InteliData Technologies

Interpose Transaction Engine V. 4.0

Small Business Add On

Installation Guide

Software Version4.0

Document Revision1.0

Document NumberITE40-IG.450.1

InteliData Technologies Corporation

September 2000

Copyright  InteliData Technologies Corporation 2000

All Rights Reserved.

Printed in U.S.A.

InteliData and Interpose are trademarks or service marks of InteliData Technologies Corporation.

Whenever such names, or registered trademarks and trademarks of companies other than InteliData Technologies Corporation appear in this document, such names shall be deemed to refer to the corresponding registered trademarks or trademarks.

Software Version4.0

Document Revision1.0

Document NumberITE40-IG.450.1



1.1Superuser Functions......

1.2Vanilla Installation and Testing......


2.1System Requirements......

2.1.1Versions and Levels......

2.1.2DASD Space Availability......

2.1.3Operator Functionality......


3.1Getting the Source to the Mainframe......

3.1.1The Small Business System......

3.2Compiling, Loading, Linking, and Assembling the Small Business System......

3.2.1The Four-Step Process......

3.3Preparing CICS......

3.3.1Resource Definition Online......

3.3.2File Control Table (FCT)......

3.3.3Program Control Table (PCT)......

3.3.4Program Processing Table (PPT)......

3.4Preparing the On-line Operating Environment......

3.4.1Allocating Files......

3.5Verifying the Installation......

3.5.1Functional Verification......


4.1JCL for Step 1 – Compiling On-line Programs for System Support......

4.2JCL for Step 2 – Compiling On-line Programs......

4.3JCL for Step 3 – Compiling On-line Programs......

4.4JCL for Step 4 – Assembling BMS Maps......


5.1RDO File Control Table (FCT)......

5.2Program Control Table (PCT)......

5.3Program Processing Table (PPT)......

5.4Tape Creation JCL......

5.5Tape Unload JCL......


Interpose Transaction Engine V. 4.0

Small Business Add On Installation Guide ITE40-IG.450.1

InteliData Technologies

Interpose Transaction Engine V. 4.0

Small Business Add On


The Interpose Small Business product is an add-on package for the Interpose Transaction Engine Version 4.0 Base System software. This product allows financial institutions to offer banking services to their small business customers. It provides ‘Superuser’ capabilities and permissions. The business owner, or other designated party identified by the business, will be the “super” user for the Internet Banking relationship. The Superuser will have the ability to designate additional users of the system, each with a specific set of permissions and a list of accounts to which they will be granted access.

The premise of a Small Business ‘user’ differs from retail operations users in that a small business may have multiple users attached to a single Profile.

1.1Superuser Functions

The Superuser capabilities and permissions consist of:

  • Adding and maintaining employees of the Small Business
  • Setting up Related Accounts to employees
  • Modifying Related Account ‘nicknames’ for the Small Business

1.2Vanilla Installation and Testing

This manual also describes the process for installing the “Vanilla” version of the ITE Small Business. The installation and verification of the Vanilla system can be broken down into the following major steps:

  • Preparing the source code
  • Preparing the CICS
  • Preparing the data files
  • Testing the system

Most of the installation process is order-independent. Those portions that are not, are explicitly identified.


Interpose Transaction Engine V. 4.0

Small Business Add On Installation Guide ITE40-IG.450.1

InteliData Technologies


This installation procedure assumes that the Interpose Transaction Engine (ITE) Base System and the Interpose Payment Warehouse System have been installed before installation of the Interpose Small Business Add-On.

2.1System Requirements

Installation of the ITE Small Business product has system dependencies (discussed below). Most of these are inter-related; that is, if any of the requirements are not met, a successful installation cannot be guaranteed.

