Northside Elementary
Site Base Council Meeting
August 9, 2017
3:45 p.m.
The Northside Site Base Council held a meeting in the Northside Library with the following members present:
(1) Julie Dailey (2) Barbara Gibbs (3) Christy Kinney (4) Lauren Denniston (5) Stevi Grose.
1. Call to Order: Mrs. Hill called the meeting to order at 3:45p.m.
2. Approval of Agenda: Mrs. Hill presented the council with the agenda. Consideration to grant approval of the agenda passed with a motion by Kinney and a second by Grose. Roll call was taken Dailey-yes; Gibbs-yes; Kinney-yes; Denniston-yes; Grose-yes. Motion passed with consensus.
3. Approval of the Minutes: Mrs. Hill presented the council with the minutes of the July meeting. Consideration to grant approval of the minutes passed with a motion by Gibbs and a second by Kinney. Roll call was taken Dailey-yes; Gibbs-yes; Kinney-yes; Denniston-yes; Grose-yes. Motion passed with consensus.
4. Informational – Financial Report: Mrs. Hill presented the council with the July Financial report.
5. Informational – Important Dates: Mrs. Hill presented the council with a handout of important Dates. (See Handout)
6. Informational – Site Base Members: Mrs. Hill presented the council with a handout of all Site Base Meeting dates for 17/18 school year.
7. Approval of Staff Dress Code-First Reading: Mrs. Hill presented the council with changes to the staff dress code. Changes to the dress code were jeans only on Fridays and T-Shirts had to be a Northside, Harrison County or educational T shirt. Consideration to grant approval of the first reading of the Staff Dress Code passed with a motion by Dailey and a second by Grose. Roll call was taken Dailey-yes; Gibbs-yes; Kinney-yes; Denniston-yes; Grose-yes. Motion passed with consensus.
8. Approval-Site Base Articles: Mrs. Hill presented the council with the annual review of the Site Base Articles. Consideration to grant approval of Articles passed with a motion by Kinney and second by Gibbs. Roll call was taken Dailey-yes; Gibbs-yes; Kinney-yes; Denniston-yes; Grose-yes. Motion passed with consensus.
9. Approval-Site Base Policies- First Reading: Mrs. Hill presented the council with the Annual Review of Site Base Policies. The following changes were made to Policy 17: Remove Blog and add Google Site and School Web Page. Consideration to grant approval of the Site Base Policies passed with a motion by Denniston and a second by Dailey. Roll call was taken Dailey-yes; Gibbs-yes; Kinney-yes; Denniston-yes; Grose-yes. Motion passed with consensus.
10. Consultation and Hiring: Nothing to discuss.
11. Miscellaneous:
Approval of Site Base Budget: Mrs. Hill presented to the council the 17/18 Site Base Budget. Consideration to grant approval of the Site Base Budget passed with a motion by Dailey and a second by Gibbs. Roll call was taken Dailey-yes; Gibbs-yes; Kinney-yes; Denniston-yes; Grose-yes. Motion passed with consensus.
Informational-Solar Eclipse Day: Mrs. Hill reported to the council that there would be no school on Monday August 21st due to the liability of students viewing the solar eclipse. It will be a staff work day that was normally schedule for May 18th.
12. Adjournment: With no further business to discuss consideration to adjourn passed with a motion by Kinney and a second by Dailey. Roll call was taken Dailey-yes; Gibbs-yes; Kinney-yes; Denniston-yes; Grose-yes. Motion passed with consensus.
The next monthly meeting will be on September 13, 2017 at 3:45p.m. in the Library