The material in this list (01/10) is
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001.4 LOC / LOCKE, LF / Proposals that work / Guide for planning dissertations and grant proposals.001.42 RUM / RUMSEY, S / How to find information / Guiding researchers to track down information access and evaluate it.
004 FOR / FOROUZAN, BA / Foundations of computer science / From data manipulation to theory of computation.
004.03 ROG / ROGERS, T / Basic guide to computer terms / Multilingual dictionary in English, Afrikaans, isiZulu and Sepedi.
004.21 AVI / AVISON, D / Information systems development / Guide to methodologies, techniques and tools.
004.6 DEA / DEAN, T / Network+ guide to networks / Fundamental and advanced networking topics.
004.62 HUN / HUNT, C / TCP/IP network administration / Guide to setting up and running a network.
005.74 RAM / RAMAKRISHNAN, R / Database management systems / Practical approach to current standards.
021.2 GIL / GILLESPIE, KM / Teen volunteer services in libraries / Starting and maintaining effective volunteer programs in school and public libraries.
025.21878 HUG / HUGHES-HASSELL, S / Collection management for youth / Develop and manage library collection that meets the changing needs of learners.
027.8 CHU / CHURCH, AP / Leverage your library program to raise tests scores / Guide for school libraries, principals, teachers and parents.
031 WOR/R / ANON / World Book encyclopedia of people and places / Set of 6 volumes gives information of countries all over the world – not for circulation.
032.02 ASH / ASH, R / 10 top of everything / Entertaining and educational with 700 fascinating facts on every subject.
150.7 SHA / SHAUGHNESSY, JJ / Research methods in psychology / Methods explained and published psychological research is used to provide examples.152.1 BLA / BLAKE, R / Perception / Introduction to studies done on perceiving.
152.28 FRA / FRANSELLA, F / Manual for repertory grid technique / Guidance on designing and how to choose elements of eliciting personal constructs that can influence results.
152.4 EMO / PAYNE, RL / Emotions at work / Theory, research and applications for management.
153 LEA / LEAF, C / Switch on your brain / Understand your unique intelligence profile and maximise your potential.
155.2 LAR / LARSEN, RJ / Personality psychology / Knowledge about human nature.
155.9042 SEA / SEAWARD, BL / Managing stress / Principles and strategies for health and well-being.
155.9042 SEA / SEAWARD, BL / Managing stress. Student note-taking guide / To be used with above textbook.
155.9042 VDM / VAN DER MERWE, A / Stress solutions / Understand and manage stress for balanced and energised life.
158.2 MAX / MAXWELL, JC / Winning with people / Discover the people principles that work for you every time.
158.7 INT / HODGKINSON, GP / International review of industrial and organizational psychology / Comprehensive and critical survey of different topics.
158.7 SPE / SPECTOR, PE / Industrial and organizational psychology / Research and practice through case studies.
174.4 SHA / SHARMA, P / Managerial ethics / Choices when managers are confronted with ethical dilemmas.
174.930523072 ETH / FARRELL, A / Ethical research with children / Conceptual, methodological and procedural issues are discussed.
2 0 0 ~ RELIGION
203.8 REL/J / LIEBENSON, M / Religious celebrations / Part of series World Book’s Celebrations and rituals around the world – for juvenile readers.3 0 0 ~ SOCIAL SCIENCES (incl EDUCATION)
300.72 BAB / BABBIE, E / Practice of social research / Essential source for theory and methods (SA edition).300.72 BLE / BLES, C / Fundamentals of social research methods / Guide with an African perspective for a range of social sciences.
300.72 DEN / DENSCOMBE, M / Ground rules for good research / Guide for social researchers.
302.14076 BAR / BARKER, K / Tuis met lewensvaardighede. Graad 2 / Life skills learning program for parent assisted learning.
302.14076 TRA / TRAIN, B / Tuis met lewensvaardighede. Graad 3
Life skills at home. Grade 3 / Life skills learning program for parent assisted learning.
302.14076 TUI / ANON / Tuis met lewensvaardighede. Graad 1 / Life skills learning program for parent assisted learning.
302.2 TOS / TOSCA, E / Communication skills profile / Process of communication and skills needed to improve as communicator.