2.1.1Versions and Levels

The operating system versions and levels on your system must meet the following requirements:

  • Operating System: MVS/XA, MVS/ESA or OS/390
  • CICS: Version 4.1 or lower or CICS Transaction Server Version 1.3
  • COBOL II, COBOL for MVS (Release 1.2) or COBOL for OS/390
  • Assembler H

2.1.2DASD Space Availability

There must be sufficient DASD space on the system to hold all the Interpose Small Business System libraries and sequential files, as well as all the VSAM and sequential datasets used in the operation of Interpose. Specifically, there must be a minimum of 1500 tracks of 3380 DASD available, or approximately 72 megabytes.

NOTE: Both the number of users and system growth will affect stated space requirements. The Space Calculation Worksheet in the Interpose Transaction Engine Base Installation Guide, Section 9, may be used as an aide.

2.1.3Operator Functionality

The installation and testing process requires access to the following:

  • CEMT – Program new-copy must be performed, and files must be opened and closed to CICS regularly.
  • CEDA – If resource definition is to be done online, full access to the CEDA transaction is required.
  • CEBR (or similar tool) to view Temporary Storage Queue (TSQ). Interpose writes trace records to a TSQ (ECBFTRCE). This is used to browse the queue.
  • Transactions – Secure access to the Interpose Small Business transactions during the installation procedure must be ensured.



Interpose Transaction Engine V. 4.0

Small Business Add On Installation Guide ITE40-IG.450.1

InteliData Technologies


This section describes the functions and preparatory steps involved with installing the Small Business system to the mainframe, and provides instructions on testing the installation.

3.1Getting the Source to the Mainframe

The Interpose Small Business System is delivered on a 3480 cartridge. Use institution-specific methods for uploading the source code.

3.1.1The Small Business System

The Small Business System consists of the following:

SOURCE containing:

  • COBOL source modules

MAPS containing:

  • BMS Maps for System Support

COPYMAC containing:

  • COBOL shared copybooks
  • Assembler Macros

JCLLIB containing:

  • File initialization JCL

CNTL containing:

  • VSAM file allocation cluster definitions

INSTALL containing:

  • Control cards for Small Business Installation
  • JCL for Small Business Installation
  • PCT, PPT, and FCT tables for Small Business Installation


  • ITESUPP.SB.SEQ: A sequential file containing a list of Interpose transactions supported in the Base, Bill Pay and Small Business systems (LRECL = 25).

3.2Compiling, Loading, Linking, and Assembling the Small Business System

The next step of the installation process is to convert all system-provided source code to machine readable object code in the form of load modules which will be identified to CICS and stored in a special dataset. However, a separate load dataset can be used for Interpose, or the load modules can be placed in an existing common load dataset. If a separate dataset is used, it will need to be defined to the system before any compilation or assembling can take place, and should have the following attributes:



BLKSIZE = 23200

size = 100 tracks of 3380 DASD

directory blocks = 50

3.2.1The Four-Step Process

The installation JCL dataset, INSTALL.SB, contains four members—named STEP1SB through STEP4SB—which support this process. Each member involves a parameterized inline JCL procedure, and job steps for each module to be assembled or compiled. A copy of these members can also be found in Section 5. The JCLs are set up to compile all on-line programs so that they will run above the 16M line by using the AMODE=31 and RMODE=ANY parameters in the link step. 1 – Compiling On-line System Support Programs

Translate, compile, and link the on-line programs used by the administrator and back office functions. These programs use standard CICS linkage techniques; thus, there is no technical reason why the programs must be compiled at this time or in this order. This step just represents a logical division in the process of compiling all the on-line programs.

The JCL in Section 5.1 can be used to perform this step. While it is not mandatory to use this JCL, ensure that the JCL used contains the proper calling sequence for the translator, COBOL compiler, and linkage editor. Also ensure that appropriate copybook and macro libraries are included in the concatenation for the compiler, and that the linkage editor uses the appropriate load module libraries.

If the provided JCL is used, change all parameters to match the system requirements, and ensure that the copybook, load module, and library concatenations reference the correct libraries in your system. 2 – Compiling On-line Logon and Communications Programs

Translate, compile and link the on-line programs for logon and communications. As in the step above, there is no technical reason why these programs are compiled at this point; it is just a logical division.

