MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD Tuesday,10th May 2016 at


Present: Ray Dancer (RD)

Bernard Evans (BE)

Dana Evans (DE)

Rita Ford (RF)

Gerard Lawler (GL)

Tyrone Lewis(TL) – Chairman

Janet Lloyd (JL)

Peter Thomas (PT)

In attendance: Michelle Rees (MR) - Reception Manager

Apologies for absencewere received from Stephen Clark, Ann Spinks, Dr. Joslin and Else Ulvi.

The minutes of the meeting held 12th April 2016 were approved subject to the following:

Under practice services – bullet point 3 - it was noted that the message is still in being but that there is just silence afterwards. TL added that it is the same for the appointments telephone service.

Acceptance of minutes proposed by PT, seconded by BE

Matters arising:

  • IJ and MR confirmed that there are rarely any spare staff to help alleviate any patient queues which might arise at reception. RF expressed concern that patients might appear to be late for their appointments as they might not have been able to register in good time.
  • TL reported that he had visited three pharmacies and they had all said that if a doctor prescribed a named item they would automatically dispense the generic form. DE advised that Boots Chemist had said that they dispense exactly what is prescribed.TL agreed to advise the CHC of this discrepancy.

Practice services:

  • In response to a query IJ advised that if a complaint is received by and about the Practice the patient is advised that if he/she is not with the response that they should contact the Ombudsman or meet with the Practice manager. A copy of the complaint policy is not enclosed with the acknowledgment of the complaint.
  • In response to queries from a patient IJ advised that the new appointment system for Mondays and Fridays had been operating for two months. It had been piloted for one afternoon as not all patients need to be seen by a doctor. IJ confirmed that only a doctor will return the patient`s call to discuss the patient`s problem. If the doctor thinks it is necessary, the patient will be asked to attend at the surgery that afternoon.
  • A further query was raised about My Health on-line and the web-site when re-ordering prescriptions. A message is flashed at the beginning asking patients to identify at which surgery they wish to collect the `script. This is before completing re-ordering which means that patients can easily click `submit` and thereby omit the name of the surgery for collection. It was agreed to refer this to the Practice manager.
  • ABMU HB is to pilot, this July, a change of the GPOOHS telephone service to 111 Wales. It will then be spread in a second stage pilot to Swansea.It is not yet known whether this is just a change of telephone number or a change to the service. IJ and MR were not aware of this initiative.Welsh Government think it will improve the service; no publicity seems to be planned.
  • IJ confirmed that there are 11 partners in the Practice and two salaried doctors. There are also locums and a trainee GP. All partners are equal.

Treasurer`s report:

  • Available funds stand at £151.57

Website newsletter:

  • Further information is needed from the Practice manager before a decision can be made.

Bay Health patient group:

  • No meeting has taken place; the next one is scheduled for 14th June. A general discussion took place about the perceived lack of progress and whether there have been any tangible benefits since the first meeting that took place October 2014.
  • From the March meeting the figures given by SCVS for the One Voice project spend are as follows - 60% on salaries, 20% on special events and the remaining 20% on meeting costs.

Other business: None

Date of next meeting: Tuesday, 14th June 2016 at 2.00pm. in the Sketty Medical Centre.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 3.25pm

Signature: ______(Chairman) ______(date)

Tyrone Lewis