Revised September, 2016


John Dixon, e-Procurement Officer, eVA Security Officer
, 757-221-3957

Marra Austin, Associate Director of Procurement Processes

, 757-221-7636


eVA Vendor Searches 3

1. eVA Vendor Status: there are two types: 3

i. Self-registered Vendors 3

ii. State Entered Vendors 3

2. Vendor ID 4

3. eMall Supplier Name, Contact, Address 4

4. Small, Women, and Minority-Owned (SWaM) Status 4

5. Accepts Charge Card / Accepts VISA 4

6. Accepts Electronic Orders 5

Create a Requisition 6

1. Click on “Requisition” under “Create”. 7

2. Requisition Header Information 7

Designating Order to Person’s P-card: 7

3. Adding Lines to the Requisition 9

4. Entering Non-catalog Items. 10

5. Adding Accounting Information 13

5a. Line Item Accounting 13

5b. Mass Edit Allocation 14

6. Shipping Information for the Entire Requisition: 15

6a. Line Item Shipping: 15

7. Comments 15

8. Attachments: 16

9. Adding Approver(s): 16

10. Review Summary 16

11. Approving Your Requisition 17

Creating Requisition Copies 18

When placing an order through eVA with a vendor, one of the first things you as an eVA user need to do (after taking the eVA training and obtaining your eVA user name and password) is to see if the vendor is registered in eVA.

Checking on the vendor’s eVA registration status will allow you to take pro-active steps to ensure your order is processed efficiently and correctly.

eVA Vendor Searches

Check out eVA’s public site that has some information from their vendor database to search. This is a public site, you do not need log in credentials to search for the vendor, but for final verification (vendor’s tax identification number), you would have to be logged into eVA.

1.  eVA vendor Status: there are two types:

i. Self-registered vendors - registered with eVA because they felt the opportunities eVA may provide their business was worth agreeing to Commonwealth terms and conditions with their orders and the eVA transaction fees that are associated with orders.

ii.  State entered vendors - NOT registered with eVA, have NOT accepted Commonwealth of VA terms and conditions, are NOT imposed the eVA transaction fees with their orders – W&M pays both fees for non-registered vendors.

W&M should make every effort to utilize eVA self-registered vendors for their purchasing needs. State-entered vendors should be used on an exceptional basis when self-registered vendors are unable to provide the goods/services W&M needs.

All W&M/VIMS vendors MUST be listed in the eVA vendor database for orders to be properly submitted and approved BEFORE an order is entered in eVA.

Ad Hoc’ing a vendor will no longer be possible. If a vendor is not self-registered, department must reach out to the vendor and request vendor self-register in eVA (documentation may be requested).

If vendor refuses, and W&M/VIMS is unable to find another viable source, department must receive a completed Commonwealth of VA Substitute W-9 and email it to procurement at

Procurement will contact you when vendor has been created in eVA for department to create and complete purchase order (expect the vendor create process to take a minimum of 3 business days from receipt of necessary forms).

2. Vendor ID

eVA’s vendor ID number – hyperlink will allow you to review the vendor’s NIGP (National Institute of Governmental Procurement ) commodity codes – if state-entered, the vendor will not have any commodity codes assigned with their vendor account. Also provides: Phone, fax, contact person name, etc.

3. eMall Supplier Name, Contact, Address

Vendor name, sometimes Doing Business As (DBA) name is in the eMall contact location – should retrieve either when completing a general search.

4. Small, Women, and Minority-Owned (SWaM) Status

This portion shows whether the self-registered vendor is also certified through the statewide supplier diversity program, SWaM. Utilizing SWaM businesses is very beneficial to the Commonwealth of Virginia economy, having a vendor network more representative of community and state is very important. Some of the benefits include:

·  Utilizing SWaM businesses in your daily purchases also assists with our need to meet W&M’s 42% SWaM participation goal reviewed by the Commonwealth.

o  Our SWaM participation percentages are reviewed as part of our eligibility requirements for maintaining restructuring authority. By utilizing SWaM businesses for your department’s purchases, you are contributing to reaching our SWaM goal and providing justification that W&M is a successful restructuring institution.

