CAT #1 Assessing Student’s Prior Knowledge

1. Have you had accounting in high school? / Yes / No
2. Have you had a college accounting level course? (Perhaps you dropped it or did not get a satisfactory grade in the past) / Yes / No
3. Have you (or do you) work in an accounting-related field? If yes, please describe: / Yes / No
4. Have you ever heard of financial statements before this first class? / Never heard of this / Have heard of it, but do not know what it means / Have some idea of what it means, but am no too clear / Have a clear idea of what this means and can explain it
5. Have you ever heard of the Sarbanes Oxley Act? / Never heard of this / Have heard of it, but do not know what it means / Have some idea of what it means, but am no too clear / Have a clear idea of what this means and can explain it
6. Have you ever heard of debits and credits? / Never heard of this / Have heard of it, but do not know what it means / Have some idea of what it means, but am no too clear / Have a clear idea of what this means and can explain it
7. Have you ever heard of financial ratios? / Never heard of this / Have heard of it, but do not know what it means / Have some idea of what it means, but am no too clear / Have a clear idea of what this means and can explain it
8. Have you ever heard of journal entries? / Never heard of this / Have heard of it, but do not know what it means / Have some idea of what it means, but am no too clear / Have a clear idea of what this means and can explain it
9. Have you ever heard of internal controls? / Never heard of this / Have heard of it, but do not know what it means / Have some idea of what it means, but am no too clear / Have a clear idea of what this means and can explain it
10. Have you ever heard of the auditors report? / Never heard of this / Have heard of it, but do not know what it means / Have some idea of what it means, but am no too clear / Have a clear idea of what this means and can explain it
11. What is your motivation level to take this class at this time? / I am not motivated at all and wish it was not a requirement / I have minimal interest in this class / I am moderately interested / I am very motivated and can’t wait to get started
Write your feelings about taking this class this term:


CAT #2 Timekeeper

Week 1 / Total
Sun / Mon / Tues / Wed / Thurs / Fri / Sat
Studying for Tests
Week 2 / Total
Sun / Mon / Tues / Wed / Thurs / Fri / Sat
Studying for Tests
Week 3 / Total
Sun / Mon / Tues / Wed / Thurs / Fri / Sat
Studying for Tests
/ (Weeks / 4 - 14) /
Week 15 / Total
Sun / Mon / Tues / Wed / Thurs / Fri / Sat
Studying for Tests
Finals / Total
Sun / Mon / Tues / Wed / Thurs / Fri / Sat
Studying for Tests


Studying for Tests
Total Hours

Midterm thoughts: How well do you think you used your time during the first half of the term? What things will you change for the second half of the term?

Final thoughts: Were you able to make the changes you wanted to during the term? How might you improve your time management for future accounting classes? What suggestions would you make to future students about time management in future terms?

CAT #3 Friend Questionnaire

Pick a financial statement for a company you are interested in. We appreciate your taking the time to help us assess the student’s explanations of financial statements to you.

Your name: ______

Relationship to the student: ______

Your contact number: ______

In your own words, what do the following things mean to you, given the student’s explanation?

1)What is the purpose of the auditor’s report?

2)What is the purpose of the income statement? What does it tell you?

3)What is the purpose of the balance sheet? What does it tell you?

4)What is the purpose of the statement of cash flows? What does it tell you?

5)Which statement did you find to be the most interesting from you friend’s explanations?

6)How much time did your friend spend explaining these items to you?

Please rate the student’s explanation? This will not impact his/her grade. We just want to know how he/she did. (Circle which statement represents your experience.)

5 Have a clear idea of what everything means and could explain it to another.

4 Have some idea of what everything means, but I am not 100% clear.

3 Heard everything the student told me, but do not really know what it means.

2 The student could not explain it very well to me, and I became confused.

1 The whole topic was way over my head, and no explanations could help.

Other: ______

CAT #4 Formative Group Assessment*

1)Overall, how effectively did your group work on this assignment?

PoorlyAdequatelyWellExtremely Well

2)Out of the ___ group members, how many participated actively most of the time?


3)Out of the ___ group members, how many were fully prepared for the activity?


4)Give a specific example of something you learned from the group that you wouldn’t have learned working alone:

5)Give one specific example of something the group learned from you:

6)Suggest one change to the group that could improve its performance:

Adopted from Angelo and Cross, Classroom Assessment Techniques (1993), p. 350.

CAT #5 Reflection Papers

How helpful are the following to your learning?

High / Good / Average / Low / Not at all
Working in groups in class / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Reading the text / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Doing “short” homework problems in the book / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
The “You Tube” video critique / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Lectures / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
The use of clickers / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Internal control paper / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
On-line quizzes / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
On-line midterm and final / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
The BBRH take-home case / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Financial Statement Comparison project / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Self-reflection papers / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1

(1)What concepts, principles, or ideas that you have learned thus far, do you think you will remember the most after you leave this class?

(2)Reflect upon what you consider the most interesting thing you have learned in this class?

(3)Do you see any relationship between this class and things going on in the business, investment, and/or government now?

(4)How will what you have learned change your performance as a future accounting or business professional (now or in the future)?

(5)What has surprised you most about this class this term?

(6)How are you feeling about the class now that it is almost over?

(7)Have you told anyone outside of class about information that you have learned in class? If so, list who these individuals might be.

(8)Have you learned anything about yourself this term?

(9)Add any comments that you would like me to read ….

Would you allow me to share your comments with a wider audience at a conference or on a paper? Yes ______No ______


CAT #6 Value-Added Assessments

Which learning experience helped you IMPROVE the following personal competencies the most?

Doing Homework / Interview Project / Solving Case Studies / Developing Pamphlets / Studying for Tests / Setting up Panels / Reflection Papers
Ethical behavior
Effective problem-solving
Decision-making skills
To effectively lead
To work productively with others
Project management
Written communication skills

Session CAT #7 (Today’s CAT)

Assessing Prior Knowledge

1. Have you ever attended a session on assessment before? / Yes / No
2. Have you ever attended a session on CATs before? / Yes / No
3. Do you use CATs in your classroom? If so, how many? / Yes / No / Not sure
4. Can you define what a CAT is? / Never heard of this / Have heard of it, but do not know what it means / Have some idea of what it means, but am no too clear / Have a clear idea of what this means and can explain it
5. Do you know who Angelo and Cross are? / Never heard of this / Have heard of it, but do not know what it means / Have some idea of what it means, but am no too clear / Have a clear idea of what this means and can explain it
6. Do you know what learning goals are? / Never heard of this / Have heard of it, but do not know what it means / Have some idea of what it means, but am no too clear / Have a clear idea of what this means and can explain it
7. Can you distinguish between performance, authentic, and assessment for learning? / Never heard of this / Have heard of it, but do not know what it means / Have some idea of what it means, but am no too clear / Have a clear idea of what this means and can explain it
  1. Write your feelings about this session today: