AASHTO MAP-21 Freight Implementation Team Section Analysis
AASHTO MAP-21 Freight Implementation Team – Section Analysis
Work Group
Bill Gardner, Minnesota DOT
Keith Bucklew, Indiana DOT
Marygrace Parker, I-95 Corridor Coalition
Jan Skouby, Missouri DOT
Scott Marion, Missouri DOT
MAP-21 Freight Sections Assignment
· Sec. 1511 – Special permits during national emergencies
· Sec. 32801 – Comprehensive truck size and weight limits study
· Sec. 32802 – Compilation of existing State truck size and weight limit laws
· Others
o Sec. 1401 – Jason’s Law. Conduct a survey of each State’s truck parking and rest facilities
o Sec. 32000 - 33000 – FMCSA provisions
Section: 1511
Overview: States may issue special permits during a national emergency to overweight vehicles and reducible loads if –
· The President has declared the emergency to be a major disaster
· The permits are issued in accordance with State law
· The permits are issued exclusively to vehicles and loads that are delivering relief supplies
Permits expire no later than 120 days from the date of the declaration of emergency.
Comments: A simple straightforward amendment to the end of Section 127 of title 23, United States Code.
Action Items: NA
Section: 32801
Overview: By November 15, 2012, commence a new comprehensive truck size and weight study. (Submit to Congress two years after commencement.) While most of the 32000 – 33000 sections of law are related to FMCSA activities, this section and 32802 - Compilation of existing State truck size and weight limit laws; will be under the purview of FHWA.
Comments: Already in progress. Tom Kearney, Manager of Freight Operations – FHWA, is coordinating the very comprehensive study and has already received input from various stakeholders, including AASHTO and trucking associations. Their discussions have focused on the purpose of the study, what it should contain and how it will be implemented. FHWA will retain a contractor for the study and Tom will share the detailed scope of work with AASHTO before it is made final.
Action Items: None at this time. Leo and Tom have agreed that the Freight Implementation Team will have a small group ready to work with him as the study progresses.
Section: 32802
Overview: By December 30, 2012, begin to compile a list of all State laws on truck size and weight limits with a focus on each route of the National Highway System that allows a vehicle to operate in excess of the Federal truck size and weight limits. (Submit report to Congress two years after enactment.)
Comments: Tom Kearney, FHWA – is also coordinating this project and is already making preparations.
Action Items: None at this time. Tom believes he will need AASHTO and the States help and cooperation as the project progresses.
Section: 1401
Overview: To address projects for the shortage of long-term truck parking on the National Highway System to improve the safety of motorized and nonmotorized users and for commercial operators. No later than 18 months after enactment, conduct a survey and comparative assessment of each State’s truck parking and rest facilities.
Comments: Tom Kearney, FHWA – is also handling this project and has already received input from various stakeholders, including AASHTO and trucking associations. Their discussions have focused on the purpose of the study, what it should contain and how it will be implemented. FHWA will retain a contractor for the study and Tom will share the detailed scope of work with AASHTO before it is made final.
Action Items: None at this time. Leo and Tom have agreed that the Freight Implementation Team will have a small group ready to work with him as the study progresses.
Overview of FMCSA Titles of MAP – 21: The bulk of FMCSA sections are contained within Division C, Title II – Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Enhancement Act of 2012 and minor changes in Division C, Title III – Hazardous Materials Transportation Safety Improvement Act of 2012. The following table taken from the Iowa DOT website shows those sections with FMCSA responsibilities. This information is provided to the Implementation Team for informational purposes. The Hazardous Materials sections were primarily involved with striking, inserting and amending text. In addition, there are pilot programs concerning paperless HazMat communication systems and research that the SecDOT may develop if warranted.
MAP – 21 FMCSA Sections: Deadlines For Actions Organized By Date (DOT Sections of Law Only)
Section / Who / Affected Mode / By When? / What3208 / SecDOT / FMCSA / 12/30/12 / Initiate a study of problems faced by former Armed Forces personnel in getting CDLs
32301 / SecDOT / FMCSA / 03/31/13 / Complete a field study of the efficacy of the 2011 hours-of-service restart rule
32605 / SecDOT / FMCSA / 04/01/13 / Submit a report to Congress on the CVISN program and on its grants management office
32301 / SecDOT / FMCSA / 09/30/13 / Submit to Congress a report on the field study of the efficacy of the 2011 hours-of-service restart rule
32303 / SecDOT / FMCSA / 10/01/13 / Establish minimum standards for CDL driver notification systems
32304 / SecDOT / FMCSA / 10/01/13 / Issue final regulations establishing minimum entry-level training requirements for CDL drivers
3205 / States / FMCSA / 10/01/13 / Implement electronic exchange of CDL driver history records with the new USDOT system
32308 / SecDOT / FMCSA / 10/01/13 / Implement recommendations of the study of problems faced by former Armed Forces personnel in getting CDLs
32703 / SecDOT / FMCSA / 10/01/13 / Prescribe regulations requiring safety belt installation in each motor coach seat
32707 / SecDOT / FMCSA / 10/01/13 / Establish requirements to improve public access to motorcoach safety rating information
32918 / SecDOT / FMCSA / 10/01/13 / Issue regulations implementing new rules under 49 U.S.C. 13906 as amended by sec. 32918 of MAP-21
32934 / SecDOT / FMCSA / 04/01/14 / Submit to Congress a study of state agricultural exemption from hours-of-service rules
32302 / SecDOT / FMCSA / 10/01/14 / Establish an oversight procedure for new authorities in state evaluation of medical reports on CDL holders
32303 / SecDOT / FMCSA / 10/01/14 / Develop recommendations and a plan for a nationwide CDL driver record notification system
32402 / SecDOT / FMCSA / 10/01/14 / Establish, operate and maintain national clearinghouse of drug/alcohol testing records of CMV drivers
32703 / SecDOT / FMCSA / 10/01/14 / Prescribe regulations instituting a variety of motorcoach safety standards, if SecDOT judges requirements are met
32703 / SecDOT / FMCSA / 10/01/14 / Submit to Congress a feasibility report on retrofitting motorcoaches to comply with new safety standards
32708 / SecDOT / FMCSA / 10/01/14 / Submit to Congress a feasibility report on certifying schools that train motorcoach drivers
32709 / SecDOT / FMCSA / 10/01/14 / Review and assess need for improvement in motorcoach driver test; report to Congress 120 days after
32703 / SecDOT / FMCSA / 10/01/15 / Prescribe regulation instituting a motorcoach tire pressure monitoring standard, if SecDOT judges requirements are met
32703 / SecDOT / FMCSA / 10/01/15 / Prescribe regulation instituting a motorcoach tire performance standard, if SecDOT judges requirements are met
32704 / SecDOT / FMCSA / 10/01/15 / “May” issue fire prevention and mitigation rules for motorcoaches, if judged necessary
32705 / SecDOT / FMCSA / 10/01/15 / Complete various motorcoach safety research and testing studies. (Possible rulemakings follow 2 years after completion)
32710 / SecDOT / FMCSA / 10/01/15 / Complete a rulemaking requiring states to establish annual motorcoach safety inspection programs
32917 / SecDOT / FMCSA / 10/01/16 / Require freight brokers and forwarders to renew their registrations
32302 / States / FMCSA / 10/01/17 / Allow electronic copies of medical certificates for CDL holders to be incorporated into state databases
Unofficial – always consult text of enrolled bill section
September 2012 1