Volunteers Needed

Sleep, quality of life and well-being in adults with Fibromyalgia Syndrome

We invite you to participate in ourinternet based questionnaire study exploring the effects of different aspects of sleep on quality of life and well being in adults with Fibromyalgia Syndrome.The study will be conducted by Dr Mark Cropley and colleagues at the University of Surrey.

This internet based questionnaire will ask about various aspects and symptoms of your Fibromyalgia Syndrome, your wellbeing and quality of life. The questionnaire will take no more than 30 minutes, and you can stop at any time should you wish to do so.There are clear and simple instructions before each section of the questionnaire, and all of the information you give us will be treated as strictly confidential.

It is our intention to run the same study again later in the year during the winter months to look for any seasonal differences in symptoms and illness management, for which you are also invited to take part again. This only requires you to give us your email address.

Your participation in the study is very important and will be much appreciated, as it will help us have a better understanding of Fibromyalgia Syndrome and the different ways people cope with their illness. We will be sharing our results with the UK Fibromyalgia Association but no personal information that will identify you will be disclosed.

To access the internet questionnaire please use the following link*:

Contact information:

Dr Mark Cropley Tel: 01483 686928

Department of Psychology E-mail:

University of Surrey




*Please note: Although this study is designed as a internetbased study, paper copies may be made available for those who are interested in taking part but do not have Internet access. Please use the contact information above to receive further information.