Transportation Division


SMART-TD Scholarship Fund

SMART Transportation Division Union

Local 0257

South Morrill Nebraska


Bill Wyoming

Article I


This will be known to all SMART-TD0257 members, as the SMART-TD Scholarship Fund.

Article II


To provide two$500.00 scholarships to twoqualified students, to help pay for an accredited college or vocational school.

Article III


This will be funded by the deduction of $.75per month from each members union dues and placed in a separate checking account maintained by the Local Secretary/Treasurer for the sole purpose of the scholarship fund.

Article IV


The applicant must be the child or grandchild of a union member in good standing with SMART-TD Local 0257. Please see Article (21-B) Section 45--Duties of Members in the SMART Constitution. Each applicant must submit an application for this scholarship. The member must have been paying dues to SMART-TD Local 0257 for at least six months prior to the application being signed. The member must alsoattend at least 2 meetings a year.

Article V


The Secretary/Treasurer will post notice on SMART-TD Local 0257 bulletin boards in South Morrill and Bill in January that applications are available to interested members. The applications will be completed by the student and returned to the Secretary/Treasurer or President by the March meeting.

Article VI

Scholarship Committee

At the March meeting the President shall appoint a scholarship committee made up of three members, from Bill and or from South Morrill. (No member whose child or grandchild has submitted an application will be allowed to set on the committee). The applications will be assigned a number this number will match the applicant page and the application page. The applicant page will stay with Secretary/Treasurer or President thus leaving the application to be reviewed.

Article VII

Review process

The committee will give each application a grade based on grade point average, school activities, clubs/organizations, and community involvement. They will then be made available for Union viewing and final approval. The committee will make a report at the April meeting on the scholarship recipients.

Article VIII

Scholarship Presentation

The scholarships will be presented to the recipients at the school during their awards night by either the SMART-TD Local 0257 President or Secretary/Treasurer or by a member of the Union. This can be worked out on an individual basis.

Article IX

Scholarship payments

The Secretary/Treasurer will make a check payable to the recipient and school in which he or she is attending in the amount of $500.00. If the recipient elects to serve in the US Military prior to attending school, the scholarship will be held in his/her name for no longer than a four year period. After which time, the scholarship will be void and all monies will be returned to the scholarship fund.