·  Utilizing a SWaM business for purchases above your department’s delegated authority may also streamline the procurement. W&M Procurement office is able to complete a direct award for purchases up to $50,000 to a SWaM certified business, contingent on pricing provided being deemed fair and reasonable.

5. Accepts Charge Card / Accepts VISA

These items show whether the vendor accepts credit cards as a method of payment, in particular VISA, the Commonwealth’s provider for the Small Purchase Charge Card (SPCC) Program.

NOTE: This is not always correct, you may need to contact the vendor to verify whether the vendor accepts credit cards.

6. Accepts Electronic Orders

This item designates whether the vendor accepts electronic orders through the eVA system. If the vendor accepts Visa AND electronic orders, you are able to process orders to the vendor choosing ‘Use P-card’ on your eVA orders. Make sure your eVA account has your updated to include your SPCC information to allow you to process orders and provide your card information to the vendor securely at the same time you place the order.

Screen shot from the hyperlink of the Vendor ID below:


After going to eVA’s homepage, log in as a buyer from the user name and password given to you by the eVA security officer, click on the “Buyer Login” button beside the password field.

Create a Requisition

Once successfully logged in, you will see eVA’s main portal. To Create a Requisition, click on the eMall / eForms hyperlink on the left side of the page under Applications.

1. Click on “Requisition” under “Create”.

2.  Requisition Header Information

1.  Title: Enter an identifying title of your choice.

(This is a helpful search tool, many end users use identifiers such as: the vendor name, easy descriptor of what is being purchased, who the items are being purchased for, the grant being used, etc.)

2.  On Behalf Of: Will default to the requisitioner.

Designating order to person’s P-card:

If you are using the “On Behalf of” option to process the order payment on a designated person’s Small Purchase Charge Card (SPCC), you will choose the person in this section. If the person has a p-card, the ‘Use P-card’ option will be checked.

NOTE: This option is NOT to be used to circumvent procurement regulations and will be reviewed on a monthly basis to ensure no split orders are being processed across or within areas. Also, please do not use this option and click ‘Use P-card’ for any orders over $5,000 as they are unable to be processed on the SPCC.

The cardholder will automatically be included in the approval flow to review and approve as well as a

watcher to be able to view the order whenever if needed before the order is processed and given a purchase order number.

3.  Agency Number: Will default, please do not change

4.  Fiscal Year: will default, only need to change if you do not want to see the Banner encumbrance until the next fiscal year.

5.  PO Category: Type R01 – use for regular orders

Type X02 – use ONLY when ordering eVA excluded items/categories.

eVA excluded items are exempt from having to be entered in eVA. The department may enter the order in eVA if they so choose but MUST use the PO category "X02". For a detailed list of exemptions, refer to the transactions types on the eVA Exclusions List (xlsx).

NOTE: Purchase orders with PO category "X02” are exempt from having eVA fees charged to the vendor and to W&M/VIMS. Be sure to use “X02” correctly. These purchase orders are subject to audit.

2. Requisition Header Information cont.

6.  Procurement Transaction Type: choose the type that best fits your purchase, will need to search to determine which numbers represent what types. Ones used most often:

10 – Equipment - Non-Technology / 25 – Supplies - Technology
15 – Equipment - Technology / 45 – Printing
20 – Supplies - Non-Technology

To search the complete listing, click on the drop-down pick list to the right of the field.

7.  Header Cross Reference: Optional. Suggested uses: Quote number

8.  Confirming order; Do not Duplicate - click if this is a confirming order, eVA PO will post with the notice on PO. Confirming orders should only be used on rare occasions.

9.  Accounting Summary: Leave as is. Approvers using the mobile App for approving eVA requisitions would utilize this option

10.  My Labels: Apply label for sorting and future searching.


3. Adding Lines to the Requisition

This screen is used for catalog ordering, check out eVA Punchout Manual for more information.