302.35 DAR / GRIFFEN, RW / Dark side of organizational behaviour / Causes, consequences, etc of negative behaviours in organizations.
303.69 CLO / CLOKE, K / Mediating dangerously / Frontiers of conflict resolution.
303.69 HAN / DEUTSCH, M / Handbook of conflict resolution / Theory and practice.
305.231 INT / KEHILY, MJ / Introduction to childhood studies / Examining childhood from historical, socio-cultural and policy perspectives.
306.0968 CUL / KRIGER, R / Culture in the new South Africa / Views on the dynamic role of culture in the post apartheid society.
306.3 BAG / BAGOZZI, RP / Social psychology of consumer behaviour / How theories in social psychology can be applied to consumer behaviour.
306.43 HUR / HURN, CJ / Limits and possibilities of schooling / Introduction of the sociology of education
306.85 ELL / ELLIOT, FR / Gender, family & society / Relationships between structures and concern of contemporary societies.
320.80968 CLO / CLOETE, JJN / South African municipal government and administration / Information on processes for informed citizens, councillors and officials.
320.968 BAU / BAUER, G / Politics in Southern Africa / States and societies in transition, facing entrenched problems and challenges.
327.116 SAN / SANDLER, T / Global collective action / Surveys promise of collective action for solving pre4ssing global problems and for avoiding others.
330 GRE / GREYLING, C / Economics. Hg and SG. Gr 12 / Study guide in the X-kit series.
330.03 EKO/R / STEENKAMP, WFJ / Ekonomiese en bedryfswoordeboek = Dictionary of economics and business / One way dictionary – English to Afrikaans. Not for circulation.
330.0968 MOH / MOHR, P / Economics for South African students / Basic reference on economics in general and on SA economy in more detail.
330.9 BRU / BRUE, SL / History of economic thought / History to sharpen the understanding of contemporary economics.
332.024016 SCO / SCOTT, J / Estates & wills / Estate planning and will preparation.
333.72071 ENV / LOUBSER, CP / Environmental education / SA perspective on a variety of issues related to teaching of environmental content.
336.54 KUM / KUMAR, N / Public finance / Covering theory, revenue, debt, expenditure, etc – especially in India.
337 DOR / DORRIAN, P / Making of South Africa Inc / Strategic guidelines on how to become globally competitive.
337 GLO / PHILLIPS, N / Globalizing international political economy / International economic relations and globalization’s effect.
338.4791 TRI / TRIBE, J / Economics of recreation, leisure & tourism / Theories as applied to range of problems and issues.
338.5 ARN / ARNOLD, RA / Microeconomics / Lively representation of real-world theory and applications.
339.0968 MAC / MOSTERT, JW / Macro-economics / Introduction set against a contemporary SA background.
340 DUP / DU PLESSIS, L / Introduction to law / Basic concepts of law, how the law operates and the administration of justice.
341.0968 DIG / DUGARD, J / International law / South African perspective.
346.066 COM / PRETORIUS, JT / Companies Act 61 of 1973 & Close Corporations Act 69 of 1984 / Acts and regulations with the notes, index, etc.
351.68 CAS / MAFUNISA, MJ / Cases in public administration / From SA perspective, relates theory to practice.
361.06 LAG / LAGO, C / Race, culture and counselling / Influence of race and culture on therapy.
361.06 MACL / McLEOD, J / Counsellor’s workbook / How to become an effective counsellor, what values mist be explored, etc.
361.4 NIC / NICHOLS, K / Leading a support group / Practical guidelines for healthcare, education, areas of industry and commerce.
362.1969792 COM / VISAGIE, CJ / Complete story of HIV and AIDS / Practical guide that could save lives.
362.38 LEA / GRANT, G / Learning disability / How to support people with learning disabilities in achieving healthy and valued lives.
362.70941 LEA / WEINBERGER, J / Learning from Sure Start / Working with young children and their families within health, education and social welfare.
362.883 LEW / LEWIS, S / Dealing with rape / Guide to help a woman / girl through the trauma.
370.117 LEM / LEMMER, EM / Multicultural education / Guide to provide learners from different backgrounds with equal opportunities to learn.
