KINE 4300

Spring, 2005

Practice Test #2

Skeletal Muscle and Anaerobic Training

Part I. Multiple Choice

1. Which type of track workout would result in the highest blood lactate levels immediately following the last repetition in the workout?

a. aerobic intervals

b. aerobic-anaerobic intervals

c. anaerobic intervals

d. long, slow distance

2. All-out bouts of sprint training (maximal) would NOT lead to:

a. an increased muscle buffering capacity

b. increased glycolytic enzymes

c. increased muscle strength

d. decreased muscle lactate and blood lactate with maximal exercise

3. Anaerobic training results in which of the following changes within the muscle?

a. an increased muscle respiratory capacity

b. increase in oxidative enzymes

c. increase in glycolytic enzymes

d. none of the above.

4. Recovery oxygen is defined as:

a. total oxygen consumed during the work session

b. net oxygen consumed during the work session

c. total oxygen consumed during recovery

d. net oxygen consumed during recovery

5. Which of the following is most significantly related to the fast component of the recovery oxygen?

a. the energy cost of elevated ventilation

b. the energy cost of elevated myocardial activity

c. the replenishment of phosphagens (ATP and PC)

d. the Q10 effect

6. Providing a source of carbohydrate during the early hours of recovery:

a. has no effect on replenishment of glycogen stores

b. enhances replenishment of glycogen stores

c. decreases replenishment of glycogen stores

d. enhances both replenishment of glycogen and protein

7. A typical value for resting oxygen consumption is:

a. 300 L/min

b. 300 ml/min

c. 0.3 ml/min

d. none of these

8. The caloric equivalent of a liter of oxygen is:

a. the ratio of CO2 produced to the O2 consumed

b. the ratio of O2 produced to the CO2 consumed

c. the amount of heat produced by the body per liter of O2 consumed

9. The arrival of successive discharges from the same presynaptic terminal within about 15 seconds of one another is called:

a. depolarization succession

b. spatial summation

c. temporal summation

d. succession rapidity

10. The resting membrane potential that exists in nerve cells and allows them to be classified as excitable tissue is due to:

a. the presence of myelin on the axon

b. the presence of negative ions

c. constant flux of fluids

d. semipermeable membrane

11. The trigger to initiate the contractile process in skeletal muscle is:

a. potassium binding to myosin

b. calcium binding to tropomyosin

c. calcium binding to troponin

d. ATP binding to the myosin crossbridges

12. Type IIb fibers:

a. contain a high concentration of anaerobic enzymes

b. are very energy efficient

c. have high specific tension

d. all of the above

e. a and c

13. Which of the following events is the first to occur chronologically:

a. the T-tubules depolarize causing calcium to be released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum

b. calcium is resequestered into the sarcoplasmic reticulum

c. tropomyosin moves exposing the actin active sites

d. the innervating alphamotorneuron has an action potential

e. the binding of acetylcholine causes a skeletal sarcolemmal to have an action potential

14. Which of the following events is the last to occur chronologically:

a. the T-tubules depolarize causing calcium to be released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum

b. calcium is resequestered into the sarcoplasmic reticulum

c. tropomyosin moves exposing the actin active sites

d. the innervating alphamotorneuron has an action potential

e. the binding of acetylcholine causes a skeletal sarcolemmal to have an action potential

15. Which of the following has been shown to cause muscle fatigue

a. the accumulation of H+

b. the accumulation of Pi

c. the accumulation of Na+

d. all of the above

e. a and b

Part II. True or False Powers Ch 7

16. Neurons are negatively charged on the inside of the cell. T

17. The action potential is achieved by the exit of chloride from the neuron. F

18. An excitatory neurotransmitter results in an increased neuronal permeability to sodium and results in EPSPs. T

19. Neurotransmitters that cause depolarization of membranes are called inhibitory transmitters. F

20. Sympathetic neurons are motor neurons and parasympathetic neurons are sensory neurons. T

21. Axons may be myelinated or unmyelinated. T

22. An action potential occurs when all of the neuron's sodium gates open. F

23. Resistance training leads to relatively greater increases in heart mass, wall thicknesses, and chamber dimensions than cardiorespiratory endurance training.

24. All-out bouts of sprint training (maximal) would lead to increased glycolytic enzymes. T

25. Improvements in anaerobic capacity with training are dependent on the number of calories expended during training. F

26. Reloading the myosin crossbridge with ATP causes an even stronger actin-myosin bond. F