Click on the gold “Create Non-Catalog item” button to the right.

The screen below will appear.

3. Adding Lines to the Requisition, Cont.

4. Entering non-catalog items.

Full Description: Enter description of item being ordered using key words first.

Commodity Code: The drop-down pick list will store recently used codes.

To search for other codes, click on “other”.

Search Results: Choose from names in retrieved results. If not exact, use closest.

CLICK “Select”.

1. TIN information

2. SWaM Status

3. Registration Type (must have PO category of R01 unless the transaction is exempt from eVA, then use X02. eVA exclusions listing may be found:

After choosing the vendor, verify that the location field populated. If not, click on the select button beside the field.

Click “Select” next to the new vendor in the “Choose Value for Supplier” window.

If supplier part number known, enter in the supplier part number field. If order is processed against a contract, choose the contract number from the drop down list or choose, ‘Item on contract but number not in list’ and manually enter contract # in the field below.

NOTE: It is always best to reference the contract number in the contract number field whenever possible. The contract number reference provides confirmation for anyone reviewing the PO – including the vendor that the order should be processed against the contract; that the terms and conditions of the contract will be the terms associated with the order; and for data analysis of contract utilization.

Supplier Auxiliary Part ID does not need to be completed. Complete Quantity, unit of measure and pricing per item and then click, ‘OK’.

Note: Clicking update total is just an option you have to check the extended pricing amount before moving to the next step in the process. It is not required to complete before hitting OK.

5. Adding Accounting Information

eVA requires accounting for every line item.

There are 2 methods for adding accounting information in eVA.

5a. Line Item Accounting

Use when accounting info is different on lines.

Info must be added to the lines individually by checking the box next to the line and clicking edit.

Click “Edit” so fields will appear.

Enter index and account.

Enter activity code (if applicable).

To search for info, click “select”.

Click “OK” to save. Repeat for each line item.

5b. Mass Edit Allocation

Use when accounting info is the same on all lines.

Check top number box then all line item boxes will be checked. Click “Edit” button.

On next screen enter index and account (and activity code, if applicable).

Click “Next”.

Review accounting info for accuracy. Click “Done”. Accounting info is now on ALL lines.

6. Shipping Information for the Entire Requisition:

Use when ALL line items will have the same shipping info.

“Ship To” and “Deliver To” will default. Edit, if needed. Enter “Need By Date” by calendar.

6a. Line Item Shipping:

Use when shipping info will be different for the line items. Check the box next to “See Line Item Shipping Details”. Then edit each line item and enter shipping information.

7. Comments for Entire Requisition

Comments may be added. You MUST check the box next to “Visible to Supplier” for the vendor to see the comment.

8. Attachments for Entire Requisition:

Click “Add Attachment”, if desired. Browse for documents and add.

NOTE: If you are including a quote for an order that is over $5,000 – please DO NOT click visible to supplier on the attachment upload – should the procurement office need to get vendor to update quote, the procurement officer will add the most recent quote and make final version visible to supplier. Procurement officer unable to remove attachments from eVA orders that someone else attached.

9. Adding Approver(s):

Click on “Approval Flow” tab. Click on “Add Approver”.

Enter approver’s name or search for approver

Indicate location for approver within approval flow. Click “OK”.

When done, click on “Summary” tab.

10. Review Summary

Review for accuracy.

Make sure you have entered the correct PO category.


11.  Approving Your Requisition

You MUST approve your own requisition when an eVA vendor does not accept an electronic order.

Find your requisition in the top section under “To Do” heading. To the far right, under “Required Action”, click on “Approve”. Click “Approve”.

Click “Home” to return to “My Home” screen.


Creating Requisition Copies

For any routine purchase orders to the same vendor, you are able to create a copy of the original requisition and update as needed to expedite the creation process.

Go to the eVA My Home page and click on “search” beneath the “My Home” tab.

Scroll down the choices and click on “requisition”.