370.152 LEA / SHAYER, M / Learning intelligence / Cognitive acceleration across the curriculum from 5-15 years.
370.1523 BOW / BOWERS, CA / False promises of constructivist theories of learning / Why these educational reforms fail to take into account current critical issues like globalization, ecological crisis, etc.
370.1523 LEA / HART, S / Learning without limits / Critique on practices of ability labelling and ability-focused teaching.
370.72 LAN / LANKSHEAR, C / Handbook for teacher research / Guidelines to conduct good quality practitioner research.
371.042 LEA / MEIGHAN, R / Learning from home-based education / Rich diversity of home-based education is discussed and what schools may learn from the flexibility of practise.
371.042 LOW / LOWE, J / Educating your child at home / Guide for parents thinking about home-based education.
371.102 CAS / GOLDBLATT, PF / Cases for teacher development / Discussion of situations that most teachers will encounter in the classrooms.
371.102 GIL / GILL, V / Ten commandments of professionalism for teachers / Wisdom from a veteran teacher.
371.102 TIL / TILESTON, DW / 10 best teaching practices / How brain research, learning styles and standards define teaching competencies.
371.192 PRE / WEISS, HB / Preparing educators to involve families / To assist teachers to partner effectively with the families of children in the primary school.
371.2 JON / JONES, J / Management skills in schools / Practical book on developing interpersonal skills rather than the procedures.
371.2 MUK / MUKHOPADHYAY, M / Total quality management in education / Practical guide to management of quality education through TQM.
371.2011 KER / KERRY, T / Mastering deputy headship / Acquiring skills for future leadership.
371.2011 LEA / COLLARD, J / Leadership, gender & culture in education / How these issues weave patterns in the lives of leaders and the impact there of.
371.2011 PRY / PRYOR, BW / School leader’s guide to understanding attitude and influencing behaviour / Working with teachers, parents, students and the community.
371.2011 SPE / LUPI, M / Special women, special leaders / Special teachers and the challenge of leadership.
371.207 BUS / BUSH, T / Leadership and strategic management in education / Of central importance in raising standards in schools.
371.30281 BEE / BEEKMAN, L / Study power / Mastering study and thinking skills.
371.33 MACK / McKENZIE, WL / Standards-based lessons for tech-savvy students / To inspire, encourage and support learning across the curriculum.
371.33 ROB / ROBLYER, MD / Educational technology in action / Problem-based exercises for technology integration.
371.33446 PRE / PISKURICH, GM / Preparing learners for e-learning / Methods to become successful e-learners.
371.3344678 SHA / SHANK, P / Making sense of online learning / Shows how these technologies work and how to use them.
371.358 GLO / CARR-CHELLMAN, AA / Global perspectives on e-learning / Cases of international online education showing problems and possibilities.
371.358 HOF / HOFMANN, J / Live and online! / Tips, techniques and activities for the virtual classroom.
371.425 GWI / GWIJI-ABU, B / Infinite career options / Guide to all available career options and to make realistic plans for the future.
371.58 ROB / ROBINSON, G / Crying for help / No blame approach to bullying.
371.90446 DOW / DOWNING, JE / Teaching literacy to students with significant disabilities / Support for obliterating obstacles to effective literacy instruction.
371.9046 MACM / McNARY, SJ / What successful; teachers do in inclusive classrooms / 60 research-based training strategies to help learners to succeed.
371.9144 RAY / RAYMOND, S / Supporting dyslexic pupils 7-14 across the curriculum / Structured programmes of learning support for pupils.
372.21 EXC / MOYLES, J / Excellence of play / Examines importance of play as tool for learning and teaching.
372.21 MACD / MacDONALD, S / Squish, sort, paint & build / 200 easy learning center activities.
372.21 SCH / SCHILLER, P / Complete resource book for preschoolers / More than 2000 activities and ideas.
372.6 WES / WEST, S / Literacy play / 300 dramatic activities that teach pre-reading skills.
372.6044 HOF / HOFMEYR, L / Tuis met Afrikaans. Graad 1
Tuis met Afrikaans. Graad 2
Tuis met Afrikaans. Graad 3 / Afrikaans literacy learning program for parent assisted learning.
372.6044 SWA / SWANEPOEL, G / English at home. Grade3 / Literacy learning program for parent assisted learning.