Legalism Part 3

Situational Ethics


A)Using the American Heritage Dictionary Def. for Legalism: “Strict, literal adherence to the law”.

B)We have seen:

1)The Bible commends this behavior.

2)There is no such thing as following God’s commands too zealously.

3)The Bible is united in truth and spirit.

4)When God says something, his words and intent are the same.

5)Pharisees are equated with legalists yet:

(a)They did not guide all their actions by scripture.

(b)They followed traditions of men.

(c)Their hearts were far from God.

  • Thus, equating Pharisees and Legalists is a false equation.

6)Salvation by works has been said to be a teaching of Legalism and the Church of Christ.

(a)I have never seen such a thing and taught the opposite.

(b)The Bible does not teach salvation by works so this cannot be a teaching of Legalism.

II)Situational Ethics: Ethical standards or moral standards variable based upon the situation.

A)Wayne Jackson briefly points out three viewpoints:

1)Nihilism – Believe that each person is a law unto himself and all behavior is ok. No wrong.

2)Relativism or situational ethics – Decision on what is right or wrong done by man in each scenario.

3)Absolutism – There is a right and wrong and the Bible is the decision maker.

B)Legalism for Christian according to definition is the “strict, literal adherence to the law [of Christ”].

1)This is absolutism by definition.

(a)Thus absolutism and Legalism have unity.

C)Since, Religious Anti-legalists oppose legalism:

1)They either do not know the definition of Legalism or

2)They must believe the Bible teaches situational ethics.

D)Religious Person who believes in Situational Ethicsbelieveslove of Christ must trump the law of Christ.

1)The fact that they are one in the same is overlooked.

(a)1Jn 4:8- He that loveth not, knoweth not God; for God is love. – We Must Love

(b)John 14:15 – If you love me you will keep my commandments.

(c)1 John 2:5 - Whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know thatwe are in Him”

(d)1 John 5:3 - “For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments”

2)The very essence of the law of Christ is God who is love.

(a)When we stray from the law we stray from love.

E)Most people want to be their own boss, make their own rules.

1)This causes them to think God wants them to be boss too. “He wants me happy!”

(a)“everyone does what is right in his own eyes” (Judges 21:25)

2)His Grace will cover my actions!

(a)What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace might increase? May it never be! How shall we who died to sin still live in it? Rom. 6:1-2

3)When we try to be the boss, we become the Prodigal son (Lk. 15)

F)Religious Christian Situational Ethicists views sin as harmful intentions or motives.

1)Consider the following:

(a)Cain and his offering

(b)Lot’s wife (Genesis 19: 26)

(c)Nadab and Abihu (Leviticus 10:1-3)

(d)Saul making offering (1 Samuel 13:9)

(e)Uzzah (2 Samuel 6:6)

2)Why weren’t these folks covered by the grace of God?

(a)Their intentions were not meant to be harmful.

(b)Situational Ethics does not mesh with Biblical Results.

III)Let’s Examine Passages of Scripture said to Support Situational Ethics:

A)Example 1- Adulterous Woman -John 8:1-11

1)Assertion: Christ put the law aside for mercy in this situation.

(a)Note: Purpose is to test Christ.

  • First, If Jesus agrees with death on the spot, he would have broken Roman Law.
  • Second, if he pardons he breaks Law of Moses.

2)“Let him who is without sin cast the first stone”

(a)Christ isn’t telling them, “give the girl a break, we all make mistakes”.

  • He is telling them, if you have followed the law in this, get it done.

(b)Law required witnesses cast first stone: Duet. 17:7

(c)Law required witnesses: Duet 19:15

(d)Law required death of woman and man: Duet. 22:22

3)They all leave, they know they cannot do this legally.

(a)Christ asks where the accusers are to establish a legal point.

  • According to the law, He cannot condemn if they didn’t.

He wasn’t doing this from the kindness of His heart.

(b)As he bids her leave, he commands her to sin no more, because He knows.

4)In no manner was this an example of Christ putting the law of God aside based on a scenario.

B)Example 2– The Disciples Picking Heads of Grain from the Field –Mat. 12:1-8

1)Assertion – Jesus Approved of Violations of the Law for the Needy

2)Vs. 1-2 - Accusation: The disciples were doing something against the law. What?

(a)Deu. 5:13-14

(b)However, they weren’t working. They were simply eating and following the law – Duet. 23:25

3)Vs. 3-4 - Christ’s First Response from - I Sam. 21

(a)He first chooses one who is revered by them, one whom they will not condemn.

  • In this he shows their hypocrisy.
  • How can they accuse when they are hypocritical on the issue.

4)Vs. 5-6 - Christ’s Second Response:

(a)Examines the fact Priests work on the Sabbath and are approved by law – Thus not law breakers.

(b)In this same way, the disciples actions were approved of by law.

(c)Above all, there was something greater than the actions of the priests serving in the temple.

(d)Servants serving Christ.

5)Vs. 7 – Christ quotes -Hosea 6:6

(a)Hosea was condemning Israel for their neglect of following the law in spirit and truth.

  • Jesus draws a direct parallel to the Pharisees for doing the same, by accusing the innocent.
  • They were choosing based on the situation whether or not they would pay attention to law.

(b)Jesus was not approving in any scenario of breaking the law.

6)Vs. 8- Christ tops it all off by not saying “Because I am Lord of the Sabbath I can do what I want”.

(a)Rather He is saying, as the one who created the law, I know how to accurately follow it.

7)Again, Christ in no way puts aside the Words of God in this scenario.

C)Example 3 – Rahab the Harlot –Joshua 2:1-7

1)She housed Israelite Spies entering the land of Canaan and lied to keep them safe.

2)The Bible speaks well of her in Heb. 11:31 and James 2:25.

3)Assertion: The Bible Approves of her Lying in this situation.

(a)Was Rahab praised for being a harlot?

(b)Was she praised for lying?

(c)She was praised for her faithful protection.

IV) Conclusion

A)One more Lesson on Legalism.

1)We will examine the relationship between The Relationship between Grace, Freedom, and Bondage.

B)Closing for the Legalist: Psalm 119: 129-136