Carlinville Park District
Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, August 4, 2016 @ 7:00 p.m.

Members Present: Larry Smith, Michelle Tiburzi, Chris Gibbel, Maintenance Randy Link and Administrator Regie Byots. Guest: George Cerar & Macoupin County Enquirer/Democrat

Smith called meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Motion was made by Gibbel and 2nd by Duckels to accept the minutes from the regular meeting on July 7, 2016.

Motion was made by Tiburzi and 2nd by Chapman to approve the July 2016 Treasurer’s Report. Chris Gibbel has access to QuickBooks and will be cleaning up some data from a previous employee’s child support deductions.

Old Business Discussed: The Carlinville Park District needs approval for the opening of the Dennis Goesmann Memorial Fund Account at UCB. There was a motion by Gibble with a 2nd from Duckels to open this account.

Duckels spoke regarding the conversation with Rick Bertinetti Rick asked for him to communicate to us and send a letter to the City Council asking for permission to explore the idea of the altering the all-purpose field on CNB. The letter that Duckels will write will not get us any further than we already are. Bertinetti is confident that the City Council will defer to any of our decision making process for Loveless Park. Duckels proposes writing a letter that is different from what Bertinetti wants. There needs to be a better understanding of both groups.

Maintenance Report: Randy Link gave a thorough report regarding the work going on. CNB field is still waiting for some attention. The weather has played a factor and the lack of summer help. There are some low spots that need filled in. He will have it ready by the 1st of next Spring. He is repairing bleachers that have been bent and damaged from being moved around so much by the tractor. The grass is growing like crazy. It has been hard to keep up with all of it. We mow around 27 acres of grass every week. Ball fields are doing better. Next Spring the process of getting everything ready will be a lot quicker. Need to fill in low spots on other fields. We have had numerous problems with the baby pool turning green/brown. We thought it was our problem but we found out that it is the city water. Luckily the big pool has sustained itself. Randy was told that the city had changed its water treatment and that is why there has been problems. The dump truck has been broke down. We have a company coming from Indiana to look at the baby pool. They will be here August 16th to test the baby pool to determine what the problem is. We have been working on the walking trail and cleaning it up. The first CC meet is August 30th. The first home HS soccer game is August 21st. Randy would like to fix each end of the walking trail that has eroded. There are ruts. Someone could fall and break an ankle. Randy would like to black top from the top of the hill to the bottom on each end of the trail. Randy would like to put concrete slabs under all the bleachers to prevent the bleachers from being moved all the time and eliminate the damage to them. Randy estimated around 10 sets of bleachers with a pad of 10x15 it would cost around $1800-$2000 for all 10 slabs. We could pour the concrete. Duckels loved the idea. We will move forward with this project this Fall. Randy will get exact figures for September’s meeting. Byots will contact Les Hays and a couple of other contractors to look into getting bids for a parking lot on the East side of Loveless Park. Randy is in the process of replacing all the players benches on the soccer fields. Link talked with Steve Boente about the back stop at Tom Thumb. The fence that they were going to use is gone from behind the pool. Someone has taken it. The Lions Club will order the necessary materials needed and move forward. Boente wanted to go with the cheaper business for the material. Gray Lumber from Modesto quoted them with the cheapest for the fence and the boards and they will deliver.

New Business: Duckels had a packet of material that Dan O’Brien has given to him regarding a “Rain Garden”. Ground water run off gets into our city water and we don’t have capabilities of processing it in an efficient way. This is a significant project where you build gardens where they capture the rain water that seeps into the ground water that is not converted into city water lines and it naturally goes back into the environment. The Rotary Club is willing to maintain and build such garden. They are thinking about back by Sloan Equipment because there is a lot of run off there. Duckels thinks the concept is admirable. The Rotary Club is willing to fund it if they get the Grant. This is something the Rotary Club wants to do. When they find out about the funding Dan will come to the board and present us with it.

Good of the Order: Smith let the Alderman know at the meeting he attended the other night to ask their community members about anything they would like to see done. One neighbor at Tower Grove asked about what we are going to do with the fence there. Link & Byots will get a priority list together and present to the board in September.

Executive Session: The board and administrator Byots went into closed session at 7:45 p.m. and came out of session at 8:28 p.m.

Next CPD meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 1, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:32 p.m. with a motion from Chapman and a 2nd from Duckels