SLS Weekly Digest

May 4, 2012

“The Little Prince showed me that very individual and personal feelings could be communicated in a story. But it also showed me that an artist could incorporate these feelings and emotions in the drawings. It alerted me to the potential of art and guided me to a career as an illustrator.”

Peter Sis p.195 from Everything I Need to Know I Learned from a Children’s Book

School Library System Professional Collection Highlight (available via ILL)

Building Parent Engagement in Schools

By Larry Feriazzo and Lorie Hammond

“Filled with the voices of real educators, students, and parents, the book documents a number of parent-involved efforts to improve low-income communities, gain greater resources for schools, and improve academic achievement. Coverage includes real initiatives in action, including programs for home visits, innovative uses of technology, joint enterprises like school/community gardens, and community organization efforts.”

The Art of Schoolwide Enrichment: A Resource Guide for Teachers, Enrichment Specialists & Principals by Nora Friedman, Ed.D. and Michele Webb

“The wisdom and practical guidance offered in this book will give you a head start in developing the kind of integrated enrichment program that otherwise might take a number of years and thousands of hours of hard work to develop. It will also help you to benefit from the many years of experience that the authors have captured through their tireless experimentation and creative innovations.”

– Excerpt from the Foreword by Joseph S. Renzulli & Sally M. Reis

In the News…

·  Topical article on the subject of environmental impact of print vs. e-books:

·  STEM study is focus of national science fair in Washington, D.C.
More than 13,000 students participated in the recent USA Science & Engineering Festival, a three-day event designed to interest children in the study of science, technology, engineering and math. The event, held in Washington, D.C., included more than 3,000 hands-on activities, as well as presentations from storm chasers, astronauts and Bill Nye, "the Science Guy." The Washington Post

·  Demystifying the "Natural Born" teacher
Exceptional teachers aren't all that mysterious, according to educator John Smith. Rather, the most gifted teachers share several qualities. In his ASCD EDge post, Smith says that great teachers make sure all students comprehend the material, teach students to think critically and adjust their teaching approach as they go. Read more.

·  Should geography and global history exams be optional?
The New York state board of regents is considering a proposal to create two new routes to graduation -- one in career and technical education and the other in the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields. With the addition of the two new regents tests, exams in geography and global history would become optional. The proposed changes aim to increase students' access to career and technical education, but some teachers have expressed concern about the dropping of the geography and world history exams. The Ithaca Journal (N.Y.)

Library Advocacy Page

A note from Paige Jaeger, SLS Director of WSWHE BOCES...

Here’s a link to a newly posted advocacy page that I’ve placed up on my website

2012 Summer Reading at New York Libraries to launch beginning in May

To learn more about summer reading partnerships and resources please visit and select “Librarians and Educators” from the drop down menu.

SSL Conference

For those of you unable to attend the SSL Conference join us via Mickey’s blog.

AKA Michaela Schied, School Librarian, Indian River Middle School

The Microsoft Partners in Learning 2012 US Forum

The Microsoft Partners in Learning 2012 US Forum is Microsoft’s premier educator recognition program open to all K-12 educators. The Forum seeks to find and showcase examples of innovation happening in classrooms and schools. It is easy to apply, and if accepted, Microsoft pays expenses for you to come to a unique 2-day professional learning experience that will include project exhibitions, professional development and the ability to collaborate with like-minded colleagues from around the country. Finalists from the US Forum will go on to represent the U.S. at the 2012 Global Forum in Athens, Greece. Learn more and apply:

New York Heritage has some fantastic new additions!

New National History Day resource for teachers

The NHD committee of the Society of American Archivists has a FREE online toolkit to help teachers and students find and use archives and primary sources for NHD: or

Some students can find the research process for their NHD projects-let alone identifying and navigating archival collections-a daunting endeavor. This toolkit provides practical information that will help students understand where they can find primary sources and become comfortable with the basics of archival research: what to look for, who to ask for help, how to handle materials, and how to most effectively use the web in their pursuit. A short video provides a visual introduction to visiting archives and shows what students can expect there. There is also a page with recommended online archival resources.

Please feel free to pass along the toolkit URL to teachers, as well as print and distribute this colorful flier:

The toolkit was developed by a committee of the Reference, Access, and Outreach Section of the Society of American Archivists. For more information about National History Day, visit

Teaching Books

Increasing Awareness & Use of Your License

View a short movie with suggested strategies:

Explore the newly enhanced Support Area:

Previously Printed

Survey Request from Emily Owen, North Country Library System

Would you mind sharing this quick survey with your school librarians? Link to survey We’re trying to gauge the possibility of creating a program around this resource and would like to know if/how it’s already being used in an academic setting.

1. Are you familiar with the website Khan Academy?

2. If so, do you use it in your library and would you be interested in collaborating with your local public library to encourage students to use this resource?

Feel free to contact me at , I’d love to hear your thoughts! Thanks very much,

Jefferson Lewis Library Association

JLLA is hosting an evening with Natalie Kinsey Warnock at the Savory Downtown in Watertown,

May 14, 2012 at 7PM. A flyer is attached to the April 27, 2012 SLS Weekly Digest email and was sent to your library via the BOCES Pony the week of April 23rd.

In addition to the information in the flyer, any JLLA member who feels in a baking mood would be welcome to bring a small treat for the public, mostly to snack on after while they wait in line - this is completely optional, but if you do want to, please let me know so we have an idea of what's coming. Thanks, and hope to see you there. Mickey

Ann Gibson Scholarship

The deadline of May 31st is fast approaching to apply for the Ann Gibson Scholarship. The application link:

NYSCATE Awards for Classroom Projects Using Technology

Each year NYSCATE awards up to 6 grants worth up to $2,000 each for classroom projects using technology. Do you know of a colleague who is deserving of statewide recognition through receiving either the Lee Byant Outstanding Teacher Award or the State Technology Leader Award? Please consider nominating your colleague for one of these prestigious awards. The deadline date to submit a Grant Application and/or Award Application is April 30, 2012. For more information, click here.

SSL AdvocacyToolkit

If you know of a librarians who is advocating for their library position direct them to the SSL page on the NYLA website. The link is then click on Highlights/News, on that page, click on Toolkits. All the advocacy tools can be found there.

eBook Sale

Spring sale on eBooks for individual schools.

Gale Webinars

View Gale’s calendar and sign up for a free webinar.


Learn 360 username jeffersolewisbocesny password: learn360

For a 30 day trial contact Frank J. Visco or (800) 341-2293

Marshall Cavendish Digital

Username: boces12 Password: boces12

Access through June 18, 2012


Go to

ID: americas

PW: rabbit (4/2 - 5/8), PW: whale (5/2 - 6/4)

Trial expires June 30th. To Login to the Free Trial:
Go to: /
User Id: / slsatrial
Password: / trial

Helpful Websites

*links to these sites are on the SLS website, most are found on the database & search engines page

ALA Crosswalk Common Core and AASL Standards

Website / Website URL
Engageny /
SLS Wiki /
E-Blast /

Library/School visits

If you have something special happening in your library please invite me to join in the excitement.

Newsletter contributions are always welcome

If you have a great website or bit of information to share with your colleagues please send me an email and I will add it to the newsletter.