotes for mechanical parts

b)Safety Precautions


c)Test Plan

i)Determine cost for mass production, based on 10,000 units

ii)Add cost together to see total cost of prototype

iii)Determine if the manufacturing cost fulfills ER7

d)Other Resources



a)Equipment and Tools Needed


b)Safety Precautions


c)Test Plan

i)Count the amount of sub assemblies within the GMFRC

ii)Determine the amount satisfies ER8

iii)If too many sub assemblies, think of ways to combine sub assemblies together

d)Other Resources


15)Temperature Limit Test

a)Equipment and Tools Needed

i)Enclosure able to heat up GMFRC


iii)Materials needed for Test 1

b)Safety Precautions

i)Be careful of oven

ii)Same precautions as Test 1

c)Test Plan

i)Place GMFRC into enclosure/oven

ii)Perform Test 1 Test Plan

iii)Change temperatures and wait for steady state

iv)Repeat Test 1 Test Plan for various different temperatures up to 100°C

d)Other Resources

i)Space for testing

ii)EE to control actuator

16)Size Envelope

a)Equipment and Tools Needed

i)Container with precise volume markings, possible huge measuring cup

ii)Water to submerge GMFRC in

iii)Plastic bag/wrap

iv)Sealing tools

b)Safety Precautions


c)Test Plan

i)Fill container with enough water to fully submerge GMFRC and read current volume of the water

ii)Wrap GMFRC in plastic wrap and place in airtight plastic bag.

iii)Ensure no water will leak on the GMFRC

iv)Submerge GMFRC completely into water and read volume of the water

v)Determine the volume of the GMFRC using the previous two volume measurements.

vi)See if volume satisfies ER10

vii)Another test is to see the maximum width, depth, and height of the GMFRC and determine the smallest “size envelope” that the GMFRC could fit into

viii)Determine if “size envelope” satisfies ER10

d)Other Resources

i)Testing area

17)Complete Weight Test

a)Equipment and Tools Needed



b)Safety Precautions


c)Test Plan

i)Place GMFRC on the scale

ii)Perform measurement at least three times

iii)Record results and determine if satisfies ER11

d)Other Resources


18)CFD Fluid Flow Test

a)Equipment and Tools Needed

i)GMFRC Distribution plate CAD model

ii)SolidWorks Simulation

iii)Test condition pressure and temperature parameters

b)Safety Precautions


c)Test Plan

i)Open CAD model of distribution plate in SolidWorks

ii)Input testing parameters into SolidWorks simulation

iii)Run SolidWorks simulation

iv)Analyze flow patterns to determine if satisfies ER13

d)Other Resources

i)Possible ANSYS analysis, need to learn how to use ANSYS