Snow Shadow Environmental Science Camp 2016
Earth Science * Research * Recreational * Healthy Fun * Exploration *
Snow ShadowResearch & Development
Director:Coach Kirk / Assistant Director: Goldbug
535 South 1st Street * Montrose, Colorado 81401 * 206-941-4472 *
Sign-Up for our nextOver-Night High AltitudeCamp Adventure
6 Days 5 Nights
Monday July 18th – Saturday July 23rd 2016
CampTuition Fee: $ 375 + $ 50 Deposit
“ Gold panning *Gem Mineral Hunting is Educational and Fun "
We provide:
Transportation, most suitable modern and rustic accommodations, nutritional high altitude meals, (Ghost-town), dirt, water, shovel, screens, pans.Use contact page for Registration, Brochure, Checklist, Itinerary
You provide enthusiasm and plan to keep what you find in your pan and memories to last a Lifetime
Maps and other items can be purchased at the Tin Cup store
Snow Shadow Environmental Science Camp *Gold Panning *Gem Minerals
*Daily Lectures - Campers relax sit around the campfire at night or 'lemon-aid well' in the afternoon
to listen and share stories and plan for the next days adventure
*Campers that attend will also explore the rich history of Tin Cup, its mining days and ancestry of
those who livedandworked here in the early 1900’s
*Planned Scavenger Hunts are informative and educational as campers are sent in search of the
historyandtreasures of the surrounding area
*Campers also learn about safety and modern techniques used forcyanide and flotation process
toextractgold and other precious metals
*Transportation is provided for attending campers for scheduledprospecting adventures to
surroundingprivate and secured claimareasfromcampus
Why did people come to Tin Cup to start the town?
How did Tin Cup get its name?
What is the elevation of Tin Cup? Surrounding mountains?
What other area's did people live? (Maps)
Where there Indians in Tin Cup?
Who was the 1st Sheriff? Where was he buried?
Who was Governor during the gold mining?
What other towns are near Tin Cup?
How big was the mining claim?
When did the state assume management of Tin Cup?
What kind of mining was done?
Are there ghosts at Tin Cup?
Where did the old building go shown in old photos?
Is the Parks Division planning to restore any buildings?
Copyrights: Snow Shadow Research and Development 2010-2016