SITS Data Structures

Summary description: This document provides guidance on how SITS structures its data on courses, programmes, routes, students and modules.

Scope: All staff

With effect from: March 2013

Other related policies/documents:

Contact for further information: Deputy Registrar, Student Administration

SITS Components

SITS is made up of four major components:

Marketing and Admissions System / Contains subsystems covering enquiries and undergraduate and postgraduate admissions
Student Records
System / Contains details such as names, addresses, personal and demographic data of all students
Credit Accumulation Management System / Facilitates the management of courses and modules, and students’ progress through them
System / Supports the facilities responsible for overall management of the SITS software

It is important to understand that, although MAS, SRS and CAMS are closely linked in day-to-day work, they are potentially separate components. It is possible to purchase each individually, although at YSJ we have implemented all three.

Because they are separate components they have their own coding systems. This is why there is a MAS course code and an SRS course code and CAMS programme and route codes.

Course Hierarchy

ê / MAS
ê / CAMS
MCR Admissions Course
BA (Hons) Business Management: Finance
CRS Course / PRG Programme
BA (Hons) Business Management FT / BABMS =
BA Hons Business Management
A course may have several blocks / CBK Course Block / ROU Route / A programme may have several routes
1 =
Business Management: Finance
A course block may have several occurrences / CBO Course Block Occurrence / PDM Prescribed Module Diet / A route may have several module diets, one per level of study
September intake / 12BMFISFT1SEP =
diet for Level 1 of BMFISFT
MOD Module / A module diet may have several modules
1BM090 =
Organisations, Compet-ition and Environment
MAV Module Availability / A module may have several availabilities. It may also have several occurrences
Eg 1BM090 2012/3 Semester 1

Where a person has to send in an application form to apply for a course then at least one MCR admissions record must be set up.

Each admissions course must indicate which SRS course code it is linked to (for the correct generation of fees). It must also indicate the valid admissions routes, eg the programme and route the student is going to transfer to when they become a student.

An admissions course can have more than one valid route. Where this occurs the first valid route is the default when a student applies and it must be changed on the students record if this is not appropriate.

Course Blocks

Each CRS record will have a number of Course Block records, one for each year of the course. If the course has three years then the CRS will have three CBK records.

Each Course Block will have multiple CBO records, one for each instance that is running in the academic year.

Block 1
Year 2009/10 / / Block 2
Year 2009/10 / Block 3
Year 2009/10
Block 1
Year 2010/11 / / Block 2
Year 2010/11 / Block 3
Year 2010/11
Block 1
Year 2011/12 / Block 2
Year 2011/12 / Block 3
Year 2011/12
Block 1
Year 2012/3 / Block 2
Year 2012/3 / Block 3
Year 2012/3

Students who commenced study on Block 1 in 2009/10

Students who commenced study on Block 1 in 2010/11

Students on Courses and Modules

ê / CAMS
STU Student
A student may join one or more courses / SCJ Student Course Join / SPR Student Programme Route / A student may join one or more programme/routes
032361563/1 / 032361563/1
A student may have several enrolments, one per year / SCE Student Course Enrolment / SMS Student Module Selection / Student makes module selections
032361563/1 Block 1 in 2012/3 / 3DT020, 3DT060 etc
SMO Student Module Taking / Module selections are scheduled into module taking records
3DT020, 3DT060 etc
SMR Student Module Result / Student is assessed and obtains results
3DT020, 3DT060 etc



Status is held in several tables and may legitimately vary between them:

·  STU status defines that the record refers to (say) a current student, a current applicant etc

·  SCJ status defines the initial state of the student’s enrolment on a particular course

·  SPR status defines the current state of the student’s study

·  SCE status defines their status for a given academic year

Course Block

·  SCJ course block is that recorded at the point the student joins the course and will not change

·  SPR course block will change in line with that of the latest SCE record

SITS Data Structures

Registry: Student Administration, March 2013 5