Slinfold Parish Council Minutes of the Industrial Liaison Group Meeting

Monday 31st October 2011

Minutes of the Meeting between
Slinfold Parish Council Industrial Liaison Group,
Slinfold LLP, AJW Aviation, McLaren, G+N Medical and Southern Cranes
held at the offices in Maydwell Avenue on 31st October 2011 at 10.00am

200/11 Attendance and Apologies for Absence

Present:Jeremy Aitchinson (JA), Slinfold LLP
Andrew Smith (AS), AJW Aviation

Roy Jones (RJ), McLaren

Giles Griffiths (GG), G + N Medical

Clive Sadler (CS), Southern Cranes

Rosemary Hillyard (RH) (Chairman), Slinfold Parish Council

Paula Redmond (PR), Slinfold Parish Council

Gael Stenton-Chandler (GSC), Slinfold Parish Council

Mary Burroughs (MB), Clerk to Slinfold Parish Council

There were no apologies received

Rosemary Hillyard provided an introduction and chaired the meeting.

201/11 Matters Arising from the meeting on 16th May 2011 and approval of the minutes

The minutes had previously been approved following distribution. Noise levels have now reduced, as demolition work is complete. J Aitchinson will send maps to the Parish Council showing the site and current ownership (for the Clerks records only).

202/11 Update on the changing situation on site

Planning applications and expected timetable

i.AJW Aviation steelworks have commenced and are due to be completed shortly;

ii.Office installation commenced on 31st October;

iii.Roof cladding will commence in November, examples were shown

iv.Finish date – by the end of June 2012 the whole building will be complete, with AJW expecting to move in by the end of July.

v.Southern Cranes will be submitting a planning application to replace the brick built office;

vi.G + N may submit an application to erect a new lower building than what was previously there for warehouse/offices.

Communication with residents and the future of the remainder of the site

vii.A magazine has been provided (dropped through letterboxes to nearby residents) and another is due in two weeks time. An article was placed in the Slinfold Magazine which invited residents to visit the site on Friday’s;

viii.Slinfold LLP spent three evenings visiting residents in Hayes Lane;

ix.Slinfold LLP are expected to galvanised their thoughts on what to do with the rest of the site within the next 6 months;

x.Lease with Slinfold Parish Council for Cherry Tree to 2037 – both parties agreed to look at this.

203/11 Health, Safety and the Environment

i.Security & General Management – a tree survey of the woodlands has been undertaken and the necessary work completed. A meeting has taken place with WSCC with regard to the Downs Link. Security bollards have been put up at Cherry Tree (Slinfold LLP has contributed 50% of the cost)

ii.Grass Cutting – This year’s contribution (50%) will be paid by Slinfold LLP. The Clerk advised that she has not yet been able to recover last year’s contribution from the Flint Group.

iii.Speeding on the site – The Parish Council had received reports of speeding across permissive ways. Speed limits (signage and reminders to drivers) will be reviewed;

iv.Tree Management & Replanting – Cllr. Stenton-Chandler asked the position after 5 years. JA advised that after the planning condition falls away the responsibility lies with the owner.

204/11 Construction traffic and signage to the site

  1. JA advised that all 24 Flint Group signs are to be removed and replaced by The Business Park, Slinfold.
  2. RH/MB advised that there was currently one sign at Tesco/Newbridge Nurseries which encouraged site traffic to take a left onto the A264 thereby taking drivers past the Slinfold (Lyons Road) turning. It was recommended that this be reviewed with a view to directing traffic straight on to the A281. A map was left with RJ to investigate.

205/11 Future contacts

Until further notice, contacts will be as detailed above.

206/11 Any Other Business - None

207/11 Date of Next Meeting – March 12th 2012 at 10.00am (provisional)


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