The JCL in Section 5.2 can be used to perform this step. Follow the guidelines from the previous step if another JCL is used. If the provided JCL is used, change all parameters to match the system requirements, and ensure that the copybook, load module, and library concatenations reference the correct libraries in your system. 3 – Compiling Remaining On-line Transactional Programs

Translate, compile and link the remaining on-line programs. These programs perform message processing. Refer to the Interpose Transaction Engine Program Reference Guide for a complete description of all programs. As in the two steps above, there is no technical reason why these programs are compiled at this point; it is just a logical division.

The JCL in Section 5.3 can be used to perform this step. Follow the guidelines from the previous steps if other JCL is used. If the provided JCL is used, change all parameters to match the system requirements, and ensure that the copybook, load module, and library concatenations reference the correct libraries in your system. 4 – Assembling the BMS Maps

Assemble and link all BMS Map definitions that are to be used in Interpose Small Business. There are no order requirements for the assembly process.

The Maps have a unique feature. They were generated using a BMS tool that allows field names to be longer than eight characters. The map definitions use eight-character field names because this is a CICS requirement, but the tool also generates the corresponding copybook that uses standard COBOL naming conventions.

For this reason, the copybook DSECT, generated by the assembly, should be discarded, and the copybook in the COPYMAC dataset used instead. The on-line programs depend on these copybooks, and will not compile otherwise.

The JCL in Section 5.4 can be used to perform this step. While it is not mandatory to use this JCL, the JCL used must contain the proper calling sequence for the assembler, and appropriate macro libraries must be included in the concatenation.

The maps must be assembled unaligned (that is, not aligned on word boundaries). Unpredictable results may occur if the load module is aligned.

If the provided JCL is used, change all parameters to match the system requirements, and ensure that the macro library concatenations reference the correct libraries in your system.

3.3Preparing CICS

The next phase of the installation process is to prepare the CICS environment for Interpose Small Business. The following definitions describe the preparation process.

3.3.1Resource Definition Online

RDO definitions can be found in the INSTALL.SB dataset under the names ITExxx4, where xxx is the table name (e.g., FCT, etc.). Hard copy of these definitions can also be found in Section 6 of this manual.

NOTE: For all CICS table definitions, if an option is not specified, the IBM-supplied system default—as outlined in the CICS documentation—is assumed. While Interpose may work with other values for some of the options, it has only been verified with standard defaults, and no other values are supported.

3.3.2File Control Table (FCT)

The Interpose Small Business FCT defines the three VSAM files used by the Small Business System for both customer and back office processing. All of these files are key-sequenced (KSDS).

Only the following files may have changes made to the associated parameters:

Journal ID (JID)

In each of the entries in the FCT, a journal ID (JID) of X is assumed. This may or may not be possible in the installation system, and this parameter may be changed to reference any active journal. However, do not delete this parameter because the Dynamic Transaction Backout (DTB) and Emergency Restart (ER) availability in Interpose depend on journaling.

Dataset Name (DSNAME)

Each of the entries in the FCT references a DSNAME to associate the actual dataset name with the 8-character mnemonic used in Interpose Small Business. The dataset name may be changed to match the standards of the installation system. In addition, this parameter may be deleted entirely, with the dataset association being accomplished by DD cards in the start-up JCL for the region. The DSNAME parameter is used because it allows much more flexibility during the testing phase, since datasets can be deleted and reallocated without having to bring the CICS region down.


Each of the entries in the FCT references an LSRPOOL. This new parameter in CICS, Version 4, defines which LSRPOOL a file gets its buffers from. LSRPOOL should be either a number from 1-8 or None. If None is specified, the file will get buffers specific to the file and not from a pool. If a number is specified, a corresponding LSRPOOL definition in CICS determines how many of each size of buffer is allocated to the pool. Eight separate pools can be defined.

NOTE: In the FCTs delivered with the system, the LSRPOOL is set to go to LSRPOOL 1; however, this parameter should be reviewed for your specific installation.

LSRPOOL is a tuning parameter which works in conjunction with STRINGS, DATABUFFERS, and INDEXBUFFERS. Review all of these parameters and set them appropriately for your volumes and your CICS environment.

3.3.3Program Control Table (PCT)

The Interpose Small Business PCT correlates all transaction IDs and programs used for message processing, administration, and back office functions.

If any transaction IDs or program names must be changed due to conflicts with existing names or standards violations, the change must be reflected here. Program name changes must also be carried over to the PPT, which is discussed in more detail below. For more information about changing program names or transaction IDs, refer to the Interpose Transaction Engine Integration Guide.

3.3.4Program Processing Table (PPT)

The PPT specifies all programs used by CICS and the language in which each is written. The Interpose Small Business PPT contains entries for all on-line programs and BMS Maps that exist in the Small Business System, but does not include batch programs. Any program name changes due to conflicts or standards violations must be reflected here. Other modifications that must be made when changing program names are discussed in detail in the Interpose Transaction Engine Integration Guide.

Use the DATALOCATION(ANY) parameter when running on-line programs above the 16M line.

3.4Preparing the On-line Operating Environment

Preparation for the on-line environment includes allocating files, modifying VSAM file parameters, initializing the support file, and testing the installation.

3.4.1Allocating Files

Interpose Small Business uses a variety of VSAM files for transaction processing, administration, and back office functions. Files used by CICS must be allocated and initialized before the on-line system will operate. VSAM File Parameters

The control members containing the DEFINE CLUSTER statements must be modified for your institution’s standards by doing the following:

  • Modify the VOLUMES parameter in each cluster definition to specify the correct DASD pack for your system
  • Change the dataset names to match the FCT dataset names
  • Change the ControlIntervalSize parameter to match your institution’s specifications

DEFINE CLUSTER input streams for IDCAMS are provided in dataset CNTL.SB for the VSAM files used by Interpose Small Business.

The members that must be modified are:

XXXXXXXX – Small Business Profile Accounts File

XXXXXXXX – Small Business Profile

XXXXXXXX – Small Business Superuser File

The second step in the allocation process is to run JCL member XXXXXXXX in dataset JCLLIB.SB. This job calls JCL procedure XXXXXXXX, which uses IDCAMS and the above-listed control members to perform a delete/define operation for each file. Ensure that all files are allocated without error.

NOTE FOR TESTING SETUP: If the system is being prepared for Vanilla testing, run JCL member TAPFILSB in dataset INSTALL.SB, after changing the output dataset names in the JCL to reflect the same names used when the VSAM files were allocated. This will load the files needed for the Small Business system.

All Small Business files in the Interpose system are left in their default state. the Support File

Next run JCL member XXXXXXXX in the dataset INSTALL.SB to perform an IDCAMS REPRO of the support file. This job copies the information in the provided sequential Small Business System Support file into the corresponding VSAM file.

XXXXXXXX (Transaction Support Table) – Lists all transactions in the Interpose System (Base, Payment Warehouse and Small Business) and the support status of each.

3.5Verifying the Installation

After all preliminary steps are complete, CICS can be brought up and verification testing can be done—before beginning the functional verification—in order to eliminate system errors that can invalidate later test results.

First, verify that all CICS table entries have been correctly installed in the system by performing a CEMT INQUIRE on all files, programs, transactions and terminals to ensure that they are available. Next, perform a NEW COPY operation on all programs to verify that they exist in executable form in the load module dataset. It is not mandatory that these verifications be performed every time CICS is brought up, but an initial verification ensures a smooth installation procedure.

OPTIONAL: Prior to actual verification, it may be necessary to perform some of the administrator functions to become familiar with them. Run the ZHBS transaction to bring up the administrator Main Menu. (Refer to the Interpose Transaction Engine Operations Guide for more information on these functions.) However, if any transactions are run that alter the data files, restore them to their original state before beginning functional verification.