Vigo Parish Council ~ Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 20th February 2017




Present: / Cllr Pat Banks (in the Chair); Cllr Sue Connor; Cllr Mike Germain;
Cllr Colin Talboys; Cllr Alan White; Cllr Andy Woolway;
Mrs Joanne Glass (Clerk)
In Attendance: / Cllr Bryan Sweetland (KCC); Cllr Lesley Boycott (GBC);
Cllr Derek Shelbrooke (GBC); Ms Mandy Cason (KCC Community Warden); Mr Paul Agley (Highview Services)
1] / Apologies for Absence
Cllr Roland Graves (VPC); Cllr John Goodban (VPC); Cllr Jim Haslem (VPC).
2] / Declarations of Interest
3] / Neighbourhood Plan Report
Cllr Banks and Cllr Haslem had met with GBC on 24th January 2017.
Cllr Haslem (on behalf of the Project Board) had sent a report to all Councillors to explain the next steps available. A copy of the report is filed with these minutes.
The Independent Examination had concluded that the NHP did not meet the Basic Conditions. The Examiner had recommended that the Plan should not proceed to a Referendum, or be made.
The options available were summarised as follows:
  • Withdraw the NHP and go no further
  • Withdraw the NHP and convert to a Parish Plan
  • Withdraw the NHP and after some further work on issues raised, resubmit (after consultation) later
  • Ask Gravesham formally that the Plan be taken forward to referendum (a Member decision). This would be subject to a 6 week period for comment and would need to be reaffirmed before the formal process of arranging a referendum).
There was some lengthy discussion regarding this.
Cllr Talboys proposed that the Parish Council did not proceed with the Neighbourhood Plan at this time. The Plan would be kept and possiblyresurrected in the future. This was seconded by Cllr White and agreed by all Council Members present.
The Parish Council would like to formally record their thanks to Cllr Haslem for his tireless work in getting the NHP to this point.
The Clerk would liaise with Cllr Haslem regarding a response for GBC. It was also suggested that a leaflet be delivered with the Journal, to update all residents.
[Action: Clerk]
RURAL HOUSING NEEDS SURVEY: The 2017 Survey would be the same as the 2012 Survey, but with the additional question “Are you an older person household wanting to downsize / move to more suitable housing?” The survey would go out in April / May.
4] / Questions from the Press and Public
5] / Reports from Gravesham Borough & Kent County Councillors for the Parish Area
ELECTRONIC PLANNING APPLICATIONS: This matter was being dealt with via the KALC Local Group. See Agenda Item 20.
Cllr Boycott reported that she had attended the Youth Meeting, and as a result had contacted Cllr Meade regarding funding for the hire of the hall for the youth cub. However, the funding criteria did not allow for revenue costs. However, Cllr Meade may be able to help with the purchase of recreational items.
Cllr Boycott also contacted Cllr Sweetland who had expressed an interest in helping but required further information. Cllr Boycott was under the impression that Henry Wiggins (Youth Leader) was in contact with Cllr Sweetland, so Cllr Boycott had left the matter to them.
WASTE SERVICE: Cllr Boycott reported the following:
The new service for all households (excluding flats) would:
  • Continue to have food waste collected weekly
  • Continue with the same day of the week collection
  • Move to FORTNIGHTLY collection for general waste and recycling, where the general waste will be picked up one week, and recycling the next week.
Homes will receive a 180-litre wheeled bin for their general waste, these are smaller than the recycling ones which are 240 litres.
If households do not have a recycling bin, they will not receive a black wheeled bin and will remain on sack collection.
Residents can request to move from sacks to wheeled bins for recycling and general waste if they wish, by contacting GBC.
Bins will be rolled out week commencing 5th June 2017. There will be a staggered roll out through June with all households receiving bins by 30th June 2017. Once received the bins can be used immediately.
Households will receive new bin collection calendars to ensure correct collections. Bins must not be overfilled, tops must be shut completely, no general waste is to be left beside the bin – it will not be collected. For larger families, a second bin can be requested.
Cllr Shelbrooke reported that there would be a Full Borough Council Meeting on 21st February, at which a vote would be made on the proposed budget for 2017/18. A proposed 2.69% increase would mean an additional £4.95 per band D property. There was a proviso regarding the Local Government Settlement as the figures had not been received yet.
Further significant savings needed to be made still, with £1.1 million to be found over the next 3 years. As a result Council Tax would be increasing, but services would still be reduced to make savings.
Cllr Sweetland reported that he may well be able to fund £1000 this year for the youth service in Vigo. This could be revenue or capital. There was some discussion on where this may be best spent – Cllr Sweetland was under the impression that the youth leader wished to use the money to fund hall rental, however the Clerk thought that the youth club did not need to be in the hall every week all year, as they were often outside in the good weather. The Clerk would liaise with Mr Wiggins (youth worker) regarding this and email Cllr Sweetland and Cllr Boycott. This needed to be done within the next 10 days.
Any grant applications would need to be made via Craig Kendall at KCC (who had taken over from Abi Jessop).
[Action: Clerk]
Cllr Sweetland reported that he was pleased with the Waterlow Road surface works that had been carried out. There had been an issue with ruts and litter (see Agenda Item 13). Cllr Sweetland asked to be copied in on any emails that the Clerk sent regarding this.
Cllr Sweetland discussed the Kent Media Hub – which was the best way to get all KCC news stories and consultations.
Cllr Sweetland reported that the Kent Police and Crime Commissioner would be holding a meeting at Chalk Village Hall on Wednesday 22nd February at 7.30pm. It would be a public meeting with all welcome.
6] / Reports from Community Wardens
` / 702/578/440/306/170/134: CHARLTON ATHLETIC FOOTBALL TRAINING: Ms Cason would like to try and engage Charlton Athletic Football Club in some youth training in Vigo again, as she felt it had been well received and attended in the past. The Clerk would make contact.
[Action: Clerk]
704/581: LEGO CLUB: The Clerk was to research the cost for some more Lego boards for the group, so that a Grant in Aid could be applied for.
[Action: Clerk]
705/579/441/307: ANTI SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR.
The Clerk had not yet written to the flat owners encouraging them to phone 101 to report any antisocial behaviour, but would do so as soon as possible.
[Action: Clerk]
COMMUNITY TRIGGER: There had been some recent incidents of anti-social behaviour as follows:
  • Antisocial behaviour in The Bay Monday 13th January. Clerk reported to 101 and has a crime reference number (13/0820). (see agenda item 26)
  • Youths riding dangerously in the middle of the road on bikes with no lights, doing wheelies etc. Community Wardens reported to 101, reference number 16/0856.
  • Cold callers using foul and abusive language when a resident did not want to purchase items from them. Cllr Shelbrooke reported to 101 and has a crime reference number.
  • Damage to community land and fence at the junction of Erskine Road and Harvel Road. Highview Services reported to 101, Mr Agley has a crime reference number.
Cllr Shelbrooke and Mr Agley would provide the Clerk with the crime reference numbers. As there was now more than the minimum three separate incidents required, it was agreed to activate the Community Trigger. All agreed, the Clerk would action this.
706: GRAFFITI ON SIDE OF SHOPS IN THE BAY. No further update.
[Action: Clerk]
Ms Cason reported that the bus stop timetable (The Bay) had been ripped off the column. Ms Cason had made a number of phone calls but had not been able to establish who was responsible for reinstating the timetable. The timetable was currently being looked after in the local Londis shop. Mr Agley kindly agreed to put the timetable back up.
[Action: Mr Agley]
There had been incidents recently of horses being ridden through Vigo, on Community land. It was agreed that although this was not permitted, there was little that could be done unless the rider was identified.
Ms Cason was involved in the “Help Keep Kent Clean” campaign, and would be attending an event at Trosley Country Park on 4th March 10 – 12 noon.
7] / To approve the minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 18th January 2017
Minor typographical errors were noted and corrected. The minutes were read and agreed, then signed by Cllr Banks having been accepted as an accurate record of the meeting.
8] / Matters Arising from the Full Council Meeting (not covered under Agenda Items)
[Action: Clerk]
COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE: No further update. Cllr Banks would look into this with the Clerk.
[Action: ongoing]
9] / Services (Trees / Grass / Grounds Maintenance)

a) Tree Policy

SURVEY OF TREES LESS THAN 15 METRES FROM PROPERTIES IN VIGO. As Cllr White had not carried out this survey, Cllr Banks offered to do it. Cllr White would provide the map to Cllr Banks as soon as possible.
[Action: Cllr White]
CHESTNUT LANE: No further update. The Clerk had filed this as pending until the matter had concluded.
716/588/449/316/180/55: CAMERA TO RECORD TREES AND TREE WORK: Cllr Banks had not yet purchased the camera but would do so before the next meeting.
[Action: Cllr Banks]
a) DEAD SWEET CHESTNUT TREE: This tree had now been pollarded.
b) ASH TREES (near Ash Keys): Professional advice was not to carry out work to these trees until there was 50% dieback.
c) Cllr Talboys would write an article for the journal regarding Chalara.
c) REPLANTING. See Agenda Item 25.
[Action: Cllr Talboys]
HIGHVIEW: Large Ash Trees to the rear. The work had now been carried out on these trees.
CHURCHSIDE: The Clerk had been told that the Cherry Tree debris was still at this location, the Clerk would write to ask the resident to remove it.
[Action: Clerk]
CHURCHSIDE: SWEET CHESTNUT LEANING INTO MATURE OAK. Mr Agley had now found at least a day’s work that could be done with a Cherry Picker. Cherish Tree Services would organise the Cherry Picker. This work would now all be added to the list of ongoing tree work to be done.
SILVER BIRCH TREES / LAURELS / BRAMBLES TO THE REAR OF 134 - 146 Timberbank (on Parish Land). Mr Agley had not yet inspected this area but would do so as soon as possible and report back to the Clerk.
[Action: Mr Agley]
Cllr Boycott had received a message from the resident who lived at 1 Ash Keys. She asked if there was a date for the felling of the dead trees on the land next to her property.
It was noted that the trees in question were a small group of Ash trees which were suffering from Chalara (Ash Die Back) – these trees were not in fact dead (yet). The professional advice received had instructed the Parish contractor to wait until there was 50% die back in the trees before felling them. The Parish stressed that the top priority was always safety, and as such the trees would be closely monitored to review the progression of the disease. The Clerk was to write and update the resident.
[Action: Clerk]
ASH TREES THE COPPICE: The resident had spoken to the Clerk regarding these Ash Trees, which she felt needed reducing / coppicing. Cllr Talboys noted that the trees had been reduced some years ago. One tree had a lean to it, but was safe. Mr Agley was not sure that there was any justification to coppice the trees, but agreed that there may be some minor work to be carried out. Cllr Talboys (as Tree Warden) agreed to go and inspect the trees.
[Action: Cllr Talboys]
THE GALLOPS: The planned work to these trees had been delayed due to poor weather, resulting in the trees being too slippery to climb. The work had been rescheduled for week commencing 27th February. The Clerk had kept the resident informed.
[Action: Clerk]
HARVEL ROAD: Mr Agley noted there were lots of trees in need of attention on Harvel Road. This area had not been worked on for a very long time. There were some trees that had fallen, and others which were growing out toward the road. A major work programme would need to be agreed. Mr Agley would cost the amount of work, and research the most cost efficient way of closing the road while the work was being carried out. The Parish would then budget the money (if possible) for the 2018/19 financial year (the budget for 2017/18 had already been set).
[Action: Mr Agley]
DELIVERY OF NEW TREES: Cllr Germain informed the meeting that (approx. 20, numbers to be confirmed) trees would be delivered to Vigo on 1st March. Mr Agley thought that he could find locations for this amount of trees. Although Council Members were happy to leave this decision to Mr Agley, it was agreed that a list would be sent to all Councillors to agree. Mr Agley would provide a list to the Clerk. Cllr Connor was happy for the trees to be heeled in at her allotment if places could not be found to plant them straight away.
[Action: Mr Agley]
b) Grounds Maintenance
ADMERS WOOD LAYBY RUTS: The Clerk was to liaise with Mr Agley regarding a commencement date for these works.
[Action: Clerk]
VANDALISED LITTER BIN IN THE CAR PARK NEAR THE SCHOOL. The Clerk had spoken to Wendy Wallis (GBC) regarding this, she had not been aware of the issue, but would put an order through to have the bin repaired / replaced as necessary.
[Action: ongoing]
CLEANING UNDER RECYCLING BINS: The Clerk had spoken to Wendy Wallis (GBC) who agreed to give Mr Agley’s number to Berrymans so they could contact him next time they were on site.
[Action: Clerk]
LITTER LEFT BY PARENTS AT SCHOOL DROP OFF TIME. This was still a problem on and off. It was agreed to monitor the situation and write to the school if felt necessary in the future. The Clerk would file this as pending.
212 – 224 HIGHVIEW: There was quite a lot of rubbish to the rear of these properties, including an old fence. The Clerk was to write to the property owners with regard to this.
[Action: Clerk]
c) Grass Cutting
10] / Requests From and Matters Regarding Residents.
HIGHVIEW GARAGE BLOCK: No further update.
[Action: ongoing]
SKIPS IN VIGO: No further update.
[Action: Clerk]
TIMBERBANK: Rubbish to the rear. No further update.
[Action: ongoing]
HISTORICAL FLY TIPPING HARVEL ROAD: The Clerk had written to Cllr Garside (GBC) regarding this matter. Cllr Garside had contacted Stuart Alford (GBC) who had in turn contacted the Clerk. Mr Alford suggested meeting with the Parish Council to discuss the matter, and so that the sites of concern could be pointed out to him. Cllr Garside also wished to attend the meeting.
Cllr Banks was happy to meet Mr Alford and Cllr Garside. Cllr Banks would email the Clerk with her availability so that a meeting could be arranged.
It was noted that there was a general litter problem in Harvel Road, and it was therefore suggested that this was mentioned at the meeting, with a view to GBC or KHS carrying out a litter pick along the whole road, as well as targeting the specific areas which had been fly tipped. It was noted that it is difficult to litter pick this road unless there is some sort of traffic management in place.
The Clerk was to arrange a meeting.
[Action: Cllr Banks / Clerk]
SOFA CUSHIONS DUMPED AT THE REAR OF THE WATER TOWER. Cllr Banks had visited this site and reported that she was not able to see the cushions so concluded they had been removed.
[Action: ongoing]
BEECH MAST: The Clerk believed this matter had been dealt with and had emailed the resident accordingly. No further response had been received.
DOG MESS: The Clerk had got a quote to have the dog mess leaflets copied professionally rather than on the VPC copier. The quote was £49 for 1000 x A5 leaflets. All Councillors were happy with the cost, however, there was some discussions regarding the merits of delivering such leaflets. Council Members felt that the leaflet may annoy residents who already clear up after their dog, or perhaps don’t own a dog. It was agreed to leave this matter for now. The Clerk was to update Ms